Ⅰ 篇章翻译
Global Warming
Scientists learned long ago that the earth’s climate has powerfully shaped the history of the human species—biologically,culturally and geographically.But only in the last few decades has research revealed that humans can be a powerful influence on the climate as well.
A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that since 1950,the world’s climate has been warming,primarily as a result of emissions from unfettered burning of fossil fuels and the razing of tropical forests.Such activity adds to the atmosphere’s invisible blanket of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping “greenhouse” gases.Recent research has shown that methane,which flows from landfills,livestock and oil and gas facilities,is a close second to carbon dioxide in impact on the atmosphere.
That conclusion has emerged through a broad body of analysis in fields as disparate as glaciology,the study of glacial formations,and palynology,the study of the distribution of pollen grains in lake mud.It is based on a host of assessments by the world’s leading organizations of climate and earth scientists.
In the last several years,the scientific case that the rising human influence on climate could become disruptive has become particularly robust.
Some fluctuations in the Earth’s temperature are inevitable regardless of human activity—because of decades-long ocean cycles,for example.But centuries of rising temperatures and seas lie ahead if the release of emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation continues unabated,according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.The panel shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former Vice President Al Gore for alerting the world to warming’s risks.
Despite the scientific consensus on these basic conclusions,enormously important details remain murky.That reality has been seized upon by some groups and scientists disputing the overall consensus and opposing changes in energy policies.
For example,estimates of the amount of warming that would result from a doubling of greenhouse gas concentrations (compared to the level just before the Industrial Revolution got under way in the early 19th century) range from 3.6 degrees to 8 degrees Fahrenheit.The intergovernmental climate panel said it could not rule out even higher temperatures.While the low end could probably be tolerated,the high end would almost certainly result in calamitous,long-lasting disruptions of ecosystems and economies,a host of studies have concluded.A wide range of economists and earth scientists say that level of risk justifies an aggressive response.
Other questions have persisted despite a century-long accumulation of studies pointing to human-driven warming.The rate and extent at which sea levels will rise in this century as ice sheets erode remains highly uncertain,even as the long-term forecast of centuries of retreating shorelines remains intact.Scientists are struggling more than ever to disentangle how the heat building in the seas and atmosphere will affect the strength and number of tropical cyclones.The latest science suggests there will be more hurricanes and typhoons that reach the most dangerous categories of intensity,but fewer storms over all.
The debate over such climate questions pales next to the fight over what to do,or not do,in a world where fossil fuels still underpin both rich and emerging economies.With the completion of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at the Earth Summit in 1992,the world’s nations pledged to avoid dangerously disrupting the climate through the buildup of greenhouse gases,but they never defined how much warming was too much.
Nonetheless,recognizing that the original climate treaty was proving ineffective,all of the world’s industrialized countries except for the United States accepted binding restrictions on their greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol,which was negotiated in Japan in 1997.That accord took effect in 2005 and its gas restrictions expire in 2012.The United States signed the treaty,but it was never submitted for ratification,in the face of overwhelming opposition in the Senate because the pact required no steps by China or other fast-growing developing countries.
It took until 2009 for the leaders of the world’s largest economic powers to agree on a dangerous climate threshold: an increase of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) from the average global temperature recorded just before the Industrial Revolution kicked into gear.(This translates into an increase of 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit above the Earth’s current average temperature,about 59 degrees.)
The Group of 8 industrial powers also agreed this year to a goal of reducing global emissions 50 percent by 2050,with the richest countries leading the way by cutting their emissions 80 percent.But they did not set a baseline from which to measure that reduction,and so far firm interim targets—which many climate scientists say would be more meaningful—have not been defined.
At the same time,fast-growing emerging economic powerhouses,led by China and India,still oppose taking on mandatory obligations to curb their emissions.They say they will do what they can to rein in growth in emissions—as long as their economies do not suffer.The world’s poorest countries,in the meantime,are seeking payments to help make them less vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,given that the buildup in climate-warming gases so far has come mainly from richer nations.Such aid has been promised since the 1992 treaty and a fund was set up under the Kyoto Protocol.But while tens of billions of dollars are said to be needed,only millions have flowed so far.
