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时间:2023-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第十二章 保险公司拒赔在国际贸易中,对货物进行保险是非常重要的。一般情况下,中国的进出口商会选择中国保险条款。进出口商投保的目的就是在遭受风险时,能够获取保险公司的赔偿,减少自身利益的损失。而有时,进出口商会遭遇到不是很负责任的保险公司,尤其是理赔不公正的保险公司。当然,理赔代理人执行的是保险公司的决定。在邮件结尾,保险公司还建议进口方与

第十二章 保险公司拒赔











Dear Sir,

Today I have received underwriters settlement instructions on the abovecaptioned claim.China Pacific has advised us that they are declining the claim as files.

This was a“Shippers Load,Count &Seal”movement directly from China.The shipment arrived in Morrisville,NC in the original container with the original seal Intact.At no time did the carrier or their agents open the container and touch/view the cargo stowed within.

Since the shipper was responsible for the sealed container load,there is no evidence of carrier liability for the condensation damage and torn cartons.The shipper is responsible for making sure the container is sound for ocean transit.If they did not cover the container vent holes over with tape themselves,they were at least responsible for removing it prior to loading the cargo into the container.If damages are related to an act or negligence of the shipper,they are not covered under the terms and conditions of marine cargo insurance.

In view of underwriter’s instructions to us,we are closing our involvement in this matter and our office will take no further action.It is my suggestion that this matter be taken up with the shippers in China for their consideration.

Yours faithfully,



上述案例是一封保险公司的拒赔信,但是,从邮件中可以看出,写邮件的人不是保险公司——中国太平洋保险公司(China Pacific),而是其理赔代理人。当然,理赔代理人执行的是保险公司的决定。









1.It must be the careless shippement of the goods inappropricate order leading to the damage of No.5and No.10.

点评:这句话的可能意思是“一定是因为运输不当,造成货物散乱,并导致第五和第十号箱的货物受损。”可是,这句话的错误比较多,比如单词拼写、语法错误等,导致意思不明确。其中,“shippement”应该是“shipment”,“p”无需双写;“inappropricate”应该是“inappropriate”,表示“不恰当”。从语法上,这句话可以改成“It must be the careless shipment which caused the inappropriate order of goods and the damage of No.5and No.10.”但这句话不符合该案例的语境,它应该是第一次买方要求赔偿的表述。

2.Here are the photos enclosed,which improve the package is in good condition and the cargo is right located.


3.Having received your letter to our claim,I am very sorry to find your inconsideration to settle the problem properly.

点评:这句话的意思是“我已经收到你方对我方索赔的回复,但非常遗憾,我发现你方未能合理地解决这件事。”这句话的表达不够地道。根据“find”的用法,在这句话中,用“find+n.+to do”不恰当,应该用“find that...”合适些。因此,原句应该改成“Having received your letter to our claim,I am very sorry to find that you failed to settle the problem properly.”

4.In the responsibility of the carrier,we call for our compensation at All Risks that we have effected with you.

点评:这句话欲表达的意思是“由于是承运人的责任,我方根据已经向你方办理的一切险,要求相应的赔偿。”然而,这句话没有正确使用介词短语和动词短语,使得句子间的关系不清楚,意思难以理解。“由于……”应该用“for”或“because of”。“提出索赔”的动词短语应该是“claim for”或者是“lodge a claim for”。另外,在“承运人责任”与“我方提出索赔”的意思之间,跳跃性太大,使句子之间的关系不够紧密。整个句子可以改成“Because it is the responsibility of the carrier,we think we should claim for the compensation based on the All Risks that we have effected with you.”

5.The shipping company should be responsible for choosing the type of loading the goods.

点评:这句话欲表达的意思是“运输公司应该负责挑选合适的集装箱来运输货物。”这句话指出了承运人的责任,就是“选择合适的集装箱”。可写信人将关键性的词语漏掉了,影响了句子的意思。其实,这个句子应该是“The shipping company should be responsible for choosing the right type of container to load the goods.”

