首页 理论教育 农业与农村类新闻


时间:2023-03-30 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:7.7 农业与农村类新闻我国是农业大国,“三农”问题近年来得到了党和政府的高度重视。这种新闻报道其实是新闻特写的风格,对细节的描绘有助于勾勒新闻报道的情节,帮助受众获得对新闻事件的感性认识。平时多阅读我国主流外语媒体的同类新闻报道乃是提高翻译质量的一个有效办法。截至目前,全省已完成新建乡镇文化站216个,各级政府为此投入1.7亿元。

7.7 农业与农村类新闻




1)乡镇企业township and village enterprise

2)农业总产值gross output value of agriculture

3)完善家庭联产承包责任制improve the household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output

4)承包耕地contract land

5)科技兴农promote agriculture by applying scientific and technological advances

6)土地使用权有偿转让compensated transfer of land-use rights

7)集约经营intensive farming cultivation

8)粗放经营extensive farming cultivation

9)开发性农业development-oriented agriculture

10)继承开发性生产项目的承包经营权inherit contracts for management of explorative projects

11)三高农业(高产、高质、高效)high-yield,high-quality and highreturn agriculture

12)贸工农一体化经营integrated operations of trade,industry and agriculture

13)家庭副业family side-line business

14)离土不离乡leave the farmland but not one's hometown;shift from farming to other trades within the rural area

15)粮食专项储备制度system of storing food grain for unforeseen needs

16)农田水利基本建设irrigation and water conservancy projects

17)水土保持water and soil conservation

18)水土流失water and soil erosion











Cultural progress benefits Jiangsu rural people

Social and cultural establishments in East China's Jiangsu Province have witnessed rapid growth in recent years,thanks to the efforts and policies the provincial government has made to stimulate the ethical and cultural progress to contribute to the overall development of a harmonious society.

Two weeks ago in Northwest Jiangsu's Liangfanpeng Village,the villagers were enjoying an open show of digital movie that was provided by the movie screening team of the town,which is located in Fengxian,a county in Northwest Jiangsu.The clear-cut footage as well as the six sound tracks produced very good sound effect,making the villagers thrilled to their utmost.In the nearby village of South Lidalou,Tang Huaihai,a local farmer,was excited to watch cable TV at home for the first time.Tang had something more to feel satisfied.He was connected to broadband Internet service,enabling him to do fruit trade and other businesses without leaving home.In the week before the Spring Festival,he sold 150,000 kg of early apple online.

More and more farmers in Jiangsu Province are enjoying the benefits brought about by cultural progress.In 2006,an additional 500,000 farming households were accessible to cable TV,broadband Internet service and free digital movie.Such cultural establishments are now available to 80%of the entire farming households in the province.Governments at the provincial,city and county levels have earmarked a total of 400 million yuan subsidies to make sure that social and cultural establishments in rural Jiangsu are ready and handy.Backed up by the strong financial assistance,township cinemas and rural movie shows have witnessed a remarkable rebound,compared with what were the case years ago.Local performing troupes are visiting villages to entertain the farmers in various forms.

With effective measures and favorable polices,216 township cultural stations had been set up across the province by the end of last year.The money spent in this regard amounted to 170 million yuan.In the next five years,the province will make sure that all the villages in the province have access to cable TV and each village has its own cultural center.New museums,new libraries and new stadiums are expected to spring up to boom the cultural sector and contribute to the harmonious development of the province.



【口导】记者今天从江苏调查总队获悉,今年以来我省农民收入继续呈现快速增长态势。前三月,全省农民人均现金收入2 584元,比去年同期增长14.8%。工资、家庭经营和财产转移性收入成为拉动增长的显著亮点。

【配音】调查显示:一季度,江苏农民工资性收入增长较快,本地务工收入贡献明显,全省农民人均工资性收入1 603元,增长15.1%。其中本地务工收入增长了16.6%,其增加额占工资性收入增加额的59.0%;今年一季度,江苏农民在外出打工人数继续保持一定程度增长的同时,外出就业劳动力素质明显提高,由此带来的外出务工收入同比增长12.2%,增长较快。数据表明,一季度我省农民外出就有60.6%的劳动力受过专业培训,较上年同期增加了6.2个百分点。与此同时,外出务工工资水平有所增加,熟练工工资更高,增长幅度更大。



Jiangsu farmers see steady income rise in Qtr.1

Farmers in East China's Jiangsu Province have seen a sustained and fast growth in their income.During the first quarter of 2007,per capita income of the province's farmers reported 2,584 yuan,up by 14.8%year-on-year.Key indexes such as wages and other types of earnings grow continuously at the same time.

