首页 理论教育 合同翻译的过程


时间:2023-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第四节 合同翻译的过程英文合同的语篇或篇章结构比较规范,而且单一,因此英文合同的翻译过程也与文学翻译不同。因此,为方便论述起见,根据英文合同的翻译特点,对以上翻译过程不同观点做如下概括:分析——理解——表达——校正。

第四节 合同翻译的过程





① 劳务名称:包括人员派遣。规定派遣人员的工种、人数、时间、工作期限等。

② 双方的责任:包括受聘方派出人员应具备的条件和工作任务、聘请方应承担的责任、双方应做的事项和应办的手续等。

③ 人员的更换和解雇:主要是规定对不称职的劳务人员更换与解雇的权限、手续,有关费用由谁承担等。

④ 工作时间及假日:规定劳务人员每周工作的天数,每日工作的时数,以及节假日休息、额外加班等。

⑤ 工资待遇:规定劳务人员工资的内容、标准、计算方法等。

⑥ 劳动保证:规定聘用方应向受聘方提供必要的劳动保护设施,如工作服,劳保用手套,必要工种的保护器具等等。

⑦ 住房及伙食:规定各级劳务人员应享受的居住条件和伙食标准等。

⑧ 支付:规定工资支付的时间、办法、使用的货币,可否允许汇出国境等。

⑨ 纳税及保险:规定劳务人员应交的税项,应保的险别(必须包括海外旅行事故险),以及税款、保险费如何支付等。

⑩ 卫生保健与人身保险:其内容包括医疗、病假、公伤、损害赔偿等。

img3 履约担保、违约处罚、解除合同、不可抗力、仲裁等。

img4 合同有效期限:包括合同的起止日期。

A Service Contract



This CONTRACT is made this day of,Nov.1,2008 in Beijing,between Company A,having its principal office at(hereinafter called“the Employer”)the Republic of Italy of one part and China ABC Corporation,having its principal office in the People’s Republic of China(hereinafter called“China Corporation”)of the other part through friendly consultation.

WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that manpower supply be rendered by China Corporation for the construction of Project of the Friendship Hotel(hereinafter called“the Works”)in Banco di Santo Spirito in Rome(hereinafter called“the Worksite”).

WHEREAS China Corporation is desirous to supply manpower for the Works.

NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS and it is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows:

以上是英文劳务合同的开头。甲乙双方的位置不是固定的,雇主可以是甲方,也可以是乙方。同样,雇员可以是甲方也可以是乙方。在开头部分通常有“通过友好协商(through friendly consultation)”的字样。

Article 1 GENERAL

1)The Employer shall be responsible for executing the Works,whereas China Corporation for supplying manpower for the Works.

2)This CONTRACT shall become effective upon and from the date when it is signed and shall remain valid until all outstanding issues including the financial matters between the parties hereto have been resolved.


1)China Corporation shall dispatch for the Works its authorized representative,technical personnel and workers,and a necessary number of supporting and administrative staff(hereinafter called“the Personnel”)in accordance with the occupational categories,number,technical qualifications,departure date and term of service as specified in appendixes I and II attached hereto.

2)Appendixes I and II shall constitute an integral part of this CONTRACT and their contents shall be normally subject to no alterations once this CONTRACT becomes effective upon its signature.

Under special circumstances where alterations thereof are requested by the Employer,consent shall be obtained from China Corporation and the following methods are used :

a)In case of alterations before Personnel’s departure from Beijing,the Employer shall notify China Corporation in writing of such alterations three(3)months prior to the departure date of the Personnel from Beijing.If the Employer fails to notify China Corporation of such alterations in due time,the Personnel are already mobilized on schedule for departure and air tickets are confirmed,the Employer shall bear the losses arising therefrom.

b)In case of the Employer wishing to terminate the employment of any of the Personnel before the expiration of his term of service,the Employer shall notify China Corporation in writing of such alterations one(1)month prior to the termination date of such Personnel.

c)In case of the Employer wishing to extend the employment of any of the Personnel beyond his term of service,the Employer shall notify in writing China Corporation of such alterations three(3)months prior to the expiration date of his term of service.

3)China Corporation authorized representative shall be responsible for organizing the Personnel to fulfill at the Worksite China Corporation’s obligations as set forth in this CONTRACT,and for supervising the Personnel in domestic matters.


1)China Corporation shall undertake to go through for the Personnel all necessary procedures of outgoing of and incoming to China in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Chinese Government,and bear all the expenses incurred thereof.

2)The Employer shall undertake to go through for the Personnel all necessary procedures for the trips to and from the Project-host country,including residence permit,work permit and driver’s license if any,etc.,in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Government of the Project-host country,and bear all the expenses incurred thereof.

