第一节 译对是基本要求
例1 我的手机能玩视频游戏,你的能么?
D1. I can play video game in my cellphone, can you?
D2. My cellphone can play video game, can yours?
D3. My phone can play video games, can your phone do?
D4. My phone can play video games, what about yours?
D5. My mobilephone can play video games, how about yours?
D6. My mobile phone can play visible games, could yours do that?
可以看出,译文D1和D2的译者会用英语的省略句型,只是未能如实转达汉语的省略句型,即“你的能么”的语意;译文D1按照原文的字面翻译成了can you,假如将省略的部分补充完整,则似乎应当是:
D1a. I can play video game in my cellphone, can you play video game in my cellphone?
D2a. My cellphone can play video game, can your cellphone play video game?
C1. My phone can play video games. What about yours?
C2. My mobilephone can play video games. How about yours?
C3. My mobile phone can play games. Could yours do that?
从语法上讲,所有D类和所有C类译文的惟一区别是:D类译文都是“溶合句(run on sentence)”,即第九章第三节要讲的重大而中国学生常见的语法错误之一。
B. My mobile phone can run video games, and how about yours?
A. I can play video games on my mobile phone. Can you do it on yours?
例2 广告客户须按中国《广告法》规定交验有关证件。
D1. Advertisers in accordance with China “Advertising Law” provisions of the relevant inspection documents.
D2. The prmit and othr related documents must be provided by advertiser, according to the requiremnt in China’s “Advertising Low”.
D3. All accounts must provide related documents according to《The Advertisement Law of PRC》.
D4. Ad clients must accordance with the《Advertising Law》of china provide some of the relevant documents to inspect.
D5. The customer who wants to do Ads must deliver the related documents required by“Ads Law” of China.
“客户”的确可以译作account,但在D3里,在没有相应的manager和management的语境里,这些accounts是谁的客户,向什么人provide 什么样的related documents都不清楚,属于“语意”问题,仍然是“不成句”。D4像D3一样使用了汉语书名号,且专有名词“中国《广告法》”的译文不对。D5在专有名词错误之外,“The customer who wants to do Ads”似乎是中文“想做广告的客户”的字面直译(即相当于机器翻译),属于难以得到社会承认的个体劳动,deliver也是空穴来风,没有说明原文“交验”的本意。
D6. Ad clients have to provide related certificates for check according to the Law of Advertisement.
D7. Advertisement clients shall submit the relevant documents for verification in accordance with the China Advertisement Law.
D8. The advertisement customers must submit all relevant certificates for our verification according to [the Advertisement Law] of PRC.
D9. Advertising customer must follow the Chinese Advertisements Law and provide relevant documents.
D10. Advertisers should show their pertinent certificate as China’s “Advertising Law”required.
D11. According to the Advertisement Law of the People’s Republic of China, advertising clients must present relevant certificates.
D12. Advertising clients must present relevant certificates | adhering to | the Advertisements Law of China.
这些译文都是“语意”错误,突破了翻译工作的底线,但在校园里大规模地存在着。若要译对这个句子,原文句中三处下划线部分都是关键词。译文D6至D12对第一个关键词都未能处理好。原文的“广告客户”不是“广告的客户”,也不是“广告的目标客户”,而是“通过中国广告代理,在中国媒体上做广告的国外客户”(请见后面C类译文之下的解释)。英语选择advertiser或advertisers一个单词就可以了,并不需要像D6至D10那样。我们举两个例子能够更好地说明这一点。“出口商”译成exporter足够,并不需要译作export merchant;“驾驶员”译成driver足够,并不需要译作driving member或其他。这两个例子常见,大家早已熟悉,所以大多不会译错,而“广告客户”比较少见,所以上述译文的译者选择了ad clients、advertising clients和advertisement clients之类。联系第一章第二节所讲,可以说是未能把阅读过的相关词语正确地用于自己的表达。
D13. According to Advertising Law Of China, the advertisers should be tested their certificates.
