It is a grouping of financial assets such as stocks,bonds and cash equivalents,as well as their mutual,exchange-traded and closed-fund counterparts.Portfolios are held directly by investors and/or managed by financial professionals.
Prudence suggests that investors should constructan investment portfolio in accordance with risk tolerance and investing objectives.Think of an investment portfolio as a pie that is divided into pieces of varying sizes representing a variety of asset classes and/or types of investments to accomplish an appropriate risk-return portfolio allocation.
For example,a conservative investormight favor a portfolio with large cap value stocks,broad-based market index funds,investment-grade bonds and a position in liquid,high-grade cash equivalents.In contrast,a risk loving investormight add some small cap growth stocks to an aggressive,large cap growth stock position,assume some high-yield bond exposure,and look to real estate,international,and alternative investment opportunities for his or her portfolio.