To secure for the Personnel the above-mentioned procedures and permits,the Employer shall expressly define all necessary information and documents as required to be furnished by China Corporation.China Corporation shall bear no responsibility and consequence whatsoever should the Personnel be barred from entering the Project-host country or fail to obtain the residence permit and work permit owing to insufficiency of the information and documents caused by ambiguous definition on the part of the Employer.

3)If the Employer fails to obtain for the Personnel the residence permit,work permit and driver’s license if any,etc.,and consequently,the Personnel are unable to perform their services,the Employer shall pay to the Personnel full contract wages for such period as until the time when their residence permit,work permit and driver’s license,etc.are obtained.If the Personnel are compelled to leave for home owing to the same reason as indicated above,the Employer shall bear the travel fares of such Personnel’s return trip to China and also pay to such Personnel their one month wages as compensation.

If the Employer fails to obtain for the Personnel the residence permit,work permit and driver’s license as a result of China Corporation’s insufficient provision of the necessary information and documents as expressly defined by the Employer,and consequently,the Personnel are unable to perform their services or compelled to leave for home,China Corporation shall pay to such Personnel the wages due to them and bear the travel fares of their return trip to China.

4)China Corporation shall inform the Employer or its authorized representative at the Worksite of the Personnel’s particulars as set forth in Appendixes I and II such as name,date and place of birth,occupation,passport No.,issuing date and authority,departure date,etc.

The Employer shall,upon receipt of the same from China Corporation,complete all the necessary entry procedures with the Government of the Project-host country and inform China Corporation thereof.Meanwhile,the Employer shall also,through the appropriate authorities of the Project-host country,inform the same Embassy of the Project-host country in Beijing,so as to facilitate China Corporation’s procurement of visas for the Personnel.


The Personnel shall:

1)fulfill the technical qualifications(as agreed upon between the parties hereto in Appendix I);

2)abide by the laws and regulations prevailing in the Project-host country and respect the local customs and traditions;

3)respect the technical guidance given by the Employer’s staff;

4)not partake in any political activities of the Project-host country;

5)observe the discipline and rules and regulations prevailing at the Worksite and local areas;and

6)work in cooperation with workers of other nationality whom the Employer may engage for the execution of the Works.


The Employer shall :

1)render correct technical guidance to the Personnel;

2)respect the human dignity,habits and customs of the Personnel;

3)not interfere in the off-duty activities of the Personnel;

4)secure the safety of the Personnel and;

5)reach agreement with China Corporation authorized representative through consultation before terminating or replacing any of the Personnel.


1)The Personnel shall work six days a week,eight hours for day shift and seven hours for night shift.

The daily working schedule shall be discussed and fixed between the authorized representatives of China Corporation and the Employer at the Worksite.

2)Suspension of work from a cause for which the Personnel are not responsible,e.g.,short supply of materials,bad weather,power failures,etc.,shall be charged as actual working hours with full pay of contract wages.

3)The daily journey of the Personnel between camp site and Worksite shall not exceed 20 minutes in each direction.Any time in excess of such 20 minutes shall be charged as working time.

4)The Personnel shall be entitled to two(2)days rest on each occasion following their arrival at the Worksite from China and prior to their departure from the Worksite for home after expiration of their term of service.


1)The monthly contract wages(including food expenses)for the Personnel within the first year of their term of service shall be based on the following rates:

Wages /Month /Head  Occupational Category      in U.S.Dollar


a.Semi-skilled worker,Cook helper,Service man

b.Skilled workers of various trades,Cook


d.Technician(Junior engineer),Nurse,Interpreter,Accounting clerk

e.Camp manager


g.Senior engineer

h.Deputy authorized representative

i.Authorized representative

2)In case of their term of service exceeding one year,the Personnel shall,from the commencement of their second year of service,have their monthly contract wages increased annually by two percent(2%).


1)In accordance with the progress of the Works,the Personnel may work overtime and/or at night time through consultation and upon agreement between the authorized representatives of both parties at the Worksite.However,each of the Personnel’s total overtime work shall be subject to a maximum of ten(10)hours in principle,in any one month.

2)Night time as specified herein shall mean the time from 9:00 p.m.of the day to 5:00 a.m.of the next day.The Personnel working at night time(i.e.normal night shift)shall be paid at the rate of a hundred and fifty percent(150%)of the contract wages.The Personnel working overtime at night time shall be paid at the rate of(two hundred percent)200% of the contract wages.

