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【摘要】:第十七章 物 流 管 理第一节 文章阅读与翻译Passage 1Logistics Management物 流 管 理[1]The mission of logistics management is to plan and co-ordinate all those activities necessary to achieve desired le

第十七章 物 流 管 理

第一节 文章阅读与翻译

Passage 1

Logistics Management

物 流 管 理

[1]The mission of logistics management is to plan and co-ordinate all those activities necessary to achieve desired levels of delivered service and quality at lowest possible cost.Logistics must therefore be seen as the link between the market place and the operating activity of the business.The scope of logistics spans the organization, from the management of raw materials through to the delivery of the final product.1 The following illustrates this total systems concept.


[2]Logistics management, from this total systems viewpoint, is the means whereby the needs of customers are satisfied through the coordination of the materials and information flows that extend from the marketplace, through the firm and its operations and beyond that to suppliers.To achieve this company-wide integration clearly requires a quite different orientation than that typically encountered in the conventional organization.

[3]For example, for many years marketing and manufacturing have been seen as largely separate activities within the organization.At best they have coexisted, at worst there has been open warfare.Manufacturing priorities and objectives have typically been focused on operating efficiency, achieved through long production runs, minimized set-ups and change-overs2 and product standardization.On the other hand marketing has sought to achieve competitive advantage through variety, high service levels, and frequent product changes.

[4]In today's more turbulent environment there is no longer any possibility of manufacturing and marketing acting independently of each other.The internecine disputes between the “bacon” of production and marketing are clearly counter-productive to the achievement of overall corporate goals.

[5]It is no coincidence that in recent years both marketing and manufacturing have become the focus of renewed attention.Marketing as a concept and a philosophy of customer orientation now enjoys a wider acceptance than even in the western world.It is now generally accepted that the need to understand and meet customer requirement is a prerequisite for survival.At the same time, in the search for improved cost competitiveness, manufacturing management has been the subject of a massive renaissance.The last decade has seen the rapid introduction of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)3, of new approaches to inventory based on materials requirements planning (MRP)4 and just-in-time (JIT)5 methods and, perhaps most important of all, a sustained emphasis on quality.

[6]Equally there has been a growing recognition of the critical role that procurement plays in creating and sustaining competitive advantages as part of an integrated logistics process.Leading-edge organizations now routinely include supply-side issues in the development of their strategic plans.Not only is the cost of purchased materials and supplies a significant part of total costs in most organizations, but there is a major opportunity for leveraging the capabilities and competencies of suppliers through closer integration of the buyers, and the suppliers‟ logistics processes.

[7]In this scheme of things, logistics is therefore essentially an integrative concept that seeks to develop a system-wide view of the firm.It is fundamentally a planning concept that seeks to create a framework through which the needs of the marketplace can be translated into a manufacturing strategy and plan, which in turn links into a strategy and plan for procurement.Ideally there should be a “one-plan” mentality within the business which seeks to replace the conventional stand-alone and separate plans of marketing, distribution, production and procurement.This, quite simply, is the mission of logistics management.



2.change-over n.改变,转变 a peaceful change-over to civilian rule 和平地转变为文官统治

3.flexible manufacturing systems: 柔性制造体系。自20世纪80年代以来,在同业化国家中,柔性制造体系作为向工厂自动化的第一步,已获得了实际的应用。柔性制造体系是一个由计算机集成管理和控制的、用于高效率地制造中小批量多品种零部件的自动化制造系统,它的应用圆满地解决了机械制造高自动化和高柔性之间的矛盾。

4.materials requirements planning: 制造需求计划。一种工业制造企业内物资计划管理模式。根据产品结构各层次物品的从属和数量关系,以每个物品为计划对象,以完工日期为时间基准倒排计划,按提前期长短区别各个物品下达计划时间的先后顺序。

