二、我们自己要创业,希望先想好一个英语名字。这与给自己起个英语名字是一样的——由你自己决定。一般而言有两种做法:一是专有部分音译(即采用汉语拼音),通用名称部分意译。“公司”通常译作Company或Corporation及其缩略形式Corp.,“(股份)有限公司”或“股份有限公司”译为Co. Ltd.或者Co., Ltd.,一般首字母要大写,少数名称中全部字母大写。二是意译甚至另起新名,有时另起的英语名称与已有的汉语名称都看不出来是同一家——各节均有例句所示。但与人名不同的是:应当查重,也就是查询是否有人已在使用这个名字。究竟采用哪个形式,可能需要与合作伙伴商量,还应想着将来有可能上市而趁早咨询专业人士。
三、企业文件汉译英过程中我们会遇到一些没有英语名字的企业,新设立的机构和一些小单位尚无公开的译名,或者一时查询不到,或者一下子查到多个版本。这种情况下,一般的权宜做法:一是音译专有名称部分,意译通名部分但采用小写;二是由译者确定一个译名,在后面加括号附上汉字原名的音译;三是可用括号、插入句、注释等形式说明该企业或机构的类别词,比如a textile maker, a chemical manufacturer, a consultant等等。有时还可以在叙述中增加解释——这便是编译了。
1. 张总开一辆蒙迪欧,家里还闲着一辆凯越。
(1) Mr. Zhang drives a MONDEO, with a free Excelle in his garage.
(2) Mr Zhang drives a Mondeo, with a spare Excelle lying in the garage.
(3) Mr zhang always drive a Mengdi’ou ,and he slso has a Kaiyue at home.
(4) Mr Zhang, who is the manager, drives a M, and another K is available in his house.
(5) Manager Zhang ride by a car named Meng Di Ou, and still another Kai Yue remaining at home.
(6) Mr Zhang always sits in a Mengdiou car with the fact that there’s a Kaiyue being laid aside at home.
2. 我公司曾负责首都机场三号航站楼的灯具安装工作。
(1) Our company was once charged for the installation of lights of the NO.3 building of capital Airport.
(2) Our company was supplier and installer of all lighting fixtures for the Beijing Capital Airport Terminal 3.
(3) Our company used to take charge of the task that fixing luminaries in Capital Airport Terminal Building 3.
(4) Our company used to responsible for the installation of lights of the third aircraft station of the capital airport.
(5) Our company used to have responsibility to install lights in the third air terminal of Beijing Capital International Airport.
(6) Our company was responsible for the installation of lights and lanterns in the NO.3 Airport Station of the Capital Airport.
3. 该开发区交通便利,津秦国道从开发区的西侧通过。
(1) This area has transport facilities, for Jinqin State Road pasts the west of it.
(2) The development zone is easy to reach, with the Tianjin-Qinhuangdao State Highway passing it on its west side.
(3) The development Zone is convenient traffic services, with the Jinqin State Highwaypassing it on the west side.
(4) The development zone enjoys easy transportation with Tianjin-Qing Huangdao highway passing from the west side.
(5) The Open Economic Zone is approached by all ways, and the National Highway from Tianjin to Qinghuangdao passes through its western part.
(6) As a result of convenience, there builds a national highway from Tianjin to Qinghuangdao in the western part of the development zone.
4. 请允许我来介绍一下,这是我们厂的厂办主任吴永年吴大主任。
(1) Please allow me to introduce the director of our factory, Mr. Wu Yongnian.
(2) Please allow me to introduce the director of our manufactory, Yongnian Wu.
(3) Allow me to introduce this one is Wu yongnian Plant Office Director of our plant.
(4) Please allow me to introduce Mr. Wu Yongnian, who is the director of our factory.
(5) Please allow me to introduce (to you) Mr. Wu Yongnian, director of the factory’s general office.
(6) Please allow me to introduce our Mr. Wu Yongnian, the dean of administrative office of our factory.
5. 市委张书记批示县委李书记依法严肃处理这件事,以免造成不必要的影响。
(1) Minister Zhang of the city asked Minister Li of the country to deal the thing by law seriously, to avoid unnecessary effection.
(2) Mr. Zhang of the CPC Committee commands that Mr. Li should handle this issue precisely according to the law to avoid unnecessary impact.
(3) The City Counciler Zhang ordered the County Counciler Li to deal with this thing according to the law seriously in order to not led unnecessary influence.
(4) Mr. Zhang, Party Secretary, instructed Mr. Li, Secretary of CPC County Committee, to deal with this incident strictly according to law in order to avoid troubles.
(5) The secretary of municipal party committee Mr Zhang has instructed the secretary of county party committee Mr Li to handle the matter seriously according to the law so as not to cause any negative impact.
(6) Mr. Zhang, Party Secretary of the city, instructed Mr. Li, Secretary of the CPC County Committee, to deal with this incident strictly according to law, so that the case would not develop into a bigger trouble.
1. 金砖四国目前都是经济增长比较快的国家。
(1) The economy is under rapid growth in the BRICs at present.
(2) Currently, the BRICs are the countries with relatively fast economic growth.
