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时间:2023-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第三节 问题的实质我们都是中国人,却要使用英语作为工作语言。与此同时,阅读的实质又是英译汉;人们在阅读英语文章的同时,会不知不觉地做着英译汉的工作。实际上,国内的一些英语写作课程——从外贸函电到“高级商务写作”,课堂上的主要教学方式便是先英译汉,后汉译英。两个大方向的实质都是英语水平问题:英译汉时,需要真正看懂英语原文,汉译英时,必须使用起码正确的英语。

第三节 问题的实质









例11 宁波是全国十大外贸城市之一。

D1. Ningbo is one of top ten commercial cities in Chinese mainland.

D2. Ningbo is one of the top ten foreign trade cities.

D3. Ningbo is the top ten cities that major in foreign trade.

D4. Ningbo is one of Top 10 Foreign-Trade City in China.

D5. Ningbo is a “Ten-Largest-Foreign-Trading-City” of the whole country.

C1. Ningbo is the tenth largest foreign trading city of China.

C2. Ningbo is one of the ten largest foreign trade cities in China.

C3. Ningbo City is one of the top ten foreign trade cities of China.

译文D1的黑体部分有个政治问题(political issue);外国有人会那么写,国内学生最好不要——更多解释请见第六章例43项下。D2和D3都没有地域限定词;在一个外国人看来,容易联系到“全世界”的范畴,属于重大漏译。

原文“全国十大外贸城市”不是专有名词,中国任一机构或个人都可以这么说,但是若像D4和D5那样采用大写形式的英语文本,极容易引起误会——确认之前会受到误导,确认之后会认为我方撒谎。这是比较典型却又容易忽视的“跨文化交际问题(cross-cultural communication fallacies)”。


B. Ningbo is one of the leading foreign trading cities in our country.

A1. Ningbo is said to be one of “the ten largest” cities of China in foreign trade.

A2. Ningbo is one of the 10 Chinese cities that are the biggest foreign traders of the country.

A3. Ningbo, Zhejiang, is one of the 10 Chinese cities with the largest volumes in foreign trade.

例12 近期黄金价格不断上涨,吸引了大批新的黄金投资者入市。

D1. With gold price higher recently, more new gold-investors are attracted to invest in stock market.

D2. The increasingly upraising gold rate currently has attracted many new investors enter the market.

D3. Rising price of gold recently attracted a large number of new gold investors | enter the market。

D4. The rising price of gold recently attracted large quantities of new gold investors entering the market.


B1. Recently, the sharply rising gold price attracts lots of new gold investor.

B2. Rising price of gold recently attracted a large number of new investors who have entered the gold market.

A1. The recent rising gold price is luring many new investors into the gold market.

A2. Recent rise in gold price has drawn a large number of new investors to the gold market.

A3. Attracted by the rising price of gold, investors are flooding the precious metals market.

例13 整个高新技术产业中,计算机及通信设备制造业占到了80%左右。

D1. Manufacturing businesses for computer and communication equipment account for 80% of the entire high- and new-tech industry.

D2. Conputer and communication apparatus | manufactuning industry occupies about 80% in entire hi-tech industry.


C1. Computer and communication devices manufacturing account for about 80 percent of whole high-tech sector.


C2. Computer science and telecommunications equipment manufacturing industry basically make up 80% of the entire high-new technology industry based on export value.

C3. Computer manufacturing industry and telecommunications equipment manufacturing industry made up to 80 percent of the total high-tech industry according to the market value.

B. In the entire high-tech industry, manufacturing of computers and telecommunication equipments accounts for about 80%.


A1. Computer and communication devices manufacturing accounts for about 80 percent of the high-tech sector.

A2. Manufacturing of computers and communication devices accounts for about 80 percent of the high-tech industry.

A3. Computer and communication equipment manufacturing accounted for about 80% ofthe high-tech industry (of China).

A4. Manufacturing of computer and communication equipment accounted for about 80 percent of the high-tech industry.

A5. Manufacturing of computers and communication equipments accounts for about 80 percent of China’s high-tech industry.



