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【摘要】:第二节 用作外加语的副词有些当代语法学家如R.Quirk等人根据状语是否结合到句子结构中的情况把它分为三大类:那些在一定程度上结合到句中的状语叫做附加语;那些只在句子结构外围的状语叫做外加语和联加语。本章着重研究作外加语的副词,传统语法称这类副词为句子副词。许多作语体外加语的副词还有to be加形容词干这

第二节 用作外加语的副词


外加语多由副词表示,也可以是介词词组、非限定分句、限定分句等。本章着重研究作外加语的副词,传统语法称这类副词为句子副词(sentence adverb)。



Generally,the two writers were against any censorship.

Presumably,they have sold their house.


Amusingly,he did not explain his position to me.

What,interestingly enough,pleased them most was his eloquence.这类副词中有少数是复合词或缩略词。

下列句中的副词indeed和perhaps分别由in+deed和per+ haps(hap的复数形式)组成,maybe由it may be缩略而成:

This machine is up-to-date,indeed.

Maybe that's because he doesn't have technical skill.


从语义的角度来看,作外加语的副词可以分为语体(或方式)外加语(style disjunct)和态度外加语(attitudinal disjunct)两类:




Seriously(in all seriousness),we haven't heard much of our two heroes lately,have we?

Bluntly(Put bluntly/To be blunt),you're unwise to do so.


Briefly(To be brief/In brief),there are too many people and too little food.


Personally(Personally speaking/To be personal),I quite agree with you.

作语体外加语的副词和这个副词所归属的分句的关系可以通过一个分句表示出来。在这个分句中,主语就是说话人I,谓语是由speak,say,tell等交际动词(communicative verbs)构成。如:

Frankly,I don't want to go with you.

句中的frankly相当于一个分句I tell you frankly,I say frankly或I speak frankly。这种分句既可转换成主句结构,也可转换成条件分句。

主句结构:I will say frankly'I tell you frankly that I don't want to go with you.

条件分句:If I can speak frankly,I don't want to go with you.

作语体外加语的副词可由其他一系列结构代替。以上句中的frankly为例,相应的结构就有介词短语(in(all)frankness)、不定式分句(to be frank,to speak frankly,to put it frankly)、-ing分词分句(frankly speaking,putting it frankly)、-ed分词分句(put it frankly)、限定性动词分句,即评说分句(if I may be frank,if I can speak frankly,if I can put it frankly)等。


strictly=strictly speaking

broadly=broadly speaking

seriously=seriously speaking

在这种结构中,副词通常位于speaking之前,有时亦可后置。如frankly speaking,speaking frankly两者都可以说,但后者不如前者普通。个别副词无相应的带speaking分词结构,如flatly不能代之以flatly speaking。

许多作语体外加语的副词还有to be加形容词干这样相应的不定式分句形式,如上句中的bluntly=to be blunt,personally= to be personal,briefly=to be brief。凡是能有这种不定式的副词,还可以有相应的带if的限定性分句,如:if I may be blunt,if I may be personal.




1)不含有察觉正在说的话是真实的,也不表示对正在说的话的真实程度作出判断。其中表示确信的有:admittedly,certainly,definitely,indeed,surely,undeniably,undoubtedly,unquestionly,unarguably等。表示某种程度怀疑的有:arguably,allegedly,conceivably,doubtless,(quite very)likely,maybe,perhaps,possibly,presumably,reportedly,supposedly,probably等。如:

Surely(To be sure),I've made a mistake.(I'm sure that I have made a mistake/It must be accepted that I've made...)

The accident happened,possibly,when I was in the garden.(I considered it possibly that the accident happened when I was in the garden./It is possible that the accident happened when I was...)


Clearly,there has been a mistake.(It is clear to us and to everybody else that there has been a mistake.)

There was nothing to be done,apparently.(It seems/it appears to us that there was nothing to be done.)



Actually,centimeter,gram and second are units of measure.

Basically,a sentence is made up of two parts,the subject and the predicate.



Luckily,Jack came back yesterday.

这句话可理解为“Jack was lucky in doing so.”,也可理解为:“Someone else(possibly,but not necessarily,the speaker) was lucky as a result of Jack's action.”;但这句话“Luckily for John,the gun was not loaded.”就只能理解为:“John was lucky that the gun was not loaded.”进一步分析,这类副词常常表示:


Curiously,the dog never barked.(It is curious that the dog should have never barked.)

