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时间:2023-03-31 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:1.5 直译与意译在学习本节之前,请先分析下面译文中运用直译与意译的情况,以建立对直译与意译的感性认识。他是用双语写的,英文和汉语都是出自他的手。后来有人又把林语堂先生的英文译成汉语。从下面的两种汉语译文可以看出:逐字对应、亦步亦趋的译文不见得就是真正忠实于原文,而适当增减、灵活变通的译文则未必就不忠实于原文。

1.5 直译与意译



1.His addition completed the list.



2.That's a horse of another color.



3.A great excitement overcame him.



4.True men choose death before dishonor.



5.As a man makes his bed,so must he lie.



6.Andy didn't marry her because she was rich.



7.A man can lead a horse to the water but he cannot make him drink.



8.Mr.Wu made a mistake again.It's because he is not dry behind the ears.



9.The new president was rude to the teachers,but when she talks to the director,butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.





On Growing Old Gracefully

This desire to grow old and in any case to appear old is understandable when one understands the premium generally placed upon old age in China.In the first place,it is a privilege of the old people to talk,while the young must listen and hold their tongue.“A young man is supposed to have ears and no mouth,”as a Chinese saying goes.Men of twenty are supposed to listen when people of thirty are talking,and these in turn are supposed to listen when men of forty are talking.As the desire to talk and to be listened to is almost universal,it is evident that the further along one gets in years,the better chance he has to talk and to be listened to when he goes about in society.It is a game of life in which no one is favored,for everyone has a chance of becoming old in his time.Thus a father lecturing his son is obliged to stop suddenly and change his demeanor the moment the grandmother opens her mouth.Of course he wishes to be in the grandmother's place.And it is quite fair,for what right have the young to open their mouth when the old men can say,“I have crossed more bridges than you have crossed streets!”What right have the young got to talk?

In spite of my acquaintance with Western life and the Western attitude toward age,I am still continually shocked by certain expressions for which I am totally unprepared.Fresh illustrations of this attitude come up on every side.I have heard an old lady remarking that she has had several grandchildren,but,“It was the first one that hurt.”With the full knowledge that American people hate to be thought of as old,one still doesn't quite expect to have it put that way.I have made allowance for people in middle age this side of fifty,who,I can understand,wish to leave the impression that they are still active and vigorous,but I am not quite prepared to meet an old lady with gray hair facetiously switching the topic of conversation to the weather,when the conversation without any fault of mine naturally drifted toward her age.One continually forgets it when allowing an old man to enter an elevator or a car first;the habitual expression“after age”comes up to my lips,then I restrain myself and am at a loss for what to say in its place.One day,being forgetful,I blurted out the usual phrase in deference to an extremely dignified and charming old man,and the old man seated in the car turned to his wife and remarked jokingly to her,“This young man has the cheek to think that he is younger than myself!”

—The Importance of Living










首先,两派都忽略了一个客观事实,即任何两种文化或语言之间既有许多共同点,又有许多差异。所以相互转换时只使用一种方法肯定是行不通的,必须多法并举。其次是两派都有不少过激的、以偏概全或者以蠡测海的,因此也是有悖于科学精神的言论。例如,直译派说“宁信勿顺”,而意译派则说“宁顺勿信”。直译派认为:译文应该沿着原文的外形来译。打破外形,就破坏了原文的结构美,就好像把一个美女弄得面目全非,没有什么人会喜欢了。意译派则认为:“翻译如女人。美者不忠,忠者不美。”(Beautiful translations are like women:when beautiful,they are not honest;when honest,they are not beautiful.)同样是拿女人做类比,两派的论点都走了极端。再次,双方都以对方之短全盘否定其主流优势,而没有顾及二者进行兼容和互补的可能性和必要性。比如直译的缺点是容易机械对应或欠通顺,过了头可能变成“硬译”或“死译”,以致“顾形而失神”;意译的不足是语言结构美的流失,过了头则会滑向“胡译”或“乱译”,变成“舍弃外形,随意杜撰”,连意思都走了样。


1.5.1 直译(Literal Translation)



【例1】This is a big mountain.


【例2】I'll go in and get the lay of the land—see if Pam's in a better mood.


【例3】Crick and Watson laid down the foundations of modern genetic research.



【例4】American companies are way ahead when it comes to biotechnology.



