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时间:2023-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈






凉山是我国30个少数民族自治州之一,也是我国最大的彝族聚居区,有彝族、汉族、藏族、蒙古族、傈僳族、回族、纳西族、苗族等14个世居民族。2008年年底,凉山州总人口达4 104 827人。其中,彝族人口占总人口的31.70%。



城乡居民生活蒸蒸日上。2008年,全州城镇居民人均可支配收入达到10 200元,是1978年的42倍,年均增长13.8%;农民人均纯收入达到3 224元,是1978年的27倍,年均增长12.0%。全州社会保险覆盖面不断扩大,全面建立了城乡最低生活保障制度。农村未解决温饱问题的贫困人口从1978年的30万人减少到2008年的8万人,边境地区、革命老区、贫困地区生产生活条件明显改善。





img141 凉山是我国30个少数民族自治州之一,也是我国最大的彝族聚居区,有彝族、汉族、藏族、蒙古族、傈僳族、回族、纳西族、苗族等14个世居民族。2008年年底,凉山州总人口达4 104 827人。其中,彝族人口占总人口的31.70%。

img142 2008年全州生产总值达到200亿元,是1952年的42倍,年均增长7.9%;财政收入达到28.88亿元,是1952年的151倍,年均增长7.8%。

img143 农村未解决温饱问题的贫困人口从1978年的30万人减少到2008年的8万人,边境地区、革命老区、贫困地区生产生活条件明显改善。

img144 各族人民像爱护自己的眼睛一样珍惜民族团结,维护和促进民族团结进步成为社会风尚,各少数民族之间相互依存的思想日益深入人心,全州形成了各民族互相尊重、互相学习、互相帮助,始终同呼吸、共命运、心连心的良好局面。

img145 凉山将以更加广阔的视野、更加开放的理念、更加务实的精神,热忱地欢迎海内外各界朋友前来投资兴业,共同推动凉山的开发建设。


img146 熟悉文本类型和相关句子结构,加强对源语文本的理解。本篇发言属陈述文本类型。主旨突出(介绍凉山的发展和变化),思路清晰(文本开始——介绍凉山的人口构成特点,文本发展——介绍56年来凉山的经济发展和社会生活变化,文本结尾——凉山将以更加开放的姿态欢迎海内外的朋友),语言朴实准确、通俗易懂。

img147 掌握与少数民族政策相关的知识与术语表达,如凉山彝族自治州(Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture),边境地区、革命老区、贫困地区(border areas,old revolutionary bases and poor areas),民族政策(ethnic policies),少数民族干部队伍(ethnic minority cadres),少数民族参政议政的权利(the rights of ethnic minorities to participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs)等。

img148 传译时,语音应清晰,语调应自然,英文表达应流畅,应学会控制声音质量,不要过尖、过高或过于低沉。


Remarks at the 56th Anniversary of the Establishment of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture

Ladies and gentlemen,

friends from the media,

I feel very delighted to meet you,my media friends.First of all,I'd like to thank you for your long-term interests in and support on Liangshan.I'd like to take this opportunity to brief you on the development of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in the past 56 years.

Liangshan is one of the thirty ethnic autonomous prefectures in China which enjoys the largest Yi population among other prefectures.14 ethnic groups,such as Yi,Han,Tibetan,Mongolian,Lishu,Hui,Naxi,Miao,etc.are living in Liangshan for generations.The total population in Liangshan by the end of 2008 was 4.104827 million,31.70%of which are Yi ethnic minority.

Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture was founded in 1952,reflecting that the socialist ethnic relations in Liangshan,featured by equality,harmony,solidarity andmutual assistance has entered a new historical stage under the leadership of CPC.

Economy has maintained rapid and sustained development.GDP in Liangshan reached 20 billion RMB in 2008,an increase of 42 times than that of 1958,or an average annual increase of 7.9%.Fiscal revenue in 2008 stood at 2.888 billion RMB,151times than that of 1958,or an average annual increase of 7.8%.In particular,from 2003 to 2008,GDP enjoyed an average annual increase of 6.8%and fiscal revenue increased annually by 10.2%on average.GDP in the first 3 quarters of 2008 enjoyed an increase of 7.18%,close to the national average level.

Life of both urban and rural citizens has been remarkably improved.Per capita disposable income of urban residents reached 10,200RMB,42 times than that of 1978,or an average annual increase of 13.8%.Per capita net income for rural residents stood at 3,224RMB,27 times than that of 1978,or an average annual increase of 12.0%.Social insurance system has increasingly covered more people and subsistence allowance system for both urban and rural residents has been established.The number of rural residents that have no adequate food and clothing declined from 300,000 in 1978 to 80,000 in 2008.Conditions of production and life in border areas,old revolutionary bases and poor areas have been tremendously improved.

Different ethnic groups are living together harmoniously.CPC's ethnic policies have been well implemented and ethnic legal system has been improved.The number of ethnic minority cadres has been greatly increased and the rights of ethnic minorities to participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs have been well protected.People from different ethnic groups treasure ethnic solidarity,as they treasure their eyes.It has become the social customs to safeguard and promote ethnic solidarity and progress.People from different ethnic groups believe that they are interdependent,so they respect each other,learn from each other,help each other and work hands by hands with each other towards common development.

The development of Liangshan needs the support of people from all walks of life domestically and internationally.Liangshan will adopt a broader perspective,more open ideas,and more pragmatic attitudes to welcome friends at home and abroad.We hope you can join us to promote the development of Liangshan by investing here.We also hope our media friends can continue to show your interests in Liangshan and make more publicity of the region.We sincerely invite you all to pay more visits to Liangshan and make more reports about Liangshan.

Thank you!