3)The Personnel working overtime on weekdays(i.e.working beyond normal working hours but not at night time)shall be paid at the rate of a hundred and fifty percent(150%)of the contract wages.The Personnel working overtime on public holidays and/or weekly rest days(i.e.regardless whether at day time or night time)shall be paid at the rate of(two hundred percent)200% of the contract wages.

4)The hourly contract wages shall be calculated by the following formula.

Hourly contract wages=Monthly wages /25×8


1)Wages of the Personnel shall be payable in respect of every day from the date of departure from China until the date of arrival in China.Daily wages shall be 1/25 of the monthly contract wages.

2)China Corporation authorized representative at the Worksite shall fill working hours and overtime in the forms prescribed by the Employer.He shall then prepare payroll of the Personnel thereupon and submit the same to the Employer’s authorized representative for approval not later than five(5)days after the closing date,i.e.three(3)days for monthly calculation of wages.

3)Having approved the payroll,the Employer shall pay to China Corporation in US Dollar the wages and overtime within ten(10)days,i.e.after the closing date for monthly calculation of wages.Of the total amount of wages and overtime due to China Corporation,fifty percent(50%)portion shall be remitted by telegraphic transfer to China Corporation Account No.123456 in the Banking Department of the Head Office of Bank of China,Beijing,and fifty percent(50%)portion shall be paid to China Corporation authorized representative at the Worksite.In case of the Employer’s delay in making the above payment,China Corporation shall be entitled to interest paid by the Employer calculated at the daily rate of 1/1000 against the total overdue amount.

Interest shall become payable commencing from the date when Bank of China receives from the remitting bank the SWIFT showing the amount due to China Corporation.


China Corporation shall bear all relevant taxes and levies imposed upon the Personnel by the Chinese Government,whereas the Employer shall bear the same imposed upon the Personnel by the Government of the Project-host country.


1)Sunday shall be set as the official weekly rest day in accordance with the regulations of the Project-host country.

2)The Personnel shall be entitled to the public holidays promulgated by the Project-host country as well as three(3)days for China’s Spring Festival and three(3)days for China’s National Day,totaling eight(8)days.

3)The Personnel shall be entitled to twenty(20)days of annual leave with pay in their home country upon completion of one(1)year’s service at the Worksite.The Employer shall bear the traveling expenses of round-trips between the Worksite in Italy and China for the Personnel who go home on leave.In case that the Personnel’s service is under one year,the actual number of annual leave days shall be calculated on pro-rata basis by the formula of actual working months×days /12=number of leave days.

4)All the public holidays promulgated by the Project-host country as well as the above-mentioned Chinese holidays,and annual leave days shall be paid full contract wages.

5)At the request of the Employer and upon agreement through consultation between the authorized representatives of the two parties,the Personnel may continue their service during the annual leave period as required by the progress of the Works.Under such circumstances,annual leave pay and cost of round trips between the Project-host country and Beijing for the Personnel shall be reimbursed to China Corporation by the Employer as scheduled.Besides,the Personnel shall be paid with full contract wages according to their actual working days and overtime if any,during the annual leave period.


l)The Employer shall,immediately after the arrival of each group of the Personnel at the Worksite,pay to China Corporation authorized representative in local currency an equivalent of($30)thirty US Dollars per each Personnel as prepaid wages.

2)China Corporation shall pay back,beginning from the second month when the Personnel arrive at the Worksite,the above-mentioned prepaid wages to the Employer from the payment of monthly wages in three(3)equal monthly installments.


1)The Employer shall pay 100 US Dollars as mobilization fee for each personnel.

2)Such mobilization fee shall be remitted in US Dollar by telegraphic transfer to China Corporation account No.123456 with the Bank of China,after the arrival of each group of Personnel together with the reimbursement of air fares for the group.

Article 14 I NSURANCE

1)China Corporation shall carry personal accident insurance in China for the Personnel upon the dates of their departure from China until return to,while the Employer shall bear the insurance premium.The Employer shall pay monthly insurance premium of thirty(30)US Dollars per capita to China Corporation,which shall be remitted together with the Personnel’s monthly contract wages.

2)This personal accident insurance carried in China for the Personnel shall exempt the Employer from compensation for injury,disablement or death of the Personnel caused by acts of war,work injury,sickness or any other cases during the entire period of this CONTRACT.

3)After this personal accident insurance is carried in China,China Corporation may,at the request of the Employer,submit to the Employer necessary documents and certificates to save the Employer from re-effecting the insurance for the Personnel in the Project-host country.