应当指出,英汉两种语言的表达方式都是以“主—系—表”、“主—谓—宾”和“there be”句型为句法主干,语言共相占主导地位。所以在许多情况下,直译法是翻译的主流方法。


【例1】Blood is thicker than water.


[分析]译为“血浓于水”、“血比水浓”、“血是比水浓的”都是直译,不一定非要在词的表面意义上、词的数量上、词的外形上都一一对应。上面这句英语也有译为“疏不间亲”、“远不间亲”、“胳膊肘总是向里弯”、“胳膊肘不会向外弯”、“一家人总比外人亲”,等等。这些都是“意译”了。“blood is thicker than water”的英文释义是“used to say that family relationships are more important than any other kind”,这正是以上几个意译所转达的意思,但直译为“血浓于水”已经在中文世界被广泛接受。

【例2】It's very good to have some new blood in the company.



【例3】The information highway is the cutting edge of the electronic revolution.



【例4】Partly as a result of the increasing demand,whole sale tea prices have almost doubled.


[分析]译文基本保留了原文的语势与框架,只是对“partly as a result of the increasing demand”做了灵活变通的表达,而并没有改变其字面意思,这又是直译的一个范例。

【例5】I read this letter with both surprise and excitement,surprise because he is still around,excitement because he didn't ever forget me.




【例1】I came,I saw,I conquered.


【例2】Faith is a good guide,reason is a better guide,truth is the best guide.


【例3】We were born to sorrow,pass our time in sorrow,end our days in sorrow.


【例4】Love is patient and kind;love is not jealous or boastful;it is not arrogant or rude.


【例5】We can gain knowledge,by reading,by reflection,by observation or by practice.


【例6】Threaten him,imprison him,torture him,kill him:you will not induce him to betray his country.


【例7】It is not wealth one asks for,but just enough to preserve one's dignity,to work unhampered,to be generous,frank and independent.


【例8】To have pride in yourself,you have to like yourself.To like yourself,you have to be yourself,not who and what others think you should be.


【例9】A woman's whole life is a history of the affections.The heart is her world:it is there her ambition strives for empire;it is there her avarice seeks for hidden treasures.


【例10】We shall fight him by land,we shall fight him by sea,we shall fight him in the air,until,with God's help,we have rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its people from his yoke.

—Winston Churchill


1.5.2 意译(Free Translation)

“free translation”的英语释义是“a translation that is free gives a general idea of a piece of writing rather than exactly translating every word”(只根据大意译,非逐字逐句地译的翻译方式)。


宋代著名诗人苏轼论画时有一句名言:“论画以形似,见于儿童邻。”(To judge a painting by the standard of bodily likeness is as naive as the way a child thinks.)而西方也有人认为:“Metaphase can hardly be made to do duty for paraphrase.”(直译几乎是无法替代意译的功能的。)任何翻译在许多情况下都是译入语对原文进行诠释,因此打破原文的语言外形有时是不可避免的。论翻译,不是一概反对形似,而是在追求形似失败时,必须把视线转向“神似”。避免译不通也要硬译,不能像中国古代寓言里那个横竿进城门的机械先生那样,一点儿也不知道灵活变通。扛着一根长竹竿进城门,横着是进不去的,但是可以平竖着进城门,调一下角度就可以了。

“意译”的核心是灵活(flexible)、权变(acting according to circumstances)、圆通(accommodating and alternative)。如果依照原文的表层意义无法把原文的真实信息表达出来,那就应该借助意译法。可以用吃冰糖的情形做个类比:冰糖块如果太大,直接吃是有困难的或不方便的。要让人们享受到冰糖的美味及营养,一般有两种变通的办法:一是把大块砸成小块;二是干脆放到水里让它融化成冰糖水。这种情况用于翻译,就是意译法,原来事物的外形改变或不见了,但事物的实质或精华一点也没有减少或大部分尚存。

意译的操持主要有三个层面: 词语的意译

我们曾在上一节中讲过,许多词汇都具有“意义广谱”,其中有指称意义(literal meaning,即字面意义)、语用意义(pragmatic meaning,即实际意义)、隐喻意义(metaphorical meaning,即比喻意义)、语境意义(specific meaning in context,即在上下文中的具体意义)、搭配意义(collocation meaning,即词语组合成的词组意义)、文化意义(meaning of ethnic diction,即民族特色措辞的意义)等。这里面,除了“指称意义”可以而且也应该直译外,其他几个方面的意义在许多情况下都需要意译。在译词时,有时会遇到“假朋友”(多为隐喻意义),应特别留神。现以英语的“be”为例,可以说它是一个启蒙词汇,最初学英语时就会学到它。但它的意义却不止一个“是”字,请观察下面一些例子。


【例1】I think,so I am.



