An Address at the Global Chinese Conference
Ladies and gentlemen,
The ancient biblical writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that:“For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.A time to keep silent and a time to speak.”It is clear to me,and to many leaders in the United States—whether they be ineducation,government,or business—that this is the season and the time to speak Chinese.
As president of the College Board—the largest non-governmental organization in the United States for improving high school education,and preparing students for colleges and universities—I am pleased to report our commitment to play a leading role in encouraging the study of Chinese language and culture in the schools,colleges,and universities of the United States.
The College Board is a one hundred year-old nonprofit membership organization.We have members from 5,000 colleges,universities,and schools.We provide the country's major college entrance examination,called the SAT.Last year,more than 3 million tests were taken by high school students across the United States and the world.The College Board also offers college-level courses to students while they are still in high school.These are called“Advanced Placement”classes,or AP.They are high-quality courses,developed with the input of professors from our finest colleges and universities.
We made the decision to develop the AP Chinese Program back in 2004.This is the first-ever national course in Chinese language and culture in the United States.Our surveys of high schools show that there is already great interest among American students in learning Chinese.
We share with everyone here at the World Conference today,the enthusiasm about this great opportunity to bring Chinese language and culture to our classrooms.
We have great opportunities and great challenges ahead of us,but we have made a good start.As we have learned from the Chinese:“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
China's decision to make English the second language of its schools,and the College Board's decision to create a new Advanced Placement Programcourse in Chinese Language and Culture,will encourage deeper understanding and respect between the next generations of Chinese and Americans—while building a greater partnership between our two great nations.
As I said at the beginning of my speech today:“For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.A time to keep silent and a time to speak.A time for war and a time for peace.”We must choose peace,and the learning of each other's languages and cultures is an important step.
As Confucius said,“If I am walking with two other men,each of them will serve as my teacher.I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them,and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself.”
The young people of the United States and of China,and all other nations,need to learn about,know,and understand each other—because they will be creating and sharing the same future.
I know each of us here in this great hall,at the World Chinese Conference,stand ready to build bridges and be partners in this great task of teaching and learning Chinese as a foreign language.
Thank you.
The ancient biblical writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that:“For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.A time to keep silent and a time to speak.”It is clear to me,and to many leaders in the United States—whether they be in education,government,or business—that this is the season and the time to speak Chinese.
As president of the College Board—the largest non-governmental organization in the United States for improving high school education,and preparing students for colleges and universities—I am pleased to report our commitment to play a leading role in encouraging the study of Chinese language and culture in the schools,colleges,and universities of the United States.
The College Board also offers college-level courses to students while they are still in high school.These are called“Advanced Placement”classes,or AP.They are high-quality courses,developed with the input of professors from our finest colleges and universities.
China's decision to make English the second language of its schools,and the College Board's decision to create a new Advanced Placement Program course in Chinese Language and Culture,will encourage deeper understanding and respect between the next generations of Chinese and Americans—while building a greater partnership between our two great nations.
As Confucius said,“If I am walking with two other men,each of them will serve as my teacher.I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them,and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself.”
熟悉文本类型和相关句子结构,加强对源语文本的理解。本篇发言为大会致辞,属演讲文本类型。其主旨突出(呼吁大家加入到推广汉语的事业中来),思路清晰,节奏明快(文本开始——提出现在是说汉语的时候,文本发展——介绍大学理事会的相关背景及其在推广汉语方面的努力,文本结尾——呼吁大家加入到推广汉语的这一事业中来),语言简洁优美,句子结构较为简单,但引用较多(《旧约全书》中的《传道书》上讲道:“For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.A time to keep silent and a time to speak.”以及中国的谚语“千里之行,始于足下”和孔夫子的“三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之”等)。
掌握与世界汉语大会相关的知识与教育方面的术语表达,如Ecclesiastes(《传道书》),the College Board(美国大学理事会),non-governmental organization(非政府组织),high school education(中学教育),college-level courses(大学水平的课程学习),“Advanced Placement”classes(“大学先修”课程)等。
大学理事会是一个非盈利组织,有百年历史。我们的成员遍布5 000多所大学、学院及学校。我们组织美国主要大学的入学考试,称之为SAT。去年美国及全世界各地高中生参加的考试有300多万场。大学理事会同时也为在校高中生提供大学水平的课程学习。这些课程被称为“大学先修”课程,或AP。这些都是高级课程,由各精英大学的教授们设计。