(3) Comparatively speaking, the economic growth of the BRICs is more faster now in the world.
(4) The Four BRICs(Brazil, Russia, India and China)are countries who have faster economic growth.
2. 本校附近有物美大卖场和华堂商场两个购物中心。
(1) Two shopping halls, Wumei and Huatang shopping hall are near our school.
(2) There are two shopping centers near our school, one is Wumei, the other is Huatang.
(3) WuMei Market and HuaTang Shopping Mall are the two shopping centers near our school.
(4) Two shopping centres are close to our university. One is Wumart, the other is Huatang.
3. 这次展览上,展出了商周至民国时期的各种钱币纸币。
(1) On the exhibition there were various coins and paper money sued from Shang and Zhou to the present.
(2) Various coins and paper currency from the dynasties of Shang and Zhou to Republic of China were exhibited on the exhibition.
(3) On this exhibition various coins and paper money which is used from the dynasties of Shang and Zhou up to Republic of China.
(4) The exhibition exhibited various coins and paper money of all periods from the Republic of China up to the dynasties of Shang and Zhou.
4. 兰河市政府负责征地拆迁和土木建造工程等方面的工作。
(1) Lan he government will be responsible for Land expropriation ,demolition and Civil construction.
(2) Government of Lanhe City will be in charge of land acquisition, resettlement, and civil construction.
(3) Lanhe city Government is in charge of land acquisition, demolition and civil construction, and so on.
(4) Lanhe municipal government is responsible for land acquisition, demolition and resettlement, civil construction engineering and so on.
5. 对于贫富差距问题,经济学家林毅夫教授提出了一种高论。
(1) Lin Yifu, an economist, put forward a brilliant view about the gap between rich and poor.
(2) About the issue between rich and poor, the economists Professor Lin Yifu offered a high theory.
(3) The economist Yifu Lin | offers a remarkable comment on the gap between the rich and the poor.
(4) Professor Lin Yifu, an economist, made an enlightening remark on the gap between the rich and poor.
6. 近2 000余名新生的入住,标志着我校清水河校区的正式启用。
(1) As nearly 2 000 new students living in the Qing Shuihe School District, it marked we began to use it officially.
(2) The moving of nearly 2 000 newborn symbolizes that Qing Shui He campus of our school is officially opened.
(3) Nearly two thousand of new students moving into the Qingshuihe school district symbolizes its official invocation.
(4) More than 2 000 new students come and live in Clearwater River campus, which is marked the office opening of our campus.
7. 新加坡诺和诺德制药公司在我市繁华的商业街开办了一家门市。
(1) Singapore Novo Nordisk opened a retail outlet in the prosperous downtown.
(2) Novo Nordisk (Singapore) opened a store in the bustling commercial area of our city.
(3) Singapore’s Nuohe Nuode Pharmaceutical Company opened a retail outlet in the bustling commercial street of the city.
8. 德士古公司参与了安徽省境内2 663平方公里的煤层气资源开发。
(1) Texaco Inc. joined in the exploration for coalbed methane in Anhui Province covering 2 663 square kilometers.
(2) Texaco participated in the gas layer resource development of the 2 663 square kilometers in Anhui Province.
(3) Texaco company involved in the development of coalbed methane resources within AnHui province, for 2 663 square kilometres area.
9. 第十届中国年度管理大会举行了三场主题论坛和四场圆桌论坛。
(1) The 10thChina Annual Administration Meeting held 3 theme forums and 4 round-table forums.
(2) There were three theme forums and four roundtable conferences in the 10th China Annual Management Conference.
10. 在省农科院的大力支持下,他加大了在新产品研发上的投入力度。
(1) With the great support of Provincal Agricutural Science Institute, he put more capital into developing new product.
(2) More efforts are dedicated to developing new products with the support of Academy of Agricultural Sciences in his province.
(3) He spent more effort in the new product’s research and development with the great support from the provincial Agricultural Science Institute.
(4) Under the province Academy of Agricultural Sciences’s support vigorously, he has enlarged in new product research and development investment dynamics.
1. 老李是河北省怀来县商业局的副局长。
2. 小张是河北省怀来县农业局的副局长。
3. 英特尔公司是世界上最大的芯片制造厂商。
4. 中方邀请单位是中国国际贸易促进会北京分会。
5. 去年12月,世界贸易组织部长级会议在香港举行。
6. 七仙岭温泉是海南省温度最高、泉眼最多的温泉。
7. 北京中医药大学据说是全北京外国留学生最多的大学。
8. 他大学毕业后加入了上海一家信息产业公司,任研发工程师一职。
9. 今年3月底,他一纸申诉书将该公司诉至上海浦东新区劳动争议仲裁委员会。
10. 邮寄航空邮件可到的城市包括:曼谷、平壤、雅加达、卡拉奇、马尼拉、东京、大阪、德黑兰、乌兰巴托、阿姆斯特丹、布鲁塞尔、法兰克福、哥本哈根、赫尔辛基、马德里、斯德哥尔摩、维也纳、华沙、苏黎士、悉尼、温哥华、旧金山。