1)The Employer shall undertake to provide free medical treatment,medicine and/or hospitalization required by the Personnel in case of their being ill or injured by work accident during the entire period of this CONTRACT.China Corporation may,after consent of the Employer,purchase the traditional Chinese medicines as required for medical purpose on the Employer’s behalf.The Employer shall bear all expenses incurred thereof,including packing and freight charges.

2)Any of the Personnel who is absent from work for a period of not more than one(1)month owing to illness or injury by work accident shall be entitled to full contract wages.If such a person is not recovered for more than one(1)month and less than three(3)months,he shall be entitled to sixty percent(60%)of his contract wages.If such a person is not recovered after three(3)months,the Employer shall stop paying him any wages and shall send him back to China for continued medical treatment and bear the travel fares for his return trip to China.

In case that the Employer requests substitution for the sick/injured,the Employer shall bear travel fares for the outgoing trip of the substitute from Beijing to the Worksite.

3)The Employer shall bear the expenses incurred in the disposal of the remains and returning to China of the Personal belongings of any of the Personnel who dies while on duty or of illness during the period of this CONTRACT.


1)The Employer shall bear the travel fares of a round-trip and the fare of 20kg excess accompanying luggage on each trip between China and the Worksite for each of the personnel.The Employer shall pay China Corporation authorized representative the travel fares of return trip of the Personnel and excess luggage fare seven(7)days prior to their departure for China following the expiration of their term of service.

2)The Employer shall provide the Personnel free of charge with transport between camp site and Worksite(which is more than 1.5 km apart therefrom).

3)The Employer shall provide free of charge with transport,i.e.one(1)sedan car required by China Corporation authorized representative and engineers and one(1)pick-up required by China Corporation camp manager for purchasing foodstuff and other daily necessities.In case that the contracted number of the Personnel exceeds a hundred(100)Personnel,the Employer shall provide free of charge one(1)more pick-up for every additional.The Employer shall also provide free of charge drivers,fuel and service for the above-mentioned vehicles.Besides,the Personnel shall be allowed to use free of charge the Employer’s vehicles on public holidays/rest days for proper purposes such as sightseeing,shopping,etc.

4)China Corporation authorized representative and the Personal shall be allowed to use free of charge the Employer’s means of telecommunication,such as telephone,facsimile,etc.

5)The Employer shall bear the traveling expenses of the Personnel who travel on official errand approved by the Employer.Rate of allowances and currencies of payment shall be in accordance with the relevant regulations stipulated by the Employer.


1)The Employer shall provide the Personnel free of charge with suitable living quarters.Standard of living space for each person is as follows:

10 sq.m for worker,

20 sq.m for technician,accountant,interpreter,

30 sq.m for authorized representative,engineer,doctor and camp manager.

The Employer shall also provide the Personnel free of charge with bedding,air-conditioning facilities,bath room,sanitation,laundry and necessary furniture,appliances and accessories(See Appendix F and Appendix IV of this CONTRACT for furniture and bedding details).

2)The Employer shall provide the Personnel free of charge with kitchen,dining room as well as cooking utensils,tableware,ice-making machine,refrigerator and appliances and accessories,water supply,electricity and fuel(see Appendix V and VI of this CONTRACT ).

3)China Corporation shall purchase in China on the Employer’s behalf tableware,Chinese cooking utensils.The Employer shall bear all the expenses incurred thereof(including freight and packing fees).The Employer shall make the payment in US Dollar within ten(10)days upon receipt of China Corporation’s bill of purchase of the above-mentioned items by remitting the sum to China Corporation account in China.

4)China Corporation shall at its own cost arrange food for the Personnel.However,China Corporation shall dispatch a necessary number of cooks and cook helpers whose wages shall be borne by the Employer.Cooks and cook helpers shall be entitled to overtime pay on weekdays,weekly rest days and public holidays at the normal hourly rate of their respective contract wages.


1)The Employer shall provide the Personnel free of charge with the general labor protective articles(See Appendix VII for details),special labor protective articles(See Appendix VIII for details)and office stationery.China Corporation may purchase on the Employer’s behalf all the general labor protective articles as listed in Appendix VII of this CONTRACT and the Employer shall pay China Corporation 100 US Dollars per person on lump-sum basis.

If the Employer requests China Corporation to purchase the special labor protective articles in China,the cost incurred thereof(including packing and freight charges)shall be fully reimbursed to China Corporation from the Employer.

2)The Employer shall provide the Personnel free of charge with the handy tools required by them for various trades.In case of these handy tools being required to be supplied by China Corporation,the Employer shall bear the expenses incurred thereof(including freight and packing charges)and shall remit,within ten(10)days upon receipt of China Corporation’s bill of purchase of the above-mentioned handy tools,the sum in US Dollars to China Corporation Account in China.