In many ways,the debate over global climate policy is a result of a global “climate divide.’’ Emissions of carbon dioxide per person range from less than 2 tons per year in India,where 400 million people lack access to electricity,to more than 20 in the United States.The richest countries are also best able to use wealth and technology to insulate themselves from climate hazards,while the poorest,which have done the least to cause the problem,are the most exposed.
In Copenhagen in December 2009,negotiators had planned to try to settle on the basic terms of two new global climate agreements.One would renew the commitments of countries bound by the Kyoto emissions limits; the other would rein in emissions of all countries to varying extents,depending on their wealth and emissions history.Given the many competing interests,and the reality that any big emissions shifts would have substantial economic impacts,the negotiations have been called one of the most complex diplomatic challenges ever.(1,077 words)
unfettered adj.无拘无束的
raze v.消除;抹去;破坏
carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳
heat-trapping adj.吸热的
methane n.甲烷;沼气
landfill n.填埋;垃圾堆
glaciology n.冰河学;冰川学
palynology n.孢粉学
disruptive adj.破坏的;制造混乱的
fluctuation n.起伏;波动
deforestation n.采伐森林
unabated adj.不减弱的;不衰退的
intergovernmental adj.政府间的
consensus n.共识;一致
murky adj.黑暗的;阴郁的
concentration n.浓度;专心
calamitous adj.灾难的;不幸的
erode v.侵蚀;腐蚀
disentangle v.解开;松开
cyclone n.旋风;气旋
hurricane n.飓风;暴风
typhoon n.台风
intensity n.强度;亮度
underpin v.巩固;支持;
ratification n.批准;认可
threshold n.阀值;门槛
Celsius n.摄氏度
Fahrenheit n.华氏温标
gear n.齿轮;v.开动
baseline n.基线;底线
interim adj.临时的;暂时的
powerhouse n.强者;强队
mandatory adj.强制的
vulnerable adj.易受攻击的;易受伤害的
insulate v.隔离;使绝缘
diplomatic adj.外交的
1.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:联合国政府间气候变化专业委员会。
A scientific intergovernmental body,set up at the request of member governments.It was first established in 1988 by two United Nations organizations,the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP),and later endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution 43/53.Its mission is to provide comprehensive scientific assessments of current scientific,technical and socioeconomic information worldwide about the risk of climate change caused by human activity,its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences,and possible options for adapting to these consequences or mitigating the effects.
2.Nobel Prize:诺贝尔奖。A set of annual international awards bestowed in a number of categories by Scandinavian committees in recognition of cultural and/or scientific advances.The will of the Swedish philanthropist inventor Alfred Nobel established the prizes in 1895.The prizes in Physics,Chemistry,Physiology or Medicine,Literature,and Peace were first awarded in 1901.The related Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was created in 1968.Between 1901 and 2012,the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 555 times to 863 people and organizations.
3.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change:《联合国气候变化框架条约》。1992年5月在纽约联合国总部通过的国际公约,1992年6月在巴西里约热内卢召开的由世界各国政府首脑参加的联合国环境与发展会议期间开放签署。1994年3月21日,该公约生效。
4.The Earth Summit:地球峰会。即The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)(联合国环境与发展会议,也被称为里约热内卢峰会 (Rio Summit)),于1992年6月3日至14日在巴西里约热内卢召开。
5.The Kyoto Protocol:京都议定书。是《联合国气候变化框架公约》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,UNFCCC)的补充条款。1997年12月在日本京都府京都市的国立京都国际会馆所召开联合国气候变化框架公约参加国三次会议制定。其目标是“将大气中的温室气体含量稳定在一个适当的水平,进而防止剧烈的气候改变对人类造成伤害”。
6.The Group of 8:八国集团,简称G8。是指现今世界八大工业领袖国联盟。始创于1975年的六国集团,始创国有6个,包括法国、美国、英国、西德、日本、意大利。其后,加拿大于1976年加入,成为七国集团(简称“G7”)。第八个成员国为俄罗斯,该国于1991年起参与G7峰会的部份会议,直至1997年,被接纳成为成员国,正式成为G8。
1.【原文】Scientists learned long ago that the earth’s climate has powerfully shaped the history of the human species—biologically,culturally and geographically.