6.The cargo went moody probably because of the container vent holes,never can the shipper cover for they are necessary for the goods.

点评:这句话的意思是“货物发霉,有可能是集装箱的通风口(进水)导致的,但是,发货人是不能将通风口覆盖,因为货物需要通风。”不过,原句中“went moody”不是“发霉”的意思,“moody”是“喜怒无常的,愤怒的”的意思,表示“发霉”,应该是“moldy”这个词,在美语中也可以拼写成“mouldy”。另外,从句子结构看,上述句子存在多套的主谓结构,不应该是一个独立的句子。这句话可以改成“The cargo went moody probably because of the container vent holes.However,the shipper can never cover them for they are necessary for the goods.”

7.It is the shipping company,that is the carrier who is in charge of choosing the right carton for the right cargo,not the shipper.

点评:这句话的意思是“应该是运输公司,也就是承运人,应该负责为货物选择合适的纸板箱,而不是发货人。”在这句话中,有语法错误,也有进出口贸易基本知识的错误。这句话主体是个强调句,但是,写信人又使用了一个同位语的语法结构,那就是“the shipping company”和“the carrier”。错误主要是“that is”后面没有加逗号。在进出口业务中,承运人只负责运输事宜,包括选择集装箱种类,但是货物的包装并不是承运人的职责。货物采用何种包装是由进出口商来定的。如果相关的进出口知识不扎实,就会影响句子,乃至整封邮件的说服力。

8.Since the responsibility should be taken by shipping company,my reasons are as follows.

点评:这句话的意思是“运输公司应该承担相关的责任,我的理由有如下几点。”在句子中“since”是“既然”的意思,表示原因,而“my reasons”也是表示原因,这不符合英文表达习惯。正确的表达是将原句中的“since”删去,在“my reasons”前加个“and”。

9.I have received your letter on declining compensation,but I am sorry to tell you that what you have said in the letter is against the fact.

点评:这句话没有语法错误,意思也非常明确,只是这种表达过于夸张,会影响这封邮件的客观性和说服力。事实上,拒赔信上的理由都是符合事实的,比如货物是由发货人装箱、清点和封箱等都是事实,只是保险公司只字未提承运人的相关责任,并试图将责任推卸给发货人。因此,原句可以改成“I have received your letter on declining compensation,but I am sorry to tell you that it is the carrier who should take the responsibility.”

10.Above all we are reasonable to claim for compensation.

点评:这句话的原意应该是“综上所述,我们索赔是非常合理的。”可是,“above all”的意思是“most important of all”,即“尤其是,最重要的是”,不是表示总结,而是表示在一系列因素中,哪个是最重要的。如果要表示总结的话,可以将原来的语句改成“In conclusion,we are reasonable to claim for compensation.”


1.Today I have received your letter suggests that this matter be taken up with the shippers in China for their consideration.

点评:这个段落的意思是“今天我收到了你方的来信,获知你方建议我方应该联系发货人,以解决相关事宜。”这是买方回复保险代理人的邮件的起始段落,段落比较简洁。但是,写信人只是提到拒赔邮件的意图,却没有传递自己写信的目的,造成信息不完整和邮件的篇章结构不合理。可以在后面补充一句:After communications with the shipper,I believe that it is not the responsibility of him.原句还出现了语法错误:“Today I have received your letter”是段落的主句,而其他部分应该是“letter”的定语从句,因而,应该在“suggests”前加引导词“which”。

2.After the thorough check,we found the damage was not shipper’s fault,there is not such kind of damage before shipping.Therefore,at no time did the carrier or their agents open the container and touch the cargo stowed within.


3.We had a“Shippers load,Count &Seal”movement directly from China.We had given all the detail information of our products to the shipping company’s agents.The carrier is responsible for making sure the quality of products and allot suitable container with went holes for shippment.What’s more,for the negligence of the carrier,our carton went moldy and unmarketable because of the water without being placed in a reasonable place.