5.just-in-time: 无库存生产。1953年,日本丰田公司副总裁大野耐一综合了单件生产和批量生产的特点和优点,创造了一种在多品种小批量混合生产条件下高质量、低消耗的生产方式即准时生产。JIT生产方式的基本思想是“只在需要的时候,按需要的量,生产所需的产品”,也就是追求一种无库存或库存达到最小的生产系统。JIT的基本思想是生产的计划和控制及库存的管理。

Words and Expressions

1.baron n.one have great wealth, power, and influence in a specified sphere of activity男爵,贵族;巨商,工业巨头

2.coexist v.exist together, at the same time, or in the same place 共存

3.conventional adj.based on or in accordance with general agreement, use, or practice; customary 惯例的,常规的,习俗的,传统的

4.coordinate v.organize an activity so that the people involved in it work well together and achieve a good result 协调,使配合

5.framework n.structure for supporting or enclosing something else, especially a skeletal support used as the basis for something being constructed 构架,框架,结构

6.internecine adj.of or relating to struggle within a nation, an organization, or a group互相残杀的,两败俱伤的,内部冲突的

7.orientation n.the angle or position of an object, or the direction in which it is facing; the type of activity or subject that a person or organization seems most interested in and gives most attention to 方向,方位;定位;倾向性

8.prerequisite n.required or necessary as a prior condition 先决条件;adj.首要必备的

9.renaissance n.rebirth or revival 复苏再生或复活

10.standardization n.标准化

11.turbulent adj.violently agitated or disturbed; tumultuous 狂暴的,吵闹的

Passage 2

Third Party Logistics


[1]A third-party logistics service is something more than subcontracting or outsourcing.1 Typically, subcontracting or outsourcing covers one product or one function that is produced or provided by an outside vendor.Examples include automobile companies subcontracting the manufacture of tires, or construction companies subcontracting roofing, or retail companies outsourcing the transportation function.Third-party logistics providers cut across multiple logistics functions and primarily coordinate all the logistics functions and sometimes act as a provider of one or more functions.The primary objectives of third-party logistics providers are to lower the total of cost of logistics for the supplier and improve the service level to the customer.They act as a bridge or facilitator between the first party (supplier or producer) and the second party (buyer or customer).

[2]There are several reasons for the growth of third-party logistics over the past decade.The transportation and distribution departments of some of the major corporations have been downsizing in order to reduce operating costs.The most logical area to reduce costs is advisory functions such as operation research, followed by support functions such as transportation or warehousing.The area where companies want to strengthen by investing more is their core competency.2 Though it may sound like a fad it had been a reality at some of the major corporations.The other reason is from the customer side.Customers demand an exceptional service but are not willing to pay extraordinary price for it.This requires the use of faster and frequent transportation services and flexibility in inventory levels.A third-party logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick-ups3 and deliveries, whereas in-house4 transportation cannot.Other reasons are as follows:

1.The company's core business and competency may not be in logistics.

2.Sufficient resources, both capital and manpower, may not be available for the company to become a world-class logistics operator.

3.There is an urgency to implement a “world-class” logistics operation or there is insufficient time to develop the required capabilities in-house.

4.The company is venturing into a new business with totally different logistics requirements.

5.Merger or acquisition may make outsourcing logistics operations more attractive than to integrate logistics operations.

[3]In recent years there has been some concern expressed by the users of third-party service providers that they are not being given the expected levels of service and business benefits.Users have also indicated that service providers are insufficiently proactive in their approach to the contracted operations which they only aim to provide the minimum and fail to enhance the operations they are responsible for.On the other hand, service providers claim that they are seldom given the opportunity to develop new ideas and offer improvements, because users are not prepared to give them adequate information of their complete supply chains.One consequence of this has been the idea of using an additional enterprise or organization to oversee and take responsibility for all the outsourced operations a user might have.This has become known as fourth-party logistics.

[4]The need to take a total supply chain approach means that a different type of service provider and a different type of RFQ5 approach are important to recognize that there are often several different organizations or participants in a supply chain, that there is a need to develop partnerships and there should be opportunities to integrate and rationalize along the supply chain.

