首页 理论教育 中国园林的艺术特点


时间:2023-03-30 理论教育 版权反馈




◆ 说着,进入石洞来。只见佳木笼葱,奇花img4灼,一带清流,从花木深处曲折泻于石隙之中。再进数步,渐向北边,平坦宽豁,两边飞楼插空,雕甍绣槛,皆隐于山坳树杪之间。俯而视之,则清溪泻雪,石磴穿云,白石为栏,环抱池沼,石桥三港,兽面衔吐。桥上有亭。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第十七回)

They walked on through a tunnel into a ravine green with magnificent trees and ablaze with rare flowers.A clear stream welling up where the trees were thickest wound its way through clefts in the rocks.

Some paces further north,on both sides of a level clearing,rose towering pavilions whose carved rafters and splendid balustrades were half hidden by the trees on the slopes.Looking downwards,they saw a crystal stream cascading as white as snow and stone steps going down through the mist to a pool.This was enclosed by marble balustrades and spanned by a stone bridge ornamented with the heads of beasts with gaping jaws.On the bridge was a little pavilion in which the whole party sat down.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)






◆ 贾政刚至园门前,只见贾珍带领许多执事人来,一旁侍立。贾政道:“你且把园门都关上,我们先瞧了外面再进去。”贾珍听说,命人将门关了。贾政先秉正看门。只见正门五间,上面筒瓦泥鳅脊;那门栏窗槅,皆是细雕新鲜花样,并无朱粉涂饰;一色水磨群墙,下面白石台矶,凿成西番草花样。左右一望,皆雪白粉墙,下面虎皮石,随势砌去,果然不落富丽俗套,自是欢喜。遂命开门,只见迎面一带翠嶂挡在前面。众清客都道:“好山,好山!”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第十七回)

At entrance to the garden,they found Jia Zhen with a group of stewards lined up in wait.

“Close the gate,”said Jia Zheng.“Let us see what it looks like from the outside before we go in.”

Jia Zhen had the gate closed and Jia Zheng inspected the gatehouse,a building in five sections with an arched roof of semi-circular tiles.The lintels and lattices,finely carved with ingenious designs,were neither painted nor gilded;the walls were of polished bricks of a uniform color,and the white marble steps were carved with passion-flowers.The garden's spotless whitewashed wall stretching to left and right had,at its base,a mosaic of striped“tiger-skin”stones.The absence of vulgar ostentation pleased him.

He had the gate opened then and they went in,only to find their view screened by a green hill.At this sight his secretaries cried out in approval.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)







◆ 宝玉道:“尝闻古人有云:‘编新不如述旧,刻古终胜雕今。’况此处并非主山正景,原无可题之处,不过是探景一进步耳。莫若直书‘曲径通幽处’这句旧诗上,倒还大方气派。”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第十七回)

Baoyu replied,“I've heard that the ancient said,‘An old quotation beats an original saying;to recut an old text is better than to engrave a new one.'As this is not the main prominence or one of the chief sights,it only needs an inscription because it is the first step leading to the rest.So why not use that line from an old poem:

A winding path leads to a secluded retreat.

A name like that would be more dignified.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


◆ 一时黛玉进了荣府,下了车。众嬷嬷引着,便往东转弯,穿过一个东西的穿堂,向南大厅之后,仪门内大院落,上面五间大正房,两边厢房鹿顶耳房钻山,四通八达,轩昂壮丽,比贾母处不同。黛玉便知这方是正经内室,一条大甬路,直接出大门的。进入堂屋中,抬头迎面看见一个赤金九龙青地大匾,匾上写着斗大的三个字,是“荣禧堂”。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第三回)

Back in the Rong Mansion,Daiyu alighted again.The nurses led her eastwards,round a corner,through an entrance hall into a hall facing south,then passed through a ceremonial gate into a large courtyard.The northern building had five large apartments and wings on either side.This was the hub of the whole estate,more imposing by far than the Lady Dowager's quarters.

Daiyu realized that this was the main inner suite,for a broad raised avenue led straight to its gate.Once inside the hall she looked up and her eye was caught by a great blue tablet with nine gold dragons on it,on which was written in characters large as peck measures:

Hall of Glorious Felicity.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)



◆ 于是,出亭过池,一山一石,一花一木,莫不着意观览。忽抬头看见前面一带粉垣,里面数楹修舍,有千百竿翠竹遮映。众人都道:“好个所在!”于是大家进入,只见入门便是曲折游览,阶下石子漫成甬路。上面小小两三间房舍,一明两暗,里面都是合着地步打就的床几椅案。从里间房内又得一小门,出去则是后院,有大株梨花兼着芭蕉。又有两间小小退步。后院墙下忽开一隙,得泉一派,开沟仅尺许,灌入墙内,绕阶缘屋至前院,盘旋竹下而出。(曹雪芹《红楼梦》第十七回)

They left the pavilion then,crossed the bridge and strolled on,admiring each rock,each height,each flower and each tree on the way,until they found themselves before the whitewashed enclosing walls of a fine lodge nestling in a dense glade of fresh green bamboos.With cries of admiration they walked in.

From the gate porch a zigzag covered walk with a cobbled path below and parallel to it wound up to a little cottage of three rooms,with the cottage door in the middle one and furniture made to fit the measurements of the rooms.Another small door in the inner room opened on to the back garden with its large pear-tree,broad-leafed plantain and two tiny side courts.Through a foot-wide opening below the back wall flowed a brook which wound past the steps and the lodge to the front court before meandering out through the bamboos.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)