点评:这个段落的大意是“我们的这笔交易确实是由发货人装运、清点和密封的。我们已经将我方产品的详细信息告知了运输公司的代理。承运人应该负责确认货物的质量以及分配带通风口的集装箱。而且,由于承运人的错误,我方的纸板箱没有放在合理的位置,导致浸水发霉,货物无法销售。”。在该段落中,“we”的指向不一致。在第一句中,“we”应该是进口方,可是在第二句话中,“we”是指出口方,因为出口方在案例中是负责装货等事宜的人,应该向承运人提供相关的产品信息。在进出口业务中,承运人的职责应该是运输货物;他应该在收货时对货物包装的外观进行描述,但是不确保货物的质量。当然,作为承运人还应该将适合的集装箱分配给发货人。因此,写信人应该从集装箱的分配进行论证。最后一句话与“分配集装箱”句子的关系不是递进,而是因果,用“what’s more”不恰当。不过,结论下得过快,应该在指出“承运人负责分配集装箱”后,明确指出发货人没有义务要关闭或者覆盖通风口,对拒赔信进行反驳。在该段落中,也有些语言错误:第一个是“allot”的时态,应该与“making sure”并列,应该改成“allotting”;第二个是拼写错误,“went holes”应该是“vent holes”,而“shippment”应该是“shipment”。

4.Last but not least,the shipper’s duty is only to obey the order of his shipping company,if the shipper has made mistakes,it means the mistakes were resulted from the company.


5.From my personal perspective,neither of us expect such things to happen.What we can do now is to solve the problem well as soon as possible and thus create a nice expression for further corporation.

点评:这段话的意思是“我认为,我们都不想发生这样的事。我们现在可以做的就是尽快解决问题,为将来的良好的合作打下基础。”显然,这是进出口双方之间的沟通邮件,写作的角度比较好,但是语言错误不少。在英语中,“neither of us”后的动词应该是第三人称单数形式,因此,应该将“expect”改成“expects”。“expression”是“表达、表述”的意思,用在原句中不是很恰当。表达“基础”之意,应该用“foundation”更合适。“corporation”是“公司”的意思,表示“合作”,应该用“cooperation”。这两个词形近,容易搞错,应该多加记忆。

6.We are pretty sure that shippers in China had done their jobs very well.Besides,we can provide the document which shows that all the goods are clean and sound before shipment.Moreover,shippers wouldn’t ignore damages on cartons before shipment,which is common sense.Therefore,it’s not shippers responsibility to this damage.


7.When the shipper sent the cargo to the wharf,the shipper’s company was responsible for choosing containers properly.It is the container vent holes over that had had the water flowed into the container,damaging the condensation.If damages are related to the mistakes of the shipper’s company,they are covered under the terms and conditions of Marine cargo insurance.

点评:该段落的大致意思是“当发货人将货物送到集装箱场站时,运输公司应该选择合适的集装箱。水从集装箱的通风口进入到集装箱内,造成水汽的凝结。如果损失是由运输公司造成的,应该属于海运货物保险的保险范围。”该段落的论点基本正确,论据也比较合理,但是太多的语言错误,会使收信人无法理解写信人的意思。首先,在该段落中,写信人用“shipper’s company”来指称“运输公司”,不仅非常不专业,而且与“shipper”一起,造成了当事人的混乱。“shipper”应该是发货人,是行业的专业表达,一般指出口方。而“运输公司”的专业表达应该是“shipping company”或者是“carrier”,相对应的中文是“承运人”。其次,第二句是强调句,但是有语法错误。其实,这句话不用强调句可以表达得更清楚,可改成“The water flowed into the container through its vent holes.”如果要将这句话与前一句话的关系显示得更紧密,应该将前一句改成“When the shipper sent the cargo to the wharf,the shipping company chose the container with vent holes to him.”。再次,词语搭配也不恰当。“damage”是“损坏或损害”的意思,而“condensation”是“凝结”的意思,因此,要表达“造成水汽凝结”,应该用动词“cause”,即“causing the condensation of water”。最后,“terms and conditions”一般指贸易条件,指价格、运输等条件,而“海洋货物保险条款”应该表达成“clause of Marine Cargo Insurance”。

8.I am sorry about that your cargo went moldy and became unmarketable.As we know,the container is used according to your requirement.The shipping company packed your cargo properly.