Thus, solutions can be developed by the co-venturer or fourth-party service provider to offer:

1.A total supply chain perspective;

2.Visibility along the supply chain;

3.Measurement along the supply chain;

4.Open systems;

5.Technical vision;


7.Tailored structures and systems.


1.outsourcing: 外包。公司把原来自己员工做的工作,委托外面公司做。其特点为降低成本,集中精力在核心能力上。

2.core competency: 核心能力。对公司而言,一个公司有一些特殊的技能和知识,使公司在特定的行业中有竞争能力,并保有优势,竞争者不易超越。

3.pickup: 集运。运送行业到客户收集货物然后由火车载回站所。4.in-house: 公司内部。有些活动在组织或公司内实行,而非由外部的厂商制作。5.RFQ: request for quoting, 是买方先询价,卖方再报价。RFQ的交易模式有利于买方的原因是显著的,首先RFQ是由买方发起的。

Words and Expressions

1.advisory adj.having the power to advise, giving advice 有权发言的,顾问的

2.competency n.being competent; ability 胜任;能力

3.flexible adj.easily changed to suit new conditions 容易适应新情况的

4.minimum n.least or smallest amount, degree 最小量,最低限度

5.strengthen v.become stronger 加强

Passage 3

New Trends in Logistics


[1]Predicting the future is important because it allows logistics executives to primarily be proactive rather than reactive.Every area of logistics is affected in some way by the forecasting process; that is, conducting or developing forecasts, providing information to be used in forecasting, or receiving forecasting results and implementing necessary actions.While other activities of logistics are more actively involved in the forecasting process, materials management utilizes forecasts employed in MRP I1, MRP II2, DRP I3, and DRP II4 efforts, and is indirectly affected by the forecasts developed by others (e.g.inventory planning, purchasing, and demand forecasting).Forecasting attempts to predict the future through quantitative or qualitative methods, or some combination of both.The essence of forecasting is to aid in logistics decision making.

[2]A study of the forecasting practices of a large number of companies indicated that the most widely cited reasons for engaging in forecasting included:

1.Increasing customer satisfaction.

2.Reducing stockouts5.

3.Scheduling production more efficiently.

4.Lowering safety stock requirements.

5.Reducing product obsolescence costs.

6.Managing shipping better.

7.Improving pricing and promotion management.

8.Negotiating superior terms with suppliers.

9.Making more informed pricing decisions.

[3]Effective and efficient materials management requires many types of forecasts, including:

● Demand forecast.Investigation of the firm's demand for the item, to include current and projected demand, inventory status, and lead times.Also considered are competing current and projected demands by industry and product end use.

● Supply forecast.Collection of data about current producers and suppliers, the aggregate projected supply situation, and technological and political trends that might affect supply.

● Price forecast.Based on information gathered and analyzed about demand and supply.Provides a prediction of short-and long-term prices and the underlying reasons for those trends.

● Additionally, forecasts can be short term, midrange, or long term.Typically, firms would use all three types of forecasting:

● Long-term forecasts usually cover more than three years and are used for long-range planning and strategic issues.These will be performed in broad terms: that is, sales by product line or division, throughput capacity by ton per period or dollars per period.

● Midrange forecasts usually range from one to three years and address budgeting issues and sales plans.Again, these might predict more than demand.

● Short-term forecasts are most important for the operational logistics planning process.They project demand into the next several months and, in some cases, more than a year ahead.These are needed in units, by actual items to be shipped, and for finite periods of time—monthly or perhaps weekly.

[4]The firm may utilize a variety of forecasting techniques, ranging from those based on general market information (from suppliers, sales force, customers, and others) to highly sophisticated computer algorithms.The specific technique or approach a firm selects should be appropriate for the unique characteristics of the company and its markets.Just-in-time systems, MRP I, MRP II, DRP I, and DRP II systems also can improve the efficiency of inventory planning and control.


