请按照本书的标记体系(字母D, C, B和A),依次给每个译文打分。
(1) One cosmetics, with one, which container volume can’t over 100ml.
(2) Each cosmetics is limited only one piece of which container volume shall not exceed 100 milliliter.
(3) Passengers are allowed to carry with them only one cosmetics, volume of which is no more than 100ml.
(4) Each type of cosmetic is allowed to take one piece, and its container volume shall not exceed 100 milliliter.
(5) Only one piece of each kind of cosmetics is allowed to take with. Besides, its volume must be no more than 100ml.
(6) Only one piece for each type of cosmetics is permitted and carried in the container of capacity not exceeding 100ml.
(7) For every kind of cosmetics, only one piece is allowed per passenger onboard, and the container shall be no more than 100 ml.
(8) Only one piece for every kind of cosmetics is permitted to take aboard, and its container volume shall not exceed 100 ml.
(9) People are allowed to take only one piece of each cosmetic, and the container’scapacity should not be more than 100 milliliters.
(10) A passenger is allowed to take with him/her only one piece of cosmetics per category. Besides, the volume of the container must be no more than 100ml.
1. 对于文物,我们应该更好地加以发掘、保护、利用。
(1) For well excavating, protecting and utilizing the ancient relic of China.
(2) We should better excavate, keep and utilize a relic of the ancient China.
(3) For the ancient relics of China, should better excavate, protect and utilize.
(4) We should better excavate, protect and utilize the relics of ancient Chinese.
2. 上海举办世博会,出租车司机的收益可能是最直接的。
(1) taxi drivers were the direct beneficiaries when Shanghai held the World Fair.
(2) Cabmen were the most biggest | beneficiaries when Shanghai held the Olympic.
(3) Shanghai held World Expo, taxi drivers were probably the most direct beneficiaries.
(4) Cabmen maybe are the most direct beneficiaries from the success of Shanghai’s holding the World Expo.
3. 公司下属境内5家分公司,3家办事处,境外2家分公司。
(1) The company has 5 branches and 3 offices at home, and 2 branches abroad.
(2) The company owns five branches and three agencies at home, and two branches at abroad.
(3) The company has five filiales and three offices internal. It also has two filials overseas.
(4) The company subordinates five branches and three offices within, and two branches overseas.
4. 预计未来五年里中国商品零售物价的年均增长率约为2.3%。
(1) In the next five years, China’s annual retail price growth rate will be 2.3% on average.
(2) To be calculated, the retail price of Chinese goods will increase 2.3% annually in next five years.
(3) It is estimated that the yearly average increasing rate approximately will be 2.3% ofthe china commodity retail price.
(4) It predicate that the retail price of Chinese product will have the average annual growth rate about 2.3% in the next 5 years.
5. 价格很直观,我们可以直接看到,但是质量却要切身体验以后才知道。
(1) We can reed price on the tag, but it’s quality can’t be seen until it’s used.
(2) Price is straight forward for us to see where the quality only reveals after a trial.
(3) The price is very obviously to see, but the quality has to be known from our own experience.
(4) We can directly see the price because of it is very intuitive, but if you want to know the quality of goods, you must use it.
1. 定投贵在长期坚持,用时间平摊市场风险。
2. 目前我国保险业资产规模已超过3万亿元人民币。
3. 中国电信集团公司拥有全球最大的固定通讯网络。
4. 目前全市空置商品住宅6 543万平方米,增长12.3%。
5. 与6月份相比,7月CPI环比跌幅扩大了2.3个百分点。
6. 国际大宗商品价格在投机性资金的推动下正持续走高。
7. 本周肉类价格互有涨跌,猪肉批发价格较前一周回落1.2%。
8. 本年度中美双边贸易增长12.3%,比去年同期回落1.9个百分点。
9. 我们公司的水果加工这部分业务约有20多个工厂、6 000多名员工。
10. 截止到9月末,全国商品房空置面积为4.5亿平方米,同比增长12.3%。