点评:这句话非常难以理解,可以说不知所云。如果直接将这句话翻译成中文,应该是“我方非常遗憾地获知你方的货物发霉,变得无法销售。我们大家都知道,这种类型的集装箱的使用是根据你方的要求的。运输公司恰当地包装了你方的货物。”从第一句,很难判断到底是进口方写的,还是出口方写的,因为第一句可以是卖方写给买方,表示获知此事;也可以是买方写给卖方,将事情通报给卖方。因此,为了明确写信人的角色,最好附加一些信息。如果是买方写给卖方的,可以这样写“I am sorry to tell you that your cargo went moldy and became unmarketable when I received your goods.”如果是卖方写给买方的,那么可以写成“I am sorry to learn from your letter that your cargo went moldy and became unmarketable.”当然这句话应该是“be sorry that”,如果后接名词的话,可以用“be sorry about...”该段中的最后一句话不符合案例,也不符合进出口业务的常识。在拒赔信中,保险代理人已经明确指出“Shippers Load, Count &Seal”,那么货物怎么会是承运人包装的呢?根据商务常识,包装是货物生产的不可分割的一部分,应该是由出口方来完成的,承运人是不会“插足”生产的。这个段落中,比较合理的论述就是第二句话了。如果买方真的能证明集装箱是由卖方选的,那卖方应该承担责任,只好负责赔偿了。

9.I’ve heard of what you clained for in your response,and I really thank you for your kind consideration for us.But I insist my point that your insurance company be responsible for the damage,reasons listed as follows.

点评:这个段落的意思是“在你方的回复中,我们已经了解了你方的意见,对此,我方表示感谢。但是,我坚持我方的观点,认为你们保险公司应该负责这次的损失。具体的理由表达如下。”该段落是买方写给保险公司的起始段落,写信意图表达得非常明确。美中不足的是这句话的语言错误比较多。“hear of”是“听说……”的意思,与后面的“in your response”不能搭配,应该是“learned”或“known”;当然,在这句话中,“clained”应该是“claimed”,表示“要求”,在句中也不恰当,应该改成“said”或更正式的“stated”;这样,这句话的意思是“从你方的回复,我们已经知道你的观点。”“insist”是个不及物动词,不可以直接接宾语,一般用“insist on...”或“insist that...”。“reasons listed as follows”有重复现象,应该改成“reasons listed below”或者“reasons as follows”;而这个名词短语不能作独立的句子,应该将它前面的逗号改成介词“for”。

10.Firstly,we have your insurance surveyor check the products and the container before we ship the products.However,the surveyor didn’t find any problems or questions about the container vent holes.So it will be your liability for causing the damage to our corporate.




Dear Sir,

We write this letter to you after receiving your declining compensation letter.

As the required documents that have been sent to you,it is clearly said that the shipping company have made sure that the cartons or containers were suitable for shipping.It is carrier who didn’t tell the shipping company the other specific requirements that should be obeyed during the transportation.Since the goods should be well ventilated,therefore,the carrier did not stop up the container vent holes and didn’t tell this information to the shipping company and thus the shipper put the containers on the deck and the water poured into the carton which caused the demage of the goods.

Through the above description and the reports from the surveyor and shipping company,we are sure that it is the carrier’s fault in handling the shipment.We Hope that you can settle the problem properly and fairly.

We are looking forward for your reply.