1.MRP I: (=materials requirements planning)制造需求计划。

2.MRP II: (=manufacturing resource planning)加工源计划。从整体最优的角度出发,运用科学的方法,对企业的各种制造资源和企业生产经营各环节实行合理有效地计划、组织、控制和协调,达到既能连续均衡生产,又能最大限度地降低各种物品的库存量,进而提高企业经济效益的管理方法。

3.DRP I: (=distribution requirements planning)配送需求计划。一种既保证有效地满足市场需要,又使得物流资源配置费用最省的计划方法,是MRP原理与方法在物品配送中的运用。

4.DRP II: (=distribution resource planning)分销资源计划。分销资源计划是指对分销网络上的库存进行计划和管理。DRP的管理对象主要包括订单、库存、财务往来等方面。广义的DRP系统,在对分销链上的库存、销售订单进行管理的基础上,还加入了财务管理、客户关系管理、物流管理等方面的功能。

5.stockout n.迟滞数目

Words and Expressions

1.predict v.say, tell, show in advance 预言;预测;预示

2.implement v.carry out or put into practice 使生效,贯彻,执行

3.utilize v.make use of; find a use for 利用,使用

4.inventory n.a list, especially one of all the goods in a place 详细目录,存货清单

5.combination n.the act of combining or state of being combined 合作,组合

6.address v.make a speech to, esp.formally 向„„发表演说

7.finite adj.having bounds; limited; not infinite 有限度的;有限制的

第二节 跨文化的背景知识与翻译(一)
























同一个事物、生物或概念,在某些语言中可能只用一个词来表达,在另一种语言中可能有几个或更多的词来表达。一般来说,表示同一概念的词越多,词义就区分得越细。如在用汉语和英语与不同文化背景的人进行交际时,表示亲属的词语常常在彼此理解对方的意思方面会造成很大困难。如Mary's brother married Linda's sister 这句话就很难译成汉语,因为不知道brother是Mary的哥哥还是弟弟。这是因为在汉语中,有许多称呼来指具体的关系,如:祖父(母)/外祖父(母)(grandfather/grandmother),兄弟/姐妹(brother/sister),伯父、叔父、姑父、舅父、姨夫(uncle)。在汉语中一般只用“公”和“母”来区分动物的性别。而在英语中则往往各有单独名称,如:


例1:For your convenience, we offer a range of conference packages, which we can, of course, extend to meet your requirements.


解析:conference packages指承办会议的酒店为不同规格的会议所准备的不同“会议专案”,它实际上指的是为客户提供的包括所有会议设施、服务及总费用的一整套方案。它是随着商务活动的发展服务业新出现的概念。

例2:There are only five minutes left, I need to go to the rest room.


解析:在英语国家,人们对会产生不雅联想意义的词汇爱用委婉语,所以与厕所有关的委婉语有很多,rest room就是其中一个。

例3:To reduce loss and increase overall profits, the CEO told his product managers to get rid of all the dogs.






to strike while the iron is hot       趁热打铁

to be on the thin ice             如履薄冰

to fish in the troubled waters        浑水摸鱼

as light as a feather            轻如鸿毛

an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth    以眼还眼,以牙还牙

Great oaks grow from little acorns.     合抱之木,生于毫末。

但是,两种文化的不同使得大多数的成语、谚语和格言的涵义差别很大,这往往会给翻译者带来困难。如:to ride one's high horse应译为“趾高气扬”;love me, love my dog应译为“爱屋及乌”;to have a head like a sieve应译为“心猿意马”等。在翻译这些成语、谚语和格言时,我们可以使用在本书的前面所讲的翻译技巧。首先,我们先看一看成语的翻译技巧,如:


a cast in the air              空中楼阁

to turn a blind eye to           熟视无睹

as easy as turning over one's hands     易如反掌

smooth tongue                油嘴滑舌

a bolt from the blue            晴天霹雳

six of one and half a dozen of the other  半斤八两

Misfortunes never come singly.       祸不单行

Walls have ears.              隔墙有耳


in a pig's whisper             低声地

make a monkey of              愚弄

get cold feet                开始感到怀疑

a skeleton at the feast           扫兴的人或东西

a skeleton in the cupboard/closet      家丑

bury one's head in the sand         采取鸵鸟政策



Each cross hath its own inscription.