Surprisingly for all of us(To our surprise),they arrived before we did.(“We felt surprised that they arrived before we did.)


Naturally,she spoke out her mind.(As might have been expected,she spoke out her mind.)


Regrettably for all of us(To our regret),he refused our invitation.(We regretted that he should have refused our invitation.)


Unhappily,he ate a lot.(It is unfortu nate that he should have eaten a lot.)


Hopefully,the two sides may come to an agreement on this issue.(“If their hopes succeed,the two sides will come to an agreement on this issue./It is hoped that the two sides may come...)



You telephoned the hospital first,quite rightly.(You are quite right to have telephoned the hospital first.)


Wisely,all the doors had been bolted.(People were wise to have had all the doors bolted.)

带态度外加语的句子,常常可转换为带先行it的外置(extraposition)结构的复合句。但是,带第一大类态度外加语的句子转换成这种结构时,名词从句中不能用推定意义的should(putative should);带第二大类态度外加语的句子转换成这种结构时,名词从句中则可用should。这也是第一大类与第二大类作态度外加语的副词在语义下的区别。再比较:

Admittedly,I had no right to be there,but I had lost my way.(It must be admitted that I had no right to be there,but I had lost my way.)

Disappointingly,she had failed to see her shortcomings.(It was disappointing...she should have failed to see...)

第二大类作态度外加语的某些副词可有“S+be+adj.+ infinitive clause”或“It+be+adj.+of/for+infinitive clause”的相应结构,如fortunately,wisely,foolishly,rightly,typically等。如:

Foolishly,the girl did not ask your name.(The girl was foolish not to ask your name./It was foolish of the girl not to have asked your name.)

Typically,he would come in late and then say he was sorry.(It was typical of him to come late and then say he was sorry.)


Sadly/Thankfully,he won't be there.(I am/One is sad/ thankful that he won't be there.)

对所有各类态度外加语来说,只要能以It is+adj.+that这样的相应结构来代替,就能用与相应的起评说分句作用的句子性关系分句(sentential relative clause)来代替:

Understandably/quite obviously,he didn't want to have anything to do with them.(He didn't want to have anything to do with them,which was understandable/quite obvious.)

所有各类态度外加语都能由和它相应的评说分句(comment clause)来代替,但这个分句需要加一个像very,more或most这样的修饰语:

Certainly(What was more certain),he didn't speak at the meeting.

Fortunately(What is most fortunate),we did not take that bus,which had an accident.





Really I don't have any idea about it.

He is unquestionably the best cricketer in England.

I don't want the money,confidentially.


He certainly won't be much longer in making up his mind.


Evidently you are right.

You are evidently right.

You evidently are right.

You are right,evidently.

这四句话的意思都是It is evident(clear)that you are right.



Rarely,very rarely,the master would admit defeat.

What does it give you?Quite simply,it gives you faster,more efficient internal communications.

Strangely,he has not been here lately.Even more strangely,he has not phoned.

Most probably,they have already finished it.


Not unnaturally,we had all felt rather alarmed.(It was not unnatural that we had all felt.)

Not unreasonably,he protested strongly against it.(It is not unreasonable that he should protest strongly.

Enough是最常见的后置修饰语。比如:Oddly enough,he didn't raise any objection to the plan.


Happily for all of us,the weather has changed for the better.

Annoyingly for his father,John failed the exam several times.



Did you get it honestly?(1)

I didn't tell anyone,honestly I didn't.(2)

例1)中的honestly作in an honest manner解时,是附加语,修饰谓语动词get;而例2)中honestly则作speaking truthfully解时,充当评注性状语,即外加语。它们互为句法同形异义语(syntactic homonyms),形式虽同,而词义和句法功能各异。附加语与外加语的区别可有以下几条判断标准,凡符合其中任何一条便是外加语:


Ironically,the reputed expert in Chinese language could not speak a single sentence of modern Chinese.


Is he really worried or is he just pretending to be worried?

3)不能在句中作为被否定的中心词项。例如:He is not really worried;he is just pretending to be worried.句中的really是附加语,而不是外加语。

4)不能在分裂句(cleft sentence)中作中心成分(focus element),处于特别受强调的位置。cleverly在下句中就是外加语。因此,下句不能转换为分裂句:

Cleverly,the boys solved the problem so quickly.It was cleverly that the boys solved the problem so quickly.