Sources said Jiangsu farmers'per capita income jumped by 15.1%in the first quarter to 1,603 yuan,of which farmers employed in local enterprises reported an increase of 16.6%,topping 59.0%of the total increased value.Besides,the farmers hired out of their hometowns have seen a boom both in quantity and quality.As a result,the total income rose by 12.2%at the same time,also contributing a lot to the total increased value.60.6%of the province's migrant workers have received specialized training,up by 6.2 percent on a yearly basis.Meanwhile,the wage level of migrant workers has also increased,of which the experienced workers'wage is higher.

In the first quarter,rural areas across Jiangsu saw a steady growth in per capita family income from businesses,up by 13.8%year on year.Among them,incomes from the primary industry,referring to agriculture,grew by 9.5%,those from the secondary industry,namely,the processing industry,by 19.5%,and earnings from the tertiary industry,that is,the service sector,by 16.5%.The secondary and tertiary industries accounted for 66%of the increased family incomes.An obvious increase in prices of livestock products boosted up the whole primary industry.Since the later half of 2006,the prices of livestock commodities have been rising by 18.0%in the first quarter,compared with the same period of last year when the prices dropped to a bottom.Of them,the pork price went up by 22.1%,and prices for poultry and the eggs by 7.2%and 14.0%respectively.

In addition,Jiangsu farmers saw moderate income rise from their properties and non-farming trades,up by 16.8%on an annual basis.The national economic boom also spurred the development of such non-farming trades as household-run building business,transportation,retailing and catering businesses.Besides,the farmers also obtained earnings from their non-productive investment in their properties.




【配音】截至2007年底,全省农村劳动力累计转移人数达1 660.85万人,其中新增转移52.04万人。与往年相比呈现三个特点:一是就地转移速度加快,劳务输出放缓。2007年就地转移总量达到833.96万人,较年初增长2.6%。二是三大区域亮点纷呈。苏南在就地转移为主、异地转移为辅的大格局下,劳动力由低层次向高层次、由农村向城市和国外转移的步伐加快。苏中露“拐点”,新增转移中就地转移占55.2%,超过了异地转移。苏北出现就地转移和劳务输出比翼双飞的局面,新增转移劳动力中,就地转移达到33.6%,较上年提高8.6个百分点。三是返乡创业发展势头较好。2007年全省返乡创业人数达到2.85万人,比上年增加0.16万人,创办各类企业9 029个。

More farmers choose to make fortune in their hometowns

More and more farmers in East China's Jiangsu Province were choosing to make their fortune in their hometowns in 2007 rather than heading out for jobs in faraway cities,as was indicated by the figures released by the provincial statistics authority recently.

Around 17 million rural laborers provincewide were channeled to nonagricultural sectors by the end of 2007,half a million more over the previous year.

More surplus labors in the countryside were transferred to local industrial enterprises while the speed of labor services export slowed down.In 2007,over 8 million rural laborers got employed in local non-agricultural sectors,up 2.6 percent year on year.

South Jiangsu,the economic powerhouse of the province,showed unique characteristics in its labor transfer last year.Labor resources in this region rapidly flew from rural to urban and foreign areas,and meanwhile,from low to high levels.Central Jiangsu saw more laborers transferring to local businesses than to firms in other provinces in 2007.The northern region,however,reported a good momentum of growth in both local transfer and labor services export.33.6 percent of all the laborers transferred found jobs in local enterprises last year,up 8.6 percent from 2006.

In addition,statistics indicate a total of 28,500 people returned home starting up businesses in Jiangsu during 2007,a gain of 1,600 on a yearly basis.Over 9,000 enterprises were set up provincewide.