Yours sincerely,


点评:这封邮件措辞比较委婉,反映出比较恰当的解决问题态度。邮件的结构也是完整的;阐述理由时,语言清楚,论述层次比较分明。然而,由于没有掌握相关的商务知识,混淆了当事各方,使得这封邮件功亏一篑。根据基本的进出口贸易知识,对于每一笔交易,都有进口方、出口方、承运人和保险人,而且这些当事人在涉及运输环节和保险环节时,他们的角色会发生变化。在运输方面,承运人就是负责运输的当事人,就是实践中的运输公司;出口方是发货人或者也称托运人,而进口方是收货人。当涉及保险时,进口方是保险受益人,出口方是投保人(当价格术语是CIF或CPI)。在该邮件中,写信人将shipping company与carrier当成了两个独立的当事人,也混淆了carrier和shipper的职责。这样的邮件必然于事无补,解决不了问题。另外,该邮件中“demage”应该是“damage”,是“损坏”的意思。


Dear Sirs,

It is unbelievable that you consider shipper should take this responsibility.Shipper reported their goods condition to carrier in order to get a right

container.So the carrier knew the condition of goods but the carrier didn’t offer a suitable container,which should have went holes.This action led to the condensation damage and torn cartons,and made the cargo go moldy and become unmarketable.There’s enough evident of carrier liability for this matter.

We suggest that your carefully consideration to this matter,and take positive measures to settle down it.

Yours sincerely,


点评:这封邮件也是封失败的邮件,不能帮助保险受益人解决问题。首先,该邮件的态度和语气欠妥。当买方遭受拒赔时,心情一定不是很舒畅,甚至有些恼火。可是,在写邮件解决问题时,还是应该保持礼貌。只有较好的态度,和恰当的语气,才能取得对方的理解和合作。且真正解决问题的关键是能否提供证据,能否言之有理,而不是靠生硬的态度。其次,写信人没有把握案例的本质。在该邮件中,写信人对carrier和shipper的职责还比较清楚,但是,却没有意识到发生损坏的根本原因。根据案例,集装箱应该是带有通风口的集装箱,所以才导致水进入集装箱,使货物发霉变质。可是,在邮件中,写信人写道“So the carrier knew the condition of goods but the carrier didn’t offer a suitable container,which should have went holes.This action lead to the condensation damage and torn cartons,and made the cargo go moldy and become unmarketable.”(意思是:承运人知道货物的状况,但是承运人没有提供合适的,也就是带有通风口的集装箱。这一行为是导致水汽凝结于纸板箱,并破损,致使货物发霉和无法销售。)显然,写信人没有理解原信,造成了错误。最后,这封邮件的语言也有些错误。“通风口”是“vent holes”,可是写信人拼写成了“went holes”;邮件中的最后一段,“suggest”后是宾语从句,可是宾语从句中前面部分少了谓语动词,变成了名词短语。“settle down”是“定居、安家”的意思。“解决问题”应该用动词“solve”或“settle”。该句应该修改成:We suggest that you carefully consider this matter and take positive measures to settle it。




Dear Sir,

I have received your letter of declining compensation.I’m sorry to hear that you will take no further action in this matter.

I have to say that the shipper had fulfilled his responsibility in load,count and seal and had handed the goods properly to the carrier based on the B/L.The shipping company chose the right container for our cargo reasonably.The container with vent holes was used because our cargo was perishable in a sealed circumstance.As a result,it was reasonable not to cover the container vent holes.

As carrier,the shipping company should take care of the goods during transit.They should prevent the water spilling into the container through the vent holes or should not pile up our cargo on the deck.However,they failed to do so.Surely,it’s their responsibility.

According to the All Risks we have effected insurance with you,we sincerely call for your cover of our loss.Look forward to your properly and fairly settlement.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir,

I am writing in response of your letter that stated China Pacific had decided to decline the claims for compensation as files.

After our careful investigation on this matter,we believe China Pacific is responsible for the damage of goods.

Firstly,the shipper didn’t cover the vent holes on the container because the goods can easily get moldy in closed containers.

Secondly,it is carrier’s responsibility to check if the container is suitable for ocean transportation.The carrier should put the containers in a proper place to make sure that water will not go through the vent holes.But the carrier didn’t.Therefore,damage was caused by the negligence of the carrier.

In conclusion,the responsibility lies in the carrier.Once again,we would like to ask you to cover our loss.Should you have any questions on the above mentioned things,please do not hesitate to contact me.

Look forward to your positive message.

Yours sincerely,