【例2】God is good,therefore God is.


[分析]这是中世纪西方世界的本体论证,拉丁语原文是:“Deus bonus est,ergo Deus est.”拉丁文“esse”相当于英文的“be”。

【例3】You just have to let something be.



【例4】To be or not to be,that is a question.(Hamlet)



【例5】All I am,or can be I owe to my angel mother.


[分析]这里的两处“be”都有引申意义。“all I am,or can be”作动词“owe”的宾语。

【例6】A profligate is,rather than does.He is interested in nothing in a professional way.He is allowed to cultivate hobbies,even eccentricities,but must not practice a vocation.



【例7】His son lives under the government's expense.


[分析]“live under the government's expense”是“live in prison”的委婉说法,照实译出会让中国读者以为:既然他儿子的生活费由政府承担,那他不定是个军烈属子弟或残障人士。因此只能意译出其内在含义。

【例8】Many TV serials nowadays are dogs so that TV views rubbish them.


[分析]“dogs”在这里译为“粗制滥造”,就是意译“dog”的语用意义。“be going to the dogs”可译为“每况愈下”、“走向崩溃”、“一蹶不振”等,这是译它的搭配意义。原词的外形不见了,但意义在。

【例9】Jack and his wife have had two decades investing in each other since their marriage.


[分析]“相亲相爱”是由原文中的“invest in each other”这一比喻手法意译而来。“invest”的常用意思是“投资”,可照此意翻译显然行不通,只能意译出其深层意味。

【例10】The research finds that young women are heading for an early grave through smoking and of lack of exercise.


[分析]“head for an early grave”的字面意思是“正朝着一个早期坟墓奔去”,但这样处理肯定会让读者如坠五里云中。只有舍弃表层含义,挖掘这一习语的内在喻义,才能把这个句子的准确含义表现出来。


【例1】She is very unhappy these years because she remains a golf widow.


[分析]“remains a golf widow”如直译为“一直是高尔夫球寡妇”,恐怕无人能懂是什么意思,等于背叛原文而又愚弄译文读者。这里的译文一下子添加了许多词语,很生动地表达了原文的意思。同样,如译“mahjong(麻将)widow”、“chess widow”,也应该使用意译法。这是典型的语用和语篇意义。这些在词典查不到的语用或语篇词,只能根据上下文进行逻辑推断。

【例2】Having this thorny problem sorted out will sort out the men from the boys.



【例3】Let's get down to the meat and potatoes;how much are you going to pay me for this house?


[分析]“get down to the meat and potatoes”在这里是意译其隐喻及语境意义,原文外形改变。

【例4】His father bawled at him angrily:“Why get involved with that pathetic excuse for a human being?”


[分析]词典上可查到“a poor/rotten excuse for sb./sth.”译为“极差的……/极不称职的……”,可以根据这一线索,由上句英语的上下文推断“that pathetic excuse for a human being”的意思,比如说还可以译为“人渣”或“不三不四的东西”等。但只译表层意义肯定不行。

【例5】In the World WarⅡ,millions of soldiers became combat statistics and many more civilians were also killed.


[分析]“combat statistics”在词典上查不出确切含义,但可以从下文中的“many more civilians were also killed”推断出是“阵亡”的意思。稍具军事知识的人都知道,军队每次打仗后都要作战场统计,主要是统计伤亡数字。

【例6】...and the music reminded Soapy of those days when his life contained such things as mothers and roses and clean thoughts and collars.