D14. Advertisement customers must verify their relevant certificates to adhere to the Law of Advertisement in China.
D15. A guanggaokehu, a legal person that designs and makes advertisements aimed at promoting the sales of products or providing service, ought to submit and verify the related documents according to the Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China.
此外,上述译文还有其他问题。限于篇幅,仅举几例:译文D10将“有关”译成了pertinent,属于字面直译但不合全句语意,末尾的required时态不对。按照译文D12和D14的理解,似乎adhering to the Advertisements Law of China是修饰certificates的,这属于“语意”失误。译文D13和D14也是基本语意失误;“广告客户”这样的普通词语,在英语里早有现成的对应词,所以说译文D15的做法不应受到鼓励,用心很好,只是南辕北辙,况且语意仍然不对。不是客户自行验证,而是由客户“交验”,即提交给媒体广告代理当面查验,然后还给客户。因此,利用英语的过去分词形式可以轻易解决,比如译成… to have their documents verified——这种表达方式是高中就多次学习过的(如to have my hair cut, to have my watch repaired),并不多么高深。而且,交验的“证件”并不是certificates之类。这些用词问题都可通过密切联系上下文和有针对性地查询词典来解决。
C1. Advertisers must | hand over their relative | certificates for examination in accordance with Advertising Law of China.
C2. The advertiser | must | offer related certificates according to the requirements of Advertising Law of China.
C3. Advertiser | ought to show related certificates for inspection according to China’s Advertising Law.
C4. All advertisers must | apply all appropriate identity-proving documents in accordance with the Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China.
B1. According to China’s Advertising Law, advertisers shall show related credentials for inspection.
B2. The advertisers are required by the law-the Advertising Law of the People’s Republicof China-to provide relevant documents of certification for verification and examination.
A1. According to China’s advertising law, advertisers shall present the related documents of their clients when they buy ad spaces.
A2. According to China’s advertising law, advertisers shall present the business documents of their clients when they buy ad slots for making advertisements.
A3. According to China’s advertising law, advertisers shall show their business documents to the advertising agency for placing advertisements.
A4. According to theAdvertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, advertisers shall present copies of identification documents to the advertising agencies.
A5. TheAdvertising Law of the People’s Republic of Chinarequires that advertisers present their identification documents to the advertising agencies when paying for advertisements.
A6. All advertisers are required, as per theAdvertising Law of the People’s Republic ofChina, to show an advertising agency their business license and other identification documents before having an advertisement aired or released.
例3 我公司注册资金789万美元,法人代表张本山。
D1. My company’s registered capital is $78 900 000 000 and Zhang Benshan is the legal representative.
D2. The registered capital of our company is 78.9 million US dollars,and the legal represent is Benshan Zhang.
D3. Our company’s legal representative is BenShan Zhang, and its registered capital is$789.
D4. Our company has a registered fund of $ 7 890 000, Zhang Benshan is our Corporate Representative.
D5. The registered capital of our company is 7.89 million USD. The company’s juristic person is Mr. Zhang Benshan.
C1. My company’s registered capital is $7.89 million, and legal person is Zhang Benshan.
C2. Zhang Benshan is the legal representative of our company, which has 7.89milliondollars as registered capital.
C3. The registered capital of our company is 7.89 million US dollars and the legal representative is Zhang Benshan.
A1. Our company’s legal representative is Zhang Benshan, and its registered capital is US$7.89 million.
A2. Our company has a registered capital of US$7 890 000, with Zhang Benshan our corporate representative.
A3. The registered capital of our company is USD7.89 million. The company’s legal person is Mr. Zhang Benshan.
A4. My company’s registered capital is US$7.89 million, and the legal person is Mr. Zhang Benshan.
A5. Mr. Zhang Benshan is the legal representative of our company, which has USD7.89 million of registered capital.
A6. Our company is legally represented by Mr. Zhang Benshan, with USD7.89 million as his registered capital.
A7. The registered capital of our company is US$7.89 million and the legal representative is Mr. Zhang Benshan.