首页 理论教育 汉译英最新时事词汇


时间:2023-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:(一)汉译英最新时事词汇旅游旅游业tourist industry朝阳产业an everlasting prosperous industry“十一”黄金周the“Oct.1”Golden Week出境旅游和边境旅游overseas and border tourism入境旅游inbound tourism国内游domestic touri



旅游业tourist industry

朝阳产业an everlasting prosperous industry

“十一”黄金周the“Oct.1”Golden Week

出境旅游和边境旅游overseas and border tourism

入境旅游inbound tourism

国内游domestic tourism

出境游outbound tourism

假日旅游holiday travel

旅行社travel agency

星级宾馆star-rated hotel/star hotel

软实力soft power

优秀旅游城市best tourist destination

过夜旅游者overnight-trip tourist

旅游相关产业tourism-related industry

民间外交civil diplomacy


医疗保障medical insurance

公共卫生服务healthcare services

医疗改革初步方案preliminary plan on the healthcare reform

基本医疗保险basic medical insurance

安全、有效、方便、价廉的基本医疗卫生服务safe,effective,convenient and affordable basic medical and health services

扩大城镇居民基本医疗保险试点to extend the trial of basic medical insurance for urban residents

新型农村合作医疗制度new type of rural cooperative medical care system


社会保障体系social security system

就业促进法Employment Promotion Law

劳动合同法Labor Contract Law

公共就业服务体系public employment service system

完善再就业扶持政策to improve the aid system for job seekers

“零就业”家庭zero-employment families

失业保险制度unemployment insurance system

城乡劳动者平等就业制度an employment system that treats urban and rural workers equally

落实促进残疾人就业政策to carry out policies to find more jobs for people with physical and mental disabilities

绿色信贷Green Credit


食品药品安全food and drug safety

“米袋子”工程“rice bag”(grain supply)program

“菜篮子”工程“vegetable basket”(non-staple food supply)program

物价上涨price hike

价格过度上涨excessive price hike

消费者价格指数Consumer Price Index(CPI)

生产者价格指数Producer Price Index(PPI)


廉租房项目low-rent housing program

经济适用房economically affordable house

二手房resold apartment

小型和中型不动产small-and medium-sized condominium

多渠道解决住房问题an integrated effort to solve housing problems

保持社会稳定to maintain social stability

城市贫困人口urban poor

增加“两限房”供给to increase supply of reasonably priced housing

抑制高端房产需求to curb demand for high-end housing

防止房价过热to prevent overheating in housing prices

囤积和投机土地和房地产to hoard and speculate land and houses


科教兴国战略the Strategy of Revitalizing(invigorating)China through Science and Education

大学生创业university students'innovative undertaking

关系国计民生的大事matters vital to national well-being and the people's livelihood

素质教育quality-oriented education

创新精神spirit of innovation

本科生regular college student/undergraduate students

专科生junior college student

文理科综合大学comprehensive universities of liberal arts and science

教育部直属院校universities directly under the Ministry of Education

形式多样的成人教育diversified adult education

民族教育education of ethnic minorities

多层次、多形式、多门类的基本齐全的高等教育体系higher education system which offers a complete range of subjects at various levels through diverse formats and media

扫盲教育anti-illiteracy education


三通Three Direct Links(direct links of mail,transport and trade)

爱国统一战线Patriotic United Front

两岸直航包机Direct Chartered Flight across the Taiwan Straits

“三农”问题issues of agriculture,farmer and rural area

农村税费改革Rural Tax and Fee Reform

社会主义新农村Socialist New Countryside

兴边富民行动Program to Revitalize Border Areas and Enrich Residents'Lives

“三步走”战略Three-Step Development Strategy


国家知识产权局State Intellectual Property Office

国家工商行政管理总局State Administration of Industry and Commerce

新闻出版总署General Administration of Press and Publication

海关总署General Administration of Customs

国家版权局State Copyright Bureau

中国专利局China Patent Office

公安部Ministry of Public Security

最高人民法院Supreme People's Court

最高人民检察院Supreme People's Procuratorate

国家保护知识产权工作组National Working Group on IPR Protection

中国版权协会Copyright Society of China

中国音乐著作权协会China Copyright Society of Works of Music

中国版权保护中心Copyright Protection Center of China

口岸海关port customs

专利法Patent Law of the People's Republic of China

与贸易有关的知识产权协议Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

商标法Trademark Law

著作权法Copyright Law

保护知识产权制度IPR protection system

音像制品管理条例Regulations on the Administration of Audio and Video Products

音像制品批发、零售、出租管理办法Measures for the Administration of Wholesale,Retail and Renting of Audio and Video Products

假冒和侵权产品fake and pirated products


稳健的财政政策prudent fiscal policy

从紧的货币政策tight monetary policy

固定资产投资fixed asset investment

宏观经济调控macroeconomic regulation

政府临时调控government interim intervention

经济增长模式mode of economic development

固定资产投资反弹a resurgence in fixed asset investment

货币信贷投放仍然偏多continued excessive supplies of money and credit

螺旋式通胀spiraling inflation

通胀压力inflationary pressure

经济过热economic overheating

防止经济过热to prevent the economy from overheating

促进结构调整和协调发展to promote structural adjustment and balanced development


能源消耗energy consumption

清洁、可再生能源clean and renewable energy sources

化学需氧量chemical oxygen demand

节能减排目标targets for saving energy and reducing emissions

节能减排技术energy conservation and emission reduction technologies

落后生产企业backward production facilities

城市污水处理能力urban sewage treatment capacity

重点流域的污染防治pollution control in major river valleys and regions

农村饮用水rural drinking water

安全饮用水safe drinking water

污染物排放emissions of pollutants

资源节约型、环境友好型社会a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society

重点企业节能和重点工程建设energy conservation in key enterprises and construction of key projects

食品、医药和其他产品质量安全标准制定和修订the formulation or updating of national standards for the safety of food products,drugs and other consumer goods

高耗能、高排放和部分资源性外资项目foreign investment in projects that are energy intensive or highly polluting,limit or ban foreign investment in some areas of resource exploitation

重点流域水污染物的国家排放标准national standards for discharge of pollutants in key rivers

可再生资源renewable energy resources

生态环境质量ecological and environmental quality