【解析】此句难处理的是外位结构biologically,culturally and geographically,译文在汉语中同样把它们处理成外位结构,增加“莫不如此”概括,让前半部分的信息密度减小,使句子更好接受。如果译为“很久以前科学家们就知道地球的气候对于人类历史的发展无论在生物学、文化还是地理方面都产生了巨大的影响,”则信息密度过大,增加读者认知难度。
2.【原文】Recent research has shown that methane,which flows from landfills,livestock and oil and gas facilities,is a close second to carbon dioxide in impact on the atmosphere.
【解析】本句有两点需要注意,一是methane后面的定语中methane的来源有三个,尽管内容丰富,但在译文中都放在methane前面,是较合适的做法;二是“a close second to”这个词虽然有“close”,但也只好用“仅”来说明。
3.【原文】That conclusion has emerged through a broad body of analysis in fields as disparate as glaciology,the study of glacial formations,and palynology,the study of the distribution of pollen grains in lake mud.
4.【原文】In the last several years,the scientific case that the rising human influence on climate could become disruptive has become particularly robust.
【解析】此处“the scientific case”中,“case”的意义有“实例,事例;情况,状况;诉讼(事件),案件,判例;容器(箱,盒);”等,如何选择要看语境,此处引申为“科学主张”。
5.【原文】But centuries of rising temperatures and seas lie ahead if the release of emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation continues unabated,according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
【解析】本句为条件句,句子顺序需要做相应调整,此外,消息来源在翻译成汉语时也需要依照汉语的习惯调整到前面;在词层面上,rising修饰“temperatures and sea”,译文中将它们调整为主谓结构,更为合理。
6.【原文】That reality has been seized upon by some groups and scientists disputing the overall consensus and opposing changes in energy policies.
【解析】本句的分词结构有两个部分,即“disputing the overall consensus”与“opposing changes in energy policies”,译文分而解之,但要注意理解这两部分的相承关系。
7.【原文】While the low end could probably be tolerated,the high end would almost certainly result in calamitous,long-lasting disruptions of ecosystems and economies,a host of studies have concluded.
【解析】句子最后的部分“a host of studies have concluded”依照汉语习惯调整到前面,“conclude”由动词依照需要变为名词;这里的“the low end”与“the high end”依照语境应是就“温度”而言,所以译为“低温端”与“高温端”。
8.【原文】Other questions have persisted despite a century-long accumulation of studies pointing to human-driven warming.
【解析】原文中的“persist”表明“问题依然存在,此处译为“悬而未决”;“pointing to”后面是一个单句结构,不宜解为“指向”。
9.【原文】The debate over such climate questions pales next to the fight over what to do,or not do,in a world where fossil fuels still underpin both rich and emerging economies.
【解析】原文中的“pale”是一个词意难以确定的词,此处考虑“the debate”与“the fight”的逻辑关系,增加“很激烈”和“相形见绌”把词意拖出,并且在句子结构上用“虽然……但……”把逻辑关系理顺。
10.【原文】That accord took effect in 2005 and its gas restrictions expire in 2012.The United States signed the treaty,but it was never submitted for ratification,in the face of overwhelming opposition in the Senate because the pact required no steps by China or other fast-growing developing countries.
【解析】本句的理解需要了解一些美国政府参、众两院决策的程序,这样对于“it was never submitted for ratification”就好理解了;“overwhelming opposition”应是美国政策在参议院表决通过时,“反对票占据绝大多数”,此处为表达方便,解为“一片反对声”。
11.【原文】But they did not set a baseline from which to measure that reduction,and so far firm interim targets—which many climate scientists say would be more meaningful—have not been defined.
【解析】本句中“firm interim targets”的修饰语处理到后面,独立成句,能使句子意义更清晰,如果处理成“在许多气候科学家看来更有意义的刚性的过渡期减排目标还是没有确定”则信息排列过分密集,层次不够清晰。
12.【原文】The world’s poorest countries,in the meantime,are seeking payments to help make them less vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,given that the buildup in climate-warming gases so far has come mainly from richer nations.
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