第五节 英语评说分句的形式与功能
评说分句(comment clause)在结构上插入句子中,故传统语法称之为插入句(parenthetical clause)。尽管这类分句接近状语,但在功能上并非修饰谓语动词或整个谓语,而是修饰整个主句,或者基本上不起修饰作用。由于这类分句结构不受句子变化过程的影响,不在句子结构内部中起作用,不与它所评说的句子在结构上紧密结合,是独立于句子主体之外,表示句子外围状语的一种分句结构,所以Quirk等人将这类分句列入外加语,分离性状语或评注性状语和联加语或连接性状语范围内。章振邦教授在其《新编英语语法》中将表示说话人对话语的看法和态度或对整个句子进行说明与解释的评说分句称之为评注性状语分句;将承上启下,起连接作用的评说分句称为连接性状语分句。
这类分句像主句,不用任何连接词引导。常见结构上类似主句的有:I think,I see,I wonder,I tell you,we guess,you know,they tell me,who knows,god knows,that it to say,it is said,it is suggested等。有时还可用祈使句或一般疑问句形式,如:mind you,mark you,do you hear(know),don't you think(know)等。请看例证:
①Their performance was wonderful,don't you think?
②The trees in that area,it is said,are mostly over thirty feet tall(It is said that the trees in that area are...)
这类评说分句像状语分句,用从属连词as或if引导。常见类似结构有:as you/they know(say),as I say(remember),as I see it,as I understand(it),as is common knowledge,as it ge nerally assumed,as it turns out(happens),if I may say so,if you don't mind,if I can speak frankly等。请看例句:
③You're not much of a radio addict,as I remember.
④If I can speak frankly(If I may be frank/If I can put it frankly),they are not interested in your plan at all.
If-clause表示评说时,主语通常是说话人I,谓语常由speak,say,tell等交际动词(communicative verb)构成。这类分句还可转换成主句结构,例④中的if-clause的相应主句结构:I will say frankly/I tell you frankly that they are...同时,例④中的if-clause也可有相应的副词(frankly)、介词短语(in all frankness)、不定式分句(to be frank,to speak frankly,to put it frankly)、-ing分词分句(frankly speaking,putting it frankly)、-ed分词分句(put it frankly)等一系列结构的替代形式表示评注。
这类分句像名词性分句,常用what引导。类似结构有:what is more important,what is more serious/surprising,what is still more remarkable,what worries/annoys me,what's more,that is still worse等。例如:
⑤What is more important(Even more important),we should not let it happen again.(It is more important that we should not let it happen again).
⑥What is more still remarkable(More remarkable still),he is in charge of the project.
⑦What was even more certain(Certainly),he didn't speak at the meeting(It is certain that he didn't...).
凡是起评说分句作用的what-clause都可以有相应的句子性关系分句(sentential relative clause)替换表示评注。
这类分句是句子性关系分句,用which引导。Quirk等人在《A Grammar of Contemporary English》一书中指出,尽管句子性关系分句的位置固定在它所述及的分句后面,但比较起来,它在句子中的地位更像一个外加词。这一点可从它和what is more那样的评说分句在语义上的相似看出来。试将例⑧中的which surprises me和用作评说分句的what surprises me作比较:
⑧Things then improved,which surprises me(It is surprising for me that things then improved.)
=What surprises me(surprising for me),things then improved.
这类分句表示评注时不仅可以有相应的副词替代,而且都能以It is+adj.+that...的结构来代替。试比较:
⑨He didn't want to have anything to do with them,which was quite obvious/understandable(It is quite obvious/understandable that he didn't want...).
=Quite obviously/understandably,he didn't want to have anything to do with them.
并列分句(coordinate clause)表示评注时与句子性关系分句有着对应转换关系。因为句子性关系分句差不多总可以一个含有and和经常前置的强调指示代词的并列分句来释义。试比较:
⑩He has a somewhat swelled head,and this I don't like.=He has a somewhat swelled head,which I don't like.
表示评注的to不定式分句有to tell(you)the truth,to speak candidly,to put it bluntly,to make matter worse等。例如:
To tell(you)the truth,he is not yet qualified for the job(I'll tell you the truth that he is not qualified for the job).