3)The Employer shall provide China Corporation Personnel free of charge with any necessary articles other than those listed in the Appendices of this CONTRACT,yet to be required for the smooth execution of the works,subject to consultation and agreement between the authorized representatives of the two parties at the Worksite.


1)China Corporation and the Personnel shall keep confidential to any third party all documents and information related to the Works during the execution of this CONTRACT.

2)The Employer and its staff shall keep confidential to any third party all documents and information related to conditions and price of manpower supplied by China Corporation as stipulated in this CONTRACT during the execution of this CONTRACT.



1)The Employer shall take up all matters involving the Personnel and the Government of the Project-host country or any other third party,arising out of the execution of/or in connection with the CONTRACT and bear the expenses incurred thereof.

2)The Employer shall assist China Corporation in taking up matters involving the Personnel and the Government of the Project-host country or any other third party,arising out of Personnel’s misconduct or negligence on duty.China Corporation shall bear the expenses incurred thereof.


The execution of this CONTRACT may be suspended after consultation between the parties if it cannot be carried out further as a result of natural calamities,war,internal commotion,blockade,insurrection,illness of epidemic nature,coup d’etat,etc.Under such circumstances,the Employer shall bear the travel fares of the return journey of the Personnel.


All disputes arising from the execution of/or in connection with this CONTRACT shall be settled amicably through friendly consultation.In case no settlement can be reached through consultation,the case shall then be submitted for arbitration.The arbitration shall be conducted in the country of the domicile of the defendant.If in China,the arbitration shall be conducted by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission,Beijing,in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration.If in the host country,the arbitration shall be conducted by the Trade Arbitration Commission,Rome,in accordance with its arbitrate rules of procedure.The arbitrate award is final and binding upon both parties.


The parties may,through consultation,make amendments and revisions to this CONTRACT as and when the need arises.Such amendments and revisions in writing shall,upon signature by the representatives of the parties,constitute an integral and equally authentic part of this CONTRACT.

Article 24 LANGUAGE

This CONTRACT is entered into on November 1st,2008 as stated in the first page of this CONTRACT in Chinese and English.Both Chinese and English shall have equal effect.Each party keeps one copy of the text.

Part A:Company A

Part B:China ABC Corporation



“理解”是合同翻译中的关键过程,如果理解错误会闹出很多笑话,有时甚至是悲剧。有这样一幅警示牌,不过四个单词,错误却十分荒谬。中文的原文为“停车时请勿使用(厕所)”,译者翻译成了“No occupying while stabling”,我们知道“stabling”是单词“stable”加上“ing”的形式。英文中只有动词才能在词的后面加上“-ing”。而“stable”作为动词,只有一个意思——“把(马)拴进马厩、或置于马房”。所以,这一句翻译过来的话,意思是:“当将马拴进马厩时勿占用”。试想一个外国人,在这趟既有战炮,又有马厩的列车上不崩溃才怪。这句话应翻译为“No occupying while stopping.”

还有一个例子可以说明在翻译过程中,理解错误所造成的严重后果:北京某餐厅的卡式炉燃气罐爆炸,事故中有12名顾客被烧伤,其中一个少女容貌全毁,双手致残,诉诸法律,索赔230万元。据说,“造成这一重大事故的原因,是不负责任的译者将燃气炉上的英文‘Never refill gas into empty can’(空罐绝不能再次充气)翻译成了‘本罐用完后无损坏再补充’。”(潘红,2004)可见理解错误会造成的严重后果。在理解上除了要特别注意一些关键条款外,容易出现差错的地方还有一些关键的细微之处:在货币形式、时间限定、数量与质量要求等内容上,一定要严肃认真,避免出错。

在对外经济交往中,译者要使用十分标准的专业用语。有时只是一点点的差异都会造成各方的关系不同。譬如:付款交单和承兑交单,付款交单货款已经到手才能提交提货单据,而承兑交单货款并没有到手,单据已经提交,注意理解以下几个技术术语:付款跟单汇票(a sight bill of exchange)、即期承兑交单(documents against payment—D/P)、承兑跟单汇票(a bill of exchange)、按汇票期限到期支付货款(make payment on the maturity date of the bill of exchange)。
















这些词为复合词,是由here和另外一个介词构成。从词的结构和意思来看,“here”=“this”,在英文的合同中相当于“this writing(contract)”,“here”指这里的文件(法律、合同、条约),“there”指另外的文件。

“hereby”:有“by means of;by reason of this”之意,即“特此”、“因此”、“兹”等之意。常用于合同协议的正式文件的开头语,在条款中需要强调时也可用。

例:The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.


