第四节 不可单词对应
请同学们把“这本书”三个字译成英语,没有一个写作this copy of book,但若例子有所变化,便会出现类似于这四个单词的译文,比如第一章例9(“这种蜂蜜”)和第十一章例18(“这种设备”)。根本问题还是在译“词”,不是译“句”,更不是译“意”。即便是专有名词的译名,采用的主流方式也并非直译。比如说 “市”、“局”、“办”等机构名称核心词,第六章(例39至例45为代表)里已有充分的举证,说明单纯的“直译”用处极小。本节例句的臧否依据请见第一章第二节。同时,这些例句也可作为该节的举证。
例19 中信集团公司是我国实行对外开放的重要窗口之一。
D1. CITIC group is one of the important windows for opening to the outside world in China.
D2. CITIC group is one of the important windows for our country’s implementation of opening to the outside world.
译文D1的黑体部分是直译,译文属于严重的错译;汉语那么讲是成立的,但直译之后形成了两处重大失误。一是修辞难以成立,即a group(指代一家企业)不是一个window,正如第五章例31(“今年的八月十五是九月三十号”)中所讲的简单道理一样。二是语意不对,即中国不是使用window来opening to the outside world的。此外,in China与world紧密相连,却又远离其修饰对象,极易造成困惑。D2的主要问题与D1一样,中国一样无法用window来implement policy。两者均是“译词”而未“译意”的例证。
C. CITIC Group serves as one of the critical mediums for China’s opening to the outside world.
A1. CITIC Group is a significant platform in carrying out China’s policy of opening to the outside world.
A2. The achievements of the CITIC group provide an important showcase in China’s implementation of the state policy of opening to the outside world.
A3. CITIC group is one of the important companies in implementing the national policy of opening to the outside world.
例20 公司要求每天工作8小时,但没有确切地规定办公时间。
C. Company demands | working 8 hours a day, but did not stipulate exactly work time.
A1. The company requires 8 hours of work a workday, but does not stipulate the exact period of time for an employee.
A2. The company requires that an employee work 8 hours per workday, but does not specify when he or she is to stay in the office.
例21 出口交货不及时现象,一定要在短期内尽快加以解决。
D1. The problem of delays in export delivery must be in a short time.
D2. The problem of delay delivery should be solve as soon as possible.
D3. The phenomenon of unduely export delivery must be solved as soon as possible.
D4. The irregularity of the export delivery must be resolved | as soon as possible in the short term.
D5. The problem of delay in export delivery must be settled as soon as possible in the short term.
本句的翻译问题与第一章例6相同。原文我们能够理解,但D3和D4的译文不成立,也就是英语读者极有可能感到难以理解。在英语里,人们不能resolve a phenomenon,也无法resolved irregularity。译文D5的问题的实质与此相似,即We do not settle a problem,尽管单独就settle查英汉词典,义项之一确实可作“解决”解。
C1. We should dispatch the ordered goods as soon as we can.
C2. The goods should be delivered as soon as possible without delay.
C3. The problem of not in time delivery must be solved as soon as possible.
A. The problem of delivery delays (in export) should be solved as soon as possible.
例22 该县打算开采和加工石英粉,使之转化为可观的经济效益。
D1. This town is planning to exploit and process the lime, and it will be the incredible profit.
D2. In order to improve the county’s economic benefit, they intend to mining and processing the quartz powder.
D3. It is a plan for the county to mine and process quartz powder, which can make remarkable economic benefits.
D4. This county plans to exploit and process quartz powder, which can be converted to economic benefits.
D5. The county is going to mining and processing quartz powder, and transforming it into considerable economic benefit.
C1. This county is planning to mine and process quartz powder to convert it into considerable economic benefit.
C2. The county plans to mine the quartz ore and process quartz powder, and transform it for considerable economic benefit.
B. The county plans to mine and process quartz powder, turning it into considerable economic benefits.
A1. The county is planning to mine quartz ores and process them into powder for sale. It is believed that quartz mining and processing will bring it considerable economic benefits.
A2. People in the county are planning to mine quartz ores and process them into powder for sale, believing it will be considerably profitable.
例23 在经济全球化的背景下,外经贸工作的重要性是不言而喻的。
D1. In the background of economic globalization, the work of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation speaks for itself.
D2. Under the background of global economy, department of foreign trade and economic cooperation is without doubt very important.
D3. Backgrounded by globalized economy, the importance of the foreign trade is self-evident.
D4. In the background of the globalization, the importance of the Ministry of Commerce is understood without being told.
A1. Along the economic globalization, the importance of international trade is self-evident.
A2. Against the background of globalization, the importance of international business cannot be exaggerated.
例24 这次博览会家电和电子产品依然是成交主力。
D1. Home appliances and electronic products are still main bargains in the exhibition.
D2. Consumer electronices and electronic products is bargian on brunt as before in this fair.
D3. Household appliances and electronic products remained major statues of trading in the exposition.
D4. Household appliances and electronic products remained main strength of an army in the exposition.
D5. Household appliances and electronic products remain the main force | reaching a deal | in this exposition.
D6. The household appliances and electronic products are still the main commodities which can fulfill the transaction in the exhibition.
C. Household appliances and electron products are still big deals in this exposition.
B. Household appliances and electronic products are the biggest deals at the exhibition.
A. Household electronic appliances made up the most deals signed /were the biggest contracts signed /were deals with the largest amount /were the largest share of successful contracts.
例25 这次调查的主要内容是房地产开发企业的财务状况等。
D1. This research mainly focus on the financial conditions of the companies aiming at the estate.
D2. The main content of the investigation is the financing status of real estate enterprises and so on.
D3. The main contents of this survey are the financial performance of estate exploitation enterprises and so on.
B. The main purpose in this research is to look into the financial condition of the real estate enterprises.
A. One of the main purposes of this survey /research /project is the fiscal performance of real estate developing companies.