[分析]这里的“mothers and roses and clean thoughts and collars”都采用了意译法。试比较直译出来的蹩脚译文:“……音乐使苏比想起了过去的日子,那时在他的生活中有母亲、玫瑰以及纯洁无瑕的思想与衣领这些高尚的东西。”意译法的核心是灵活变通。为了追求全面的、整体的和真正的意义对等和功能相当,有时就得打破原文的形式,反复揣摩,仔细推敲,从各种可能的角度寻找最佳表达方法;有时需要把原文的外形打碎、磨烂,然后再重组、重塑,进行艺术再创造。这就是人们把翻译称作一门艺术的原因。但灵活变通是有根有据的灵活变通,不是置原文于不顾地乱译一气。

【例7】And I do not mistrust the future;I do not fear what is ahead.For our problems are large,but our heart is larger.Our challenges are great,but our will is greater.And if our flaws are endless,God's love is truly boundless.




【例8】The Hongkong- Zhuhai- Macao Bridge Highway across the sea,which is being planned,will shorten the distance between Hongkong and Zhuhai and Macao from the present 60 km to 30 km and reduce the drive time to well within half an hour.


[分析]“well within half an hour”看似简单,但如果直接翻译成“完全在半个小时之内”,读上去让人觉得别扭。这么一个简单的短语,如不意译恐怕难以译通。试比较:



【例1】We must keep our powder dry.


【例2】Mr.Li has passed seventy winters.


【例3】That girl student has a ready tongue.


【例4】The matter was finally settled under the table.


【例5】I'm afraid she's too far from the cradle for me.


【例6】That lawyer is always fair without but foul within.


【例7】There were several big names at the closing ceremony.


【例8】There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the emperor's nature.


【例9】By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and the husband.


【例10】We would like to build a color- blind society where all can have equal opportunities.


【例11】The secretary was wearing a dark red blouse,the rolled up sleeves revealing the snow of her arms.


【例12】The mother and daughter were usually in agreement on most issues,but they were at swords' points on the matter of abortion.

[译文]在很多问题上母女俩的意见通常是一致的,但在人工流产问题上,她们是有激烈的争执的。 语篇意义的意译



【例1】Let the sleeping dog lie.


【例2】A cat may look at the king.


【例3】A:Tom,I'm in some kind of trouble but can you help me out?

    B:Can a duck swim?



[分析]孤立地看,“Can a duck swim?”一般没有更多的含义,但一进入上下文,它的意思就丰富起来了,译时应进行仔细的语篇剖析。

【例4】The problem is staring us in the face.


[分析]“is staring us in the face”可以译为“正在盯着我们看”,但主语是“problem”,就不能这样直译了。


The solution is staring us in the face.解决办法来啦。/有办法啦。

Defeat in this match will be staring you in the face.看来,这次比赛你们输定了。

【例5】All the writer's virtues meet in the prose.



Many strong points meet in her.



【例6】When the going gets tough,the tough gets going.



【例7】They ran away as fast as their legs could carry them.






【例8】Prices and wages are fellow travelers on the same upward escalator.


[分析]“fellow travelers”意为“一起旅行的人”;“escalator”意为“自动扶梯”,这两个词都没有更多的含义。但它们与“prices and wages”搭配,就有了生动的意思,从死气沉沉的单义词汇变成了生机盎然的动态词汇。

【例9】She was torn between staying at home to watch the TV serial and going to the cinema with him.






【例10】Jelly is still a popular food because of the fact that it's good,it's sweet,and it's simple to make—doesn't take a rocket scientist to put it together.


[分析]不作语篇分析和推理,此句是很不好译的,尽管“rock scientist”和“to put it together”都是很浅显的词语。 语言结构的意译



【例1】A crescendo of resentment built up between the two women.



【例2】Our very anxiety is born of our knowledge of what is now possible for each other and all.



【例3】People are far more predisposed to making contact with each other than social conventions allow.


[分析]这一句的翻译难点在“far more...than social conventions allow”,其中没有难词,没有寓意深刻的词,也没有使用暗喻手段,句子的含义基本上对上下文的语境没有什么依赖性,但如果不打破原文外形而是按照表层结构直译,不但读起来很不顺畅,而且也无法把原文的意思清晰地传达出来。试比较:“人们比社会习俗所允许的要喜欢相互接触的多得多。”

【例4】He also concluded that insight into prehistoric cultures should ideally proceed from knowledge of living cultures.



【例5】...and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.

(Pride and Prejudice)


(王科一 译,略有修改)

【例6】...the reader's hair stand on end when he reads in the final pages of the novel that the heroine,a dear old lady who had always been so kind to everybody,had,in her youth,poisoned every one of her five husbands.