说明:“hereby”意为“by reason of this”,“特此”的意思。

“covenants”是动词,意为“make a formal agreement”,立约,签订合同。

“completion of the Works”是指工程的竣工,“Works”与“Work”在工程承包合同文件中常指“工程”而不是“工作”之意。

“therein”意为“in the Works”,“在本工程中”。

“the Contract Price”指“合同总价”,即“工程的总造价”。


“under”意为“in accordance with”,“根据、按照”之意,决不能译成“在……之下”。

“the provisions of the Contract”意为“terms and conditions of the contract”,“合同条件、合同条款”之意。


“hereto”:指“to this”,“上文已提及的”,比如表示“本合同双方”可以说“the Parties hereto”,这里的“hereto”表示“to this Contract”,“本协议附件4”可以译为“Appendix 4 hereto”,这里的“hereto”表示“to this Agreement”。读下面的原文,可以进一步理解“hereto”在文中的作用。

例:All disputes arising from the performance of this Contract shall,through amicable negotiations,be settled by the Parties hereto.Should,through negotiation,no settlement be reached,the case in question shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission,Beijing and the arbitration rules of this commission shall be applied.The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the Parties hereto.The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission.


说明:在这一段中两次出现的“hereto”,都是限定“Parties”,表示“the Parties to this Contract”即“本合同的双方”。本条款的其他部分分析如下:

“the performance of this Contract”履行本合同;

“through amicable negotiations”通过友好协商;


“shall then be submitted for arbitration”应提交进行仲裁;

“the Chinese International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission,Beijing”中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京);

“the arbitration rules of this Commission”仲裁规则;

“the award of the arbitration”仲裁裁决;

“unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission”仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外;

“herein”意为“in this”,“此中、于此”。表示上文已提及的……,如遇到“本合同(中)的……”,“本法(中)的……”等行文时,用该词。比如,“本法(中)所称的不正当竞争……”可以译为“unfair competition mentioned herein...”,此中的“herein”意为“in this law”又如“本协议(中)的内容”,可译为“the contents herein”,此中的“herein”意为“in this Agreement”。


例:Unfair competition mentioned in this law refers to such acts of business operators as contravening the provisions hereof,with a result of damaging the lawful rights and interests of other business operators,and disturbing the socio-economic order.


例:Business operators mentioned herein refer to such legal persons,other economic organizations and individuals as engage in the trading of goods or profit-making services(hereinafter called Goods including services).


说明:上面两段文字中出现了三个法律文件中的专门用语:“hereof”意为“of this关于此点”,是“在本文件中”之意,表示“在上文已提及的”、“出现本合同的……”,“本文件的……”。如“本合同条件,条款……”可译为“the terms,conditions and provisions hereof...”此中的“hereof”表示“of this Contract”;又如“本工程的任何部分”可译为“any parts hereof”,此中的“hereof”意为“of this Works”。

“hereof”意为“the provisions of this law”。

“herein”在文中的意思是“(Business operators mentioned)in this law”。

“hereinafter”意为“later in the same Contract”,“以下”、“在下文”,一般与“to be referred to as;referred to as;called”等词或词组连用,以避免重复。

“unfair competition”意为“不正当竞争”;

“mentioned in this law”意为“本法所称”;

“contravening the provisions hereof”意为“违反本法规定”;

“damage the lawful rights and interests of other business operators”意为“损害其他经营者的合法权益”。

关于“thereby,thereunder,thereon,thereof,therebefore,thereinafter,therefrom thereupon”,这些词在英文合同中也是复合副词,由“there”加介词“by,in,of”等构成,“there”的意思是“that”,在合同中的意思为“that writing(contract,article)”,一般指合同以外的文本或文件。用这些词来表示“in that writing,to that writing”。

“thereof”这个词相当于“of that”。

例:This Agreement is written in the English language.In case of any discrepancy between the English version and any translation thereof,the English text shall govern.


说明:句中“the English version and any translation thereof”从上下文判断意为“the English version and any translation of the English version”,即“thereof”一词代替“of the English version”。与以“here”开头的词如“hereof”的理解方法类似。

“therein”意为“in that,in that particular context,in that respect”,“在那里”,“在那点上”,“在那方面”,表示上文已提及的“合同中的”,“工程中的”。如:“the contract or any part thereof”意为“the contract or any part of the contract”,合同或合同的任何部分。

例:“Temporary Works”means all temporary works of every kind(other than the Contractor’s Equipment)required in or about the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein.


