1. Some research has shown that perhaps80% of all human illnesses are related to diet and 40% of cancer is related to the diet as well,especially cancer of the colon.(一些研究显示,大约占人类80%的疾病都与饮食有关,而占40%的癌症,尤其是结肠癌也与饮食有关。)
2. Canada takes up one fifteenth of all the land on the planet.(加拿大占世界陆地面积的十五分之一。)
3. Of all the water in the world,fresh water amounts to only 2.5%.(淡水仅占全世界总水量的2.5%。)
4. Bamboo makes up 99 percent of a wild panda's diet.(竹子占一只野生大熊猫总食量的99%。)
5. The United States is the world's largest polluter,accounting for 25% of all carbon dioxide emissions,a major cause of global warming,despite its population of just4% of the world's total.(美国是世界上最大的污染排放国,尽管它的人口只占全球人口的百分之四,但二氧化碳排放量占全球总排放量的25%,而二氧化碳排放是引起全球变暖的主要原因。)
6. African-Americans com prise approximately 12% of the US work force.(非洲裔美国人约占美国全部劳动力的12%。)
7. The 69,400 African-American law enforcement officers constitute roughly a fifth of the national total.(69,400名非洲裔美国执法官员约占其全国执法官员总数的五分之一。)
8. 60-80% of our message is communicated through our body language; only 7-10% is attributable to the actual words of a conversation.(我们在交流时,有60-80%的信息是通过肢体语言传递的;而在交谈时语言的使用实际上仅占7-10%。)
9. Albanians represent about90 per cent of the population in Kosovo.(在科索沃,阿尔巴尼亚人口大约占90%。)
10. As we know,oceans cover more than 70% of the earth.(众所周知,海洋占地球面积的70%以上。)
1. By 2001 the number of students increased by 10%.(到2001年底,学生的数量上升了10%。)
2. The 2008 Olympics triggers0.8 per cent annual grow th for Beijing's economy. (2008年奥运会可促使北京经济每年增长0.8%。)
3. Profits rocketed 231% in one year.(利润在一年内迅速增长了231%。)
4. The price of petrol shot up by 35% overnight.(汽油的价格在一夜间暴涨了35%。)
5. Nation's money supply soars by 21.6% in August.(八月份的国家货币供应量猛增了21.6%。)
6. Our budget has just been slashed another 10%.(我们的预算刚刚又被消减了10%。)
7. Now,the average sleep hours a night for a person has reduced nearly by 32% since the 18th and 19th centuries.(现在一个人夜间的平均睡眠时间与19和20世纪时相比,几乎减少了32%。)
8. There has been a 15% decrease in the number of violent crime in this area.(这一地区的暴力犯罪下降了15%。)
9. In America the cigarette market is declining by around 2% a year.(美国的烟草市场以每年大约2%的速度萎缩。)
10. The proportion of Amer I cans who are in stable,very happy first marriages has dropped 20 percentage points since 1973.(自1973以来,在美国处在稳定、非常幸福且为初婚的婚姻比例下降了20个百分点。)
1. Statistics show that approximately 40 percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce.(数据显示,在美国大约40%的婚姻会以离婚告终。)
2. Nearly 40% of the earth's productivity goes to support human beings.(地球上近40%的物产用来养活人类。)
3. GM products,typically large and seldom at the forefront of technical possibilities,are not doing well in a world of rising oil prices; even in the US,home of the gas-guzzling SUV,the company retains only 25% of the auto market.(“通用”制造的汽车,一般来说都很大,也很少采用尖端技术,在世界油价不断飙升的情况下它做得并不好;即便是在美国——耗油量很大的四轮驱动越野车的家乡,“通用”也只保有25%的汽车市场份额。)
四、下面是根据一个饼状图(pie chart)写的范文
Road Accidents in China
It is evident from the pie chart that there are three major sources of road accidents in China. Motor vehicle accidents are the most common as they account for 48.8% of all accidents. Bicycle accidents are also common amounting to 36%. The third type of accidents,which makes up only 10%,is related to pedestrians.
Some possible causes of road accidents are as follows. Most of the road accidents caused by motor vehicles usually result from drunk driving and speeding. Cyclists who run a red light are also likely to be injured or killed by motor vehicles. With no traffic rules to obey,quite a few pedestrians rush across a street whenever and wherever they want. Poor road conditions and bad weather can trigger some road accidents,too.
To minimize traffic accidents,we must devise some effective measures. For example,any violators of traffic regulations,such as drunk drivers and speeders,should be severely punished with heavy fines,revocation(吊销) of driver's license for good,and even imprisonment. Meanwhile,cyclists should use hand signals to warn other road users of their intentions and pedestrians should be encouraged to cross a street via an overpass or an underpass. To sum up,if we all contribute to traffic safety,the number of traffic accidents will be greatly reduced.