(A Skeleton in Cupborad)




1.I prefer driving to being driven.


2.She had deprived herself of the advice of all but yesmen.


3.Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade.


4.The new leaders may be better educated,more technologically inclined,and more cosmopolitan.


5.Companies with a big staff in Beijing find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.




1.A brewer's wife may drink of a tun.


2.He is like a toad trying to swallow a swan.


3.Mr.Zhang always buries his head in the sand.

[提示]“bury one's head in the sand”是习语,直译为“把脑袋埋在沙堆里”显然不通。

4.There are two tragedies in life.One is not to get your heart's desire.The other is to get it.


5.The thought that one day they might return to their native country has never deserted them.



6.When you toss the coin to decide something,usually you will say,“Tails,I win;heads,you win.”


7.Scrooge went to bed again,and thought,and thought,and thought it over and over,and could make nothing of it.


8.Go and talk to my English teacher for me,please.If you don't help me,that would be the kiss of death to my English exam.


9.I have risen from nothing to everything,but Mrs.Sparsit,with all her advantages,has fallen from everything to nothing.(Dickens)


[提示]这里的“from nothing to everything”和“from everything to nothing”,译时确实需要动动脑筋,不能在其表层意义上打转。再如:“A good translator should know everything of something and something of everything.”译时更不能停留于字面意义,可译为“称职的翻译不仅应该精通本行业务,而且知识面要宽,什么东西都知道一点儿”。

10.While staying in Japan,Sun Yat- sen midwifed some revolutionary groups for the overthrow of Qing Dynasty(1616- 1911)and the rebirth of the Chinese nation,his lifetime cause.



11.One teacher writes that instead of drowning his student's composition in critical red ink,the teacher will get far more constructive results by finding one or two things which have been done better than last time,and commenting favorably on them.




1.A little leak will sink a great ship.

2.A hedge between keeps friendship green.

3.The more we read,the less we really know.

4.We don't know our right hand from our left.

5.Even the cleverest housewife can't make bread without flour.

6.First of all,Christmas takes us out of the ordinary routine of life.

7.All freely falling bodies descend from the same height in equal time.

8.Although I don't visit alma mater often now,it was once the center of my life.

9.Miss Zhang is an easy- going woman.She always throws her cares to the winds.

10.Miss Huang has never bought(into)the idea that to be attractive you have to be thin.

11.Letters between the parted fed a relationship which might otherwise have become sterile.

12.The spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday promotes life,friendship,closeness and family unity.

13.Youth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind.it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

14.I'd rather lose in a cause that will win one day than win in a cause that will lose someday.(Woodrow Wilson)

15.China is known to be very rich in resources,which puts her in a good position to develop agriculture.

16.She walked at the head of the funeral procession,and every now and then wiped her crocodile tears with a big handkerchief.

17.The two units used most frequently in electricity are ampere and volt.This is the unit of current flow and that of voltage.

18.The structure of the steel and the resulting properties will depend on how hot the steel gets and how quickly or slowly it is cooled.

19.You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

20.The Senate today extended the olive branch to the Obama Government by pleading for cooperation in developing foreign policy.

21.Men tend to be romantic,often falling in love more quickly than women,who tend to focus on practical considerations in choosing a mate.

22.In terms of population,China is the largest country in the world;and in terms of territorial area,it is the third,ranking only after Russia and Canada.

23.You must not lose faith in humanity.Humanity is an ocean,if a few drops of the ocean are dirty,the ocean does not become dirty.(Mahatma Gandhi)

24.The stimulation provided by a late mystery show on TV or a hard fought game of chess or an animated chat with friends may be delightful,but it will tend to keep us wide awake.

25.You saw Ruth Steadman as a woman with a face and figure of head turning beauty.Her eyes were blue,like cool winter pools.Her face,heart shaped,classically moulded.Her lips,soft,inviting,sensuous.And the cut of her frothy summer dress revealed soft curves and the slimness of her shapely legs.


I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweat.We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.We have before us many,many months of struggle and suffering.You ask,what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land,sea and air.War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us,and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime.You ask,what is our aim? I can answer in one word,it is victory.Victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory,however long and hard the road may be,for without victory there is no survival.Let that be realized.No survival for the British Empire,no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for,no survival for the urge,the impulse of the ages,that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.

(2006 TEM8)