说明:“therein”是指“in the Works”,“工程中的”。“Temporary Works”,“临时性工程”,是指为永久性工程服务的工程,永久性工程建成后应予以拆除。建造临时工程的费用,按国际FIDIC(FIDIC是国际咨询工程师联合会,是Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs Conseils的法文缩写。FIDIC的本义是指国际咨询工程师联合会这一独立的国际组织。习惯上有时也指FIDIC条款或FIDIC方法。)合同条件规定,应由承包人负责。


“The execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein”是“工程施工、竣工和修补工程中任何缺陷”。请注意原文中的两个“and”的译法。一般一项工程分为两个阶段:第一阶段包括工程设计、施工、竣工;第二阶段是修补工程缺陷。由此可见,第一个“and”是指第一阶段的两个工程程序,第二个“and”是为了区分工程的两个阶段,用词、结构无误,表达意思明确。


该词意为“to that”,“随附”,“附之”。

例:They signed the agreement and the documents appended thereto.


说明:“thereto”相当于“to that”。在上面的例句中的“appended thereto”,如同“appended to the documents”。我们知道在“appended”(被附加)一词后面是要接“to”的,所以这里用“thereto”正合适。


例:Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately and without incurring thereby any liability to the other,by merely serving a notice of termination on the other in any of the following events.




“whereas”意思为“considering that”,“鉴于,就……而论”(法律用语),这个词常用于合同协议书的开头段落中,紧接于要修饰词之前,常位于句首,以引出合同双方要订立合同的理由或依据。

例:Whereas Party B has the right and agrees to grant Party A the rights to use,manufacture and sell the Contract Products of Patented Technology.


例:Whereas Party A desires to use the Patented Technology of Party B to manufacture and sell the Contract Products.The Representatives authorized by the Parties to this Contract have,through friendly negotiation,agreed to enter into this Contract under the terms,conditions and provisions specified as follows:


例:Whereas Party A possesses proprietary technical information including designs,techniques,workmanship,formulas,skills and other data useful in the manufacture and marketing of certain products;whereas Party B desires to acquire the right and license to use the above-mentioned technical assistance for the purpose of manufacturing,using and selling;and whereas Party B desires to use the following trademarks owned by Party A,now therefore,the parties hereto do hereby agree on the contents of the agreement as follows:






(1)“by and between”意思是“双方”,尽管在普通英语和汉语中都没有这样的表达方法,但是在英文中要注意这种习惯表达。

例:This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.


说明:“by and between”是重复使用,本句中还有一个重复的地方“made and entered into”。重复的短语在签订合同时经常被使用。

(2)“terms and conditions”的意思是条款。在英文中要重复表达,主要是指合同中所列的“条款”的统称,这样表达正式、严谨,避免争议。

例:In accordance with the following terms and conditions,the principal agrees to grant Agent the exclusive sales right for the specified commodities to be sold and distributed in the territory stated herein.


(3)“fulfill or perform”的意思是“履行”后面的“obligation”,这里这两个词用在一起是为了说明“obligation”的,起强调作用,从而引起读者的注意。在普通英语中,一般用“carry out”来表示。

例:Each party to this Agreement shall fulfill or perform any of the obligation under this Agreement.


(4)“transferable or assignable”此表达中的两个词在句子中都是起表语的作用,说明协议的特性。

例:This Agreement and any rights or obligation hereunder are not transferable or assignable by one party to this agreement without the consent of the other party hereto.


(5)“provided that”这个短语在英文合同中起连词的作用,通常引起一个条件状语从句,意思是“on condition that,stipulate”,在汉语中通常译为“但是,条件是,除非”,在下面的第二个例句中,“provided that”表示递进,意思为“stipulating that”。

例:Now we have decided to make a trial order for article No.456,provided that you guarantee shipment before November 30.


例:Provided that the Buyer may apply to China Commodity Inspection Bureau for a further inspection as to the specifications and quantity/weight of the goods in question.


(6)“by and before/on and before”的意思是“在某某日之前”,包括这一日。

例:This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on and before January 20.



(7)“amendments and revision”,用“amendments and revision”表示对合同的“修订”、“修正”或“修改”,指对合同内容进行各种修订的统称,用以强调其含义和加强语气,以示合同条款的严谨性和规范性。

例:The amendments and revision of the contract shall come into force only after a written agreement has been signed by Party A and Party B and approved by the original examination and approval authority.


(8)“null and void”这个短语来自拉丁语,合同英语中有很多词来自拉丁语。这个短语的意思是“no avail,invalid,invalid after,fail”即“无效”。

例:The contract and such any attachments shall be valid for 4 years from the effective date of the contract;on the expiring date of the contract,the contract shall become null and void accordingly.


