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时间:2023-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈



例3 大窑湾出入境检验检疫局 口岸查验科主任科员


地址:大连开发区海青岛外事区 邮政编码116610

C. Dayaowan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of The People’s Republic of China Inspection and Quarantine Section

Zhang Hong Liang

Section Member in Charge

Add: Haiqingdao diplomatic district, Dalian developing district, Liaoning, China.

这个名片的得分为C,主要是因为地址。就本节主题即职务而言,“主任科员”的译文Section Member in Charge属于个体劳动,而得不到社会承认的个体劳动是无效劳动。应当采用迄今接受度比较广的译名或译法:Principal Staff Member。换句话说,目标学生所需要做的,仍是多次解释并推荐的——照抄。

但是笔者认为,某些职务不如不译。在国内体系中该怎么办还怎么办,但在涉外的工作环境中,“主任科员”译出来可能只会增加交际阻力,某些外国人会以为“张洪亮”是我们这个科里的主要的甚至是惟一的Staff Member,还是留着有空聊天时作为谈资的好。这可以看作是“减词略写”在专有名词中的应用。这里的建议是:似可采用“语意对等”,比如说Officer, Project Manager,或者采用汉语拼音Zhuren Keyuan,或技术职称,比如说engineer或entomologist。另外,“大连开发区”应当照抄既定译名;“海青岛”应当音译,“外事区”应当“译意不译形”。

A. Zhang Hongliang


Inspection and Quarantine Section

Dayaowan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau

Haiqingdao Bonded Area, Dalian Industrial Park

Dalian, Liaoning 116610 China

这是例句中第一次出现完整的一个中国人名,借此简介一下。中国人名在英语中的写法是:采用汉语拼音,沿用先姓后名的词序,姓与名分为两个单词,大写第一个字母——正如护照上那样。学生作业中经常见到先名后姓的写法,那不规范。这里不做论证,仅提三个事实供参考:一是沙祖康先生担任联合国副秘书长,职务可有Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations和the United Nations Under-Secretary-General两种写法,但其姓名没有变化,仍然是Sha Zukang。二是据媒体报道,英国伦敦的地铁站,奥运期间以在奥运会上获得过金牌或作过特殊贡献的运动员的姓名命名,中国运动员刘翔、伏明霞、王义夫等13人位列其中。他们的姓名写法均如前面所讲。三是在北京奥运会和伦敦奥运会上,中国运动员的名字均采用了本段开头所讲的格式;为了提示与欧美人名的不同,姓氏一律大写。

这方面尚有四点注意事项。一是如果出国,想用已有的英文名字也可,另起新名也可以,只要从申请签证或留学文件开始便坚持使用同一个名字即可。二是到了国外(除匈牙利之外),至少在文件中,便可采用先名后姓的词序。换句话说,在不同的语言系统中采用不同的写法。三是建议不要轻易套用,比如说有人把“杜拉拉”写作“La La Du”,但没有注意到英语中早有La-La land一词。四是倘若在以英语为工作语言的语境中,尤其是以英语国家的人为主的时候(比如书目和论文作者列表),中国人名可以暂时颠倒姓名顺序。

例4 农行上海分行国际部经理王军负责该行的承兑贴现业务。

D1. Wang Jun, the director of International Dept. of Agricultural Bank Shanghai Branch, is in charging of acceptance and discount.

D2. Wangjun, the international section’s manager of the Agricultural Bank Shanghai division, is charge the business of the acceptance and discount.

D3. Wang jun is the manager of internation dept of Shanghai branch of Agricultural Bank. Who is in charge of the business of honoring and discounting.

D4. Manager WANG Jun is responsible for the acceptance and discounting business of the Agricultural Bank of China, Shanghai Subbranch, Intl. Dpet..

D5. Wang Jun, Agricultural Bank of China Shanghai branch manager of the International Department in charge of the business line acceptance discount.

D6. Jun Wang, the manager of international | Dept. of the Agricultural Bank of China, Shanghai branch, who in charge of the business of accept and discount.

D7. Wang Jun is the manager of international business department in Agriculture | bank, Shang Hai Branch. He takes charge of accepting and discounting business in this bank.

C1. Wang Jun, manager of international department of Shanghai subsidiary bank of Agricultural Bank of China, is in charge of acceptance and discount.

C2. WANG Jun, the manager of Intl. Dpet., Agricultural Bank of China, Shanghai Subbranch, is responsible for the acceptance and discounting business.

C3. It is Wang Jun, the manager of the international department of Agricultural Bank of China Shanghai Branch, who is in charge of the bank’s Acceptance service.



A1. Wang Jun is the acceptance and discount manager of the International Department,Shanghai Branch, Agricultural Bank of China.


A2. Mr. Wang Jun, International Department Manager, Shanghai Branch of Agricultural Bank of China, is in charge of the acceptance and discount businesses of his bank.


例5 这次客户招待会是在五星级的天伦王朝饭店亚太第一广场举行的。

C. This customer conference was held in the Asian & Pacific Square, the five-star Tianlun Dynasty Hotel.

“记者招待会”的确是 press conference,但本句中的“招待会”不可以照搬;这与职务、职称和称呼方面的“约定俗成”道理相同。两个A类译文特意采用了两种译法。

A1. This client reception was held in the Asian & Pacific Square, Tianlun Dynasty Hotel, Beijing.

A2. This clients function was held in the Asian & Pacific Square of the five-star Tianlun Dynasty Hotel, Beijing.


例6 从王董讲话时的态度看,他对这个观点是坚持的。

D1. We can see Wang Dong insists on this idea in his tone.

D2. To judge from the way Chairman Wang spoke, he insists on this viewpoint.

C. Judging from the way he said it, we could tell that president Wang sticked to this point of view.


B1. We can feel from the tone in which Mr. Wang Dong spoken that he insisted on this idea.

B2. To judge from the way Mr. Wang the Chairman spoke, he was insistent on this opinion.

B3. Judging from the way he spoke, we can tell that Mr. Wang, the President, stuck to this point of view.

A. Judged from the way he spoke, Mr. Wang, a director on the board, was firm /resolved/ resolute /determined /unchangeable /unyielding on this idea /opinion /belief / judgment.



