首页 理论教育 “被”字句的直译


时间:2023-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:一、“被”字句的直译本小节介绍“直译”为基本特征的翻译方法,其“直译”部分多数情况下限于汉语原文带有“被”字的句子,是被动句中最为常见也最为简单的。例如:例1 非常遗憾,该工厂昨夜被毁于大火。B. I’m very sorry that the factory was destroyed by the fire last night.A. I regret that the factory was completely destroyed in a fire last night.例2 该律师事务所已被司法部评为“全国法律服务行业文明服务窗口”。



例1 非常遗憾,该工厂昨夜被毁于大火。

C1. I’m very sorry to tell you that this factory has been destroyed by the fire last night.

C2. I regret to state that the factory was conpletely destroyed by fire last night.


B. I’m very sorry that the factory was destroyed by the fire last night.

A. I regret that the factory was completely destroyed in a fire last night.

例2 该律师事务所已被司法部评为“全国法律服务行业文明服务窗口”。

D1. The law office has been | certified “National Civilized Service Window in the Legal Service Industry”.

D2. The law office has been | elected as “civilized service window of legal service industry of the whole country”.

C. The law office has been | granted “Excellent Unit of National Legal Service”.


B1. The law office was granted the title of a “National Excellent Legal Service”.

B2. The law office was cited as a “National Excellent Legal Service” firm.

A. The law office was cited as one of the “National Excellent Legal Service” firms of the year.

例3 南极长城站上不能降解的和固体的废料都被运回国内进行处理。

A. Non-degradable and solid wastes produced in the Changcheng Station on the Antarctica are all shipped back to China for treatment.

