首页 理论教育 国际政治专题传译练习


时间:2023-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:(三)国际政治专题传译练习1.请完整听一遍短文An Address at Foreign Affairs UniversityLadies and gentlemen,The ties that bind our international order are stretched to breaking point by three li



An Address at Foreign Affairs University

Ladies and gentlemen,

The ties that bind our international order are stretched to breaking point by three linked challenges—food and fuel prices;climate change;and the quest to reach the Millennium Development Goals by the deadline of 2015.

Spiraling fuel costs threaten global growth and therefore our continued ability to lift the world's poor out of poverty.Each day,spiraling energy prices further accentuate divisions between the world's“haves”and“have-nots”.Similarly,climate change hurts us all,but it endangers the world's poor and vulnerable regions the most.The very peoplewho have contributed the least to this problem are being shouldered with the greatest burden.

The rising cost of food represents an even more immediate danger.Food scarcity has already resulted in worldwide riots.Unaddressed,it imperils civic order,community harmony and the most basic social contract between State and citizen.At the same time,rising malnutrition also exacerbates growing disparities in global healthcare systems which divide not only the rich from the poor,but also the healthy from the chronically sick.

In another age,it is possible that some of these trends—however deplorable—could have been contained.But our global age is different—it does not permit such separation.At a time of international travel and global pandemics,of integrated commodities markets and worldwide refugee flows,what happens in one part of the world affects all parts of the world.

China is no exception.You have all seen how climate change can lead to extreme and unpredictable weather events.Last year,you battled unprecedented rains and floods that washed away homes and took hundreds of lives.This year,floodwaters again threaten millions of people even as the nation mourns earthquake devastation in Sichuan.Earlier this year,an exceptional freeze paralyzed road and rail traffic just as millions of Chinese were trying to get home for the Lunar New Year celebrations.

The climate events reflect humanity's interconnectedness.They are also a warning.Because today's triple threat of energy,climate and food challenges affects us all.It represents the proverbial loose thread that could unravel our entire international order.

Every country stands to lose from such an unravelling.But leading nations,like China,that have most at stake in the international system stand to lose the most.A global economic slowdown would affect this country's manufacturing base.Continued climate change could deprive millions more of their homes.The global food crisis could result in grain shortages and social unrest.And the confluence of all three of these trends could destabilize the very international order that has facilitated China's progress.

And yet,I strongly believe that we are not fated to watch our world fall into permanent crises.We can renew the ties that bind our international order.We can do so by asserting our common interests,our common ideals and—above all—our common humanity.



img36 The ties that bind our international order are stretched to breaking point by three linked challenges—food and fuel prices;climate change;and the quest to reach the Millennium Development Goals by the deadline of 2015.

img37 Spiraling fuel costs threaten global growth and therefore our continued ability to lift the world's poor out of poverty.Each day,spiraling energy prices further accentuate divisions between the world's“haves”and“have-nots”.

img38 But our global age is different—it does not permit such separation.At a time of international travel and global pandemics,of integrated commodities markets and worldwide refugee flows,what happens in one part of the world affects all parts of the world.

img39 A global economic slowdown would affect this country's manufacturing base.Continued climate change could deprive millions more of their homes.The global food crisis could result in grain shortages and social unrest.And the confluence of all three of these trends could destabilize the very international order that has facilitated China's progress.

img40 And yet,I strongly believe that we are not fated to watch our world fall into permanent crises.We can renew the ties that bind our international order.We can do so by asserting our common interests,our common ideals and—above all—our common humanity.


img41 熟悉文本类型和相关句子结构,加强对源语文本的理解。本文属演讲文本类型,其对象明确(为外交学院的各位师生),主旨突出(呼吁大家共同努力、迎接挑战、更新维系国际秩序的纽带),思路清晰,逻辑严谨(文本开始——提出维系国际秩序的纽带受到三种危机的挑战,文本发展——详细说明三种危机:能源、粮食及气候变化对国家带来的影响,文本结尾——呼吁大家共同努力应对危机、更新维系国际秩序的纽带),语言流畅,句式工整,善用修辞(如排比、重复、递进等)。

img42 掌握相关的知识与术语表达,如food and fuel prices(粮价和燃料价格),climate change(气候变化),Millennium Development Goals(千年发展目标),lift the world's poor out of poverty(协助世界上的穷人脱贫),spiraling(螺旋式上升),energy prices(能源价格),global pandemics(全球流行病肆虐),integrated commodities markets(商品市场一体化),manufacturing base(制造业基础),global food crisis(全球粮食危机),social unrest(社会动荡不安)等。

img43 传译时,语音应清晰,语调应自然,表达应流畅,应学会控制声音质量,不要过尖、过高或过于低沉。