由to be加形容词词干(如:to be fair,to be frank,to be blunt,to be sure等)构成的不定式分句不仅有相应的副词,而且还可以有相应的带if的限定性分句替代表示评注。例如:
To be sure(surely),I've made a mistake(I'm sure that I have made a mistake/It must be accepted that I've made a mistake.).
表示评注的-ing分词分句常见的有speaking of the record,putting it mildly,calculating roughly等。含副词的speaking分词结构都可有相应的副词代替。比如:strictly speaking,broadly speaking= broadly,seriously speaking=seriously,generally speaking=generally,personally speaking=personally,frankly speaking=frankly等。例如:
I doubt,speaking as a layman,whether television is the right medium.
第三、六、七类大都是不能随便增添的合乎习惯用法的类型,而第一、二类内容包括得比较多而且构造力较强。但是,每一类中都有一些习惯用语或套语:you see,as I say,what's more,to be honest,generally speaking。同样,每一类至少都有一定的自由来创造新的表达法。
大量的由第一人称或第二人称主语引导的第一类评说分句在谈话中成了老生常谈的插入语(you know,I see等)。但是,除第一类以外,评说分句可以相当自由地构成,而且允许时、体的变化和增添附加语等其他成分。因此,在下句中增添从属连词as,将该句变成第二类评说分句,但意思实际上没有什么变化。例如:
The Indian railway(my uncle was telling me some time ago) have always made a profit.=The Indian railway(as my uncle was telling me some time ago)have always made a profit.
I think that the cross-talk was interesting and instructive.
The cross-talk,I think,was interesting and instructive.
1)表示说话人的肯定态度。这类评说分句表达人们根据客观事实对所讲内容的真实性看法与确信性态度。常见的有:I know,I claim,I see,I remember,I agree,I admit,I'm sure,I'm convinced,I have no doubt,I must say,I must admit,I must tell you,I have to say,it's true,I don't deny,I don't deny,I don't doubt等。例如:
The two parties will soon arrive at an agreement,it's true.(It's true that the two parities will soon...)
I must tell you,the government is going to resign.(I tell you that the government is...)
2)表示说话人不太肯定的态度。这类评说分句表示讲话人根据某种信息发表个人的观点或表达个人的看法,具有某种推测性和判断性,有时甚至带有某种猜测性,讲话语气不太肯定。常见的有:I assume,I believe,I consider,I dare say,I feel,I guess,I hear,I imagine,I presume,I suppose,I think,I understand,I venture to say,I wonder,I'm told,I can see,I have heard,I have read,I may assume,it is said,it is reported,it is claimed,it is rumored,it has been claimed,it seems,it appears等。例如:
This,I suppose,will give you some idea of our stand on the question(I suppose that this should give you...).
这类评说分句往往表示讲话人的高兴、害怕、后悔、希望、愿望等心理状态。常见的有:I'm glad to say,I'm happy to say,I'm pleased to say,I'm delighted to say,I'm happy to tell you,I hope,I wish,I fear,I regret,I'm afraid,I regret to say,I'm sorry to say,it pains me to say,it grieves me to say等。例如:
I regret to say(Regrettably for me/To my regret),he refused our invitation(I regretted that he should have refused our invitation).
这类评说分句表示引起对方对自己的话语的注意与兴趣或征求对方意见,故通常有第二人称主语you。常见的有:you know,you see,you realize,you can see,you may know,you may have heard,you must admit,mind you mark,it may interest you to know,wouldn't you say,don't you think,don't you agree,can't you see,don't you know等。例如:
It's ethically wrong,wouldn't say?
As you say,the job is absolutely made for you.
When do you suppose they'll be back?
有时,评说分句和引导间接疑问句的主句发生关系时可有这类结构:what's she doing,I wonder?比较:I wonder what's she's doing.
评说分句用于关系分句中主要是一些结构上类似主句的分句。从结构上看评说分句插入关系分句中,关系分句的主语和谓语部分(prediction)被评说分句所分隔;但在语义上,关系分句本身还是这类评说分句的宾语。章振邦等教授在《A New English Grammar》中认为,这种关系分句是嵌入在另一个分句结构中,依附于另一分句结构,从而叫做嵌入式关系分句(embedded/telescoped relative clause)。