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时间:2023-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第一节 汉译英与汉语阅读有人认为汉译英难在英语表达,要理解的是自己的母语,不会太困难,因而对汉语原文的理解阶段不太重视。但据笔者观察,这不大符合目前大学生的情况。这种观念问题不解决,顶多能混一张文凭,并不能学会汉英翻译,尽管它很简单。例1 员工每年3月统一更新劳动合同内容。C1漏译了“员工”,此外对月份采用了叙述文字中应当尽量少用的缩略词。

第一节 汉译英与汉语阅读



例1 员工每年3月统一更新劳动合同内容。

D. Employee’s contract | should be updated in March every year.

C1. The labor contract is updated in Mar. every year.

C2. All staffs update their labor contracts every march.

C3. Staff update their labor contracts in March each year.

C4. The staff updated labor contract in March every year.


C5. Employees renew the labor contract content in March every year.

C6. The contents of the Labor Contract update in each March for employee.

C7. The contents of labor contracts are uniformly updated in March each year.

C8. All the employees’ contracts content would be renewed in March every year.

C9. Each March, the company will renew its staff’s labor contracts universally.

译文C5至C8中将“内容”译成了content或contents,这是不对的。理由一是词典义项中的“内容”不用于这个语境,二是英美国家的人在需要表达“合同的内容”之类的意思时,通常并不说the content of the contract或the contents of the agreement。就这么简单。详细解释请见第十七章。此外,“员工”和“合同”两个词采用单数的都不够“形合”;请对比A类译文。


B1. The labor contract with workers is updated in March every year /annually.

B2. Employees’ labor contract is renewed in March every year.

A1. The labor contract of every employee is renewed in March every year.

A2. The labor contracts of the employees are renewed once every March.

例2 目前,中国用户的手机更新速度是世界最快的。

D1. So far, the speed of changing new mobilephones in China is the fastest in the world.

D2. So far, mobile phone users in China have being replacing their cell phones at the highest speed all around the world.

D3. At present, in China, the renewal rate of mobile phone is the highest in the world.

D4. At present, the renewing speed of Chinese customers’ mobile phones is the fastest in the world.

D5. At present, mobile phone users in China have the world’s fastest update rate.

D6. At the moment, the update rate of cell phones of Chinese people is quickest in the world.

C1. At present, the frequency of cell-phones replacement in China is the fastest in the world.

C2. At the present time, changing cell phones among Chinese users is at highest speed around the world.


B1. Users in China tend to buy new mobile phones earlier than users in other countries.

B2. The frequency at which a Chinese consumer changes his mobile phone for a new one is greatest in the world.

A1. Currently, Chinese mobile phones users are most prone to buy new handsets compared with people in other countries.

A2. It seems that few people in the world would replace their mobile phones more frequently than the Chinese.

A3. A Chinese user would toss off his or her mobile phone for a new one sooner than people in other countries.


例3 去一趟机场,要交四次高速路通行费。

D1. We have to pay the high-way toll for four times on a single-voyage to the airport.

D2. If a person wants to go to the airport, he will pay the vehicle expressway toll for four times.

C. From here to the airport, you have to pay tolls four times on the high-speed road.

B. You have to pay four highway tolls on the way to the airport.


A1. One will be charged highway tolls for four times on a journey to the airport.

A2. You will be charged four times for highway tolls on a round trip to and from the airport.

A3. Taking the road /highway /expressway to the airport and back, a driver has to pay four times for the tolls.

A4. On your way to and from the airport, you’ll have to pay four times for using the toll road /toll highway /express toll route.

例4 目前,中国银行普遍存在综合竞争力低下的现象。

D1. At Present, it is common that the comprehensive competition of Bank of China is low.

D2. Recently, the competence of the Banks of China is generally low.

D3. Currently, the low comprehensive competitiveness of China’s banks is prevailing.

D4. At present, there is a popular phenomenon that the banks of China have low competence.

D5. Currently, the phenomenon of low comparative competation is popular among Chinese banks.

C. At present, the phenomenon of low overall competitiveness exists in most banks in China.


B1. Now, most banks of China have low comprehensive competitiveness.

B2. At present, banks in China widely face the lack of comprehensive competitiveness.

B3. Nowadays, the comprehensive competitiveness is low in the banks in China generally.

A1. China’s banks are currently plagued by low competitiveness.

A2. China’s banks are now embarrassedly troubled by a low competitiveness.

A3. Recently, being less competitive is the dilemma that most of the banks in China face.

A4. Low competitiveness is at present considered a confrontation of most of the Chinese banks.