God helps those who help themselves.


God sends meat and the devil sends cooks.


He that serves God for money will serve the devil for better wages.


Man proposes, God disposes.


Mills of God grind slowly but sure.


Whom God could ruin, he first deprives of reason.



Carry coals to Newcastle.


Do in Rome as Romans do.



It is as hare to please a knave as a knight.


All Stuarts are not sib to the king.



A great ship asks deep water.


A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.


Little boats must keep to the shore.


Many drops of water will sink the ship.


Rats desert a sinking ship.




A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


A good beginning makes a good ending.


A lazy youth, a lousy age.


Better late than never.


Example is better than precept.


Half a loaf is better than no bread.



A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.


All work and no play makes a Jack a dull boy.


When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.


It is no use crying over spilt milk.




dimension    location  raw material  Reverse    customer

distribution  supplier  recirculate   traditional  maximum

Traditionally, logistics has been defined in two dimensions.The first 1 focuses on materials management and the second focuses on 2 .Materials management covers all the functions for 3 acquisition to production at plants, and distribution covers movement from plant to customers. 4 logistics adds a third dimension.Reverse logistics, as the name implies, deals with the handling, storage and movementof material that flows from the end 5 back to the seller or 6 .This includes returns, defectives, containers or boxes and packaging material.Reverse logistics is also known as “environmental responsible logistics” since it helps to recycle unwanted material and 7 or defectives to other stores.

In a broad sense, reverse logistics must be incorporated into 8 logistics framework to formulate an integrated logistics pipeline.Essentially, an integrated logistics pipeline includes a flow in the reverse direction starting from the customers.The flow maybe synchronized with the back-haul movement of the distribution flow for 9 efficiently wherever possible.In other words, one should schedule a pick-up of returns or packaging material from a store with the delivery of products to that store.The locations for recycling centers or the selection of recycling centers may be based on proximity to end customers where returns or packing material are generated.In other words, the design of the supply chain must include considerations related to reverse logistics such as 10 of landfills, incinerators and recycling centers, transportation of returns or packing material and the type of containers to store and move products.


1.Production costs differ by country being influenced by labor costs, technology, volume of production, transportation and products costs.Lack of mobility is a major factor.Some products and resources can only be utilized where they are located or found, for example, minerals.Economies of scale vary by product/service, both internally and externally within an economy.

2.In a developed country, there will be a good infrastructure and a technically trained workforce.Convertible stable currencies are more likely with a politically stable government.However, labor costs will be relatively high.Conversely, the less developed country will have a less stable currency, poor infrastructure and low labor costs with limited technical skills.

3.A high speed transport mode reduces stock levels—both static and in transit—and the financial implications are therefore apparent.In effect the average lead time between manufacture and sale is shortened and this results in a saving in financial resources.In reality it improves company cash flow or liquidity.

4.In a more practical sense, logistics refers to the systematic management of the various activities required to move benefits from their point of production to the customer.Often these benefits are in the form of a tangible product that must be manufactured and moved to the user; sometimes these benefits are intangible and are known as services.They too must be produced and made available to the final customer.But logistics encompasses much more than just the transport of goods.The concept of benefits is a multifaceted one that goes beyond the product or service itself to include issues regarding timing, quantity, supporting services, location and cost.So a basic definition of logistics is the continuous process of meeting customer needs by ensuring the availability of the right benefits for the right customer, in the quantity and condition desired by that customer, at the time and place the customer wants them, all for a price the buyer is willing to pay.These concepts apply equally well to for-profit industries and non-profit organizations.