(9)“sole and exclusive”,这两个词意思相近,在普通英语中是不会连用的,“sole”在普通英语中的意思是“唯一的”、“独有的”。在合同中,“sole”为“独家权利”,一般指在某一特定区域内,“授权人”不得再将授权许可证发给“受权人”以外的任何人,“exclusive”表示许可方不得再把同样的内容的使用许可证协议授予该地域的任何第三者,就连许可人自己也不得在该地域使用该项技术。

例:Products may be sold on overseas markets through the following channels:The cooperative venture company may directly sell its products on the international market.The cooperative venture company may sign sales contracts with Chinese foreign trade companies,entrusting them to be the sales agencies or sole and exclusive sales agencies.


(10)“in respect of”,在普通英语中,“in respect of”的意思是“with regard to that question,in consideration of”。“in respect of”在合同英语中是一个固定的短语,意思是“concerning,about”,即:“关于、对于、至于”。这个短语在合同中的使用频率很高。

例:In respect of performers,producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations,this obligation only applies in respect of the rights provided under this Agreement.


例:In 2001,20 945 applications were received,of which 15 096 were in respect of goods and 5849 were in respect of services.

译文:二零零一年,该处共接获20 945宗注册申请,其中15 096宗为货品商标的申请,5849宗为服务商标的申请。


在商务英文合同中,“shall”并非单纯地指示将来,而是表述规定和要求,表示合同双方强制性地要求承担责任和履行义务,含有“必须”的强制意义。“shall”的这一用法是正式的,仅限于法律语篇,已经成为法律语篇中规约化地表示责任和义务的语言手段。“shall”的“一致式”为“be requested to”,在大多情况下可翻译成“应……”。

例:This contract shall become effective upon and from the date on which it is signed.


例:The seller shall be liable for any rust,damage and loss attributed to inadequate packing by the sellers.


“shall”在商务合同英语中是出现频率较高的情态动词,但翻译时,尤其是当“shall”连续出现时,也不应全部都译成“应……”,其它汉语形式也可表达其“一致式”“be requested to”的意义。

例:The contract is made out in two originals,each copy written in Chinese and English languages,both texts being equally valid.In case of any divergence of interpretation,the Chinese text shall prevail.


例:The annexes as listed in Articles 19 to this contract shall form an integral part of this contract.


例:Any amendment and/or supplement to this contract shall be valid only after the authorized representatives of both parties have signed written document,forming integral part of this contract.


例:This contract shall come into force after the signatures by the authorized representatives of both parties.


例:Any overdue payment hereunder shall bear interest,from the date it falls due until such time that PARTY A has received the payment from PARTY B,at a rate equal to 4(four)percentage points.




例:If,in the opinion of PARTY A,any such personnel from PARTY B,is considered not professionally fit,PARTY A reserves the right to refuse permission for such personnel to be involved in the performance hereof and PARTY A shall not be liable for any costs arising directly or indirectly therefrom.


例:If the seller is bound to arrange for carriage of the goods,he must make such contracts as are necessary for carriage to the place fixed by means of transportation appropriate in the circumstances and according to the usual terms for such transportation.


例:One such table is enough.



例:Such is my hope for the future.


例:Such were the facts.



① such+a/an+形容词+单数名词+that+从句。

例:It is such a fine day that I want to travel.


例:She is such a clever girl that her mother loves her very much.


② such+形容词+复数可数名词+that从句。

例:He has such heavy books that he can’t carry them himself.


③ such+形容词+不可数名词+that从句。

例:It was such bad weather that the students were trapped in the camp.


④ such+可显示出程度的名词+that从句。

例:The concert was such a triumph that we received long applause.


such as 和such...as...在英文合同中的使用。

① such as作“例如,比如”解释。

例:If,at any time during the execution of the Contract,either of the Parties to the contract is prevented from executing the Contract in case of Force Majeure such as war,serious fires,flood,typhoon and earthquake,etc.,the time for execution of the Contract shall be extended for a period equal to the affect of those causes.


② 英文合同力求严密、准确,为避免误解和歧义,常用“such...as”作关系代词来引导从句,因为该结构有很强的限定作用,可以避免发生歧义。把要限定的词置于“such”与“as”之间,使被限定的词语明显、突出,避免合同双方在理解上产生分歧。

例:The Agent shall give the Seller such reports as inventory,or on market conditions and other activities of the Agent.



例:Should the Sellers fail to load the goods,within the time as notified by the Buyers,on board the vessel booked by the Buyers after its arrival at the port of shipment,such expenses as dead freight,demurrage,etc.and consequences thereof shall be borne by the Sellers.



