首页 理论教育 第一章公众演讲概述


时间:2023-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第一章 公众演讲概述An Overview of Public SpeakingAll the great speakers were bad speakers at first.——by Ralph Waldo EmersonA speech is more than ideas. It is sound!古今中外,公众演讲、口才、修辞等交际形式不仅被视为一种表达思想、传播文化、举贤选能的重要手段,也被看做一门语言艺术。演讲者应充分考虑不同的演讲环境可能会对自己产生的影响。

第一章 公众演讲概述An Overview of Public Speaking

All the great speakers were bad speakers at first.

——by Ralph Waldo Emerson

A speech is more than ideas. It is sound! It is music! It is rhythm! It is performance!

——Klepper in Flaherty

单元目标(Objectives of the unit)

In this unit, you will get to know about

○Nature of public speech

○Element of public speech

○Ways of delivering speech

第一部分 理论学习(Theory Introduction)

一、公众演讲的本质(Nature of public speaking)


二、演讲要素(Speech elements)

(一)主观要素(Subjective element)

要成为一个优秀的英语演讲者,首先,你得学会讲一口流利的英语。好的演讲主要体现在构思、内容和演讲技巧三方面。如果你的演讲构思紊乱、内容枯燥,演讲时结结巴巴,听众肯定会失去兴趣。其次,学习写出好文章。大多数演讲是有准备的,也就是说,要精心进行演讲稿的写作,并把讲稿全部或部分背下来。你所要演讲的内容其实就是你已经写好的东西。完成的演讲稿应该具备: (1)以清晰的、符合逻辑的方式组织你的观点,以便听众完全理解并记住。 (2)选择恰当的单词和句型。 (3)选用好的比喻,以便在听众头脑中产生生动的形象。 (4)创造出有趣的情景和令人难忘的结尾。

(二)客观要素(Objective element)


为了取得比较理想的演讲效果,无论是组织单位的负责人,还是演讲者都应该亲临现场反复检查场地和确认音效(如果需要使用相关设备) ,在以下几个方面进行仔细考虑:包括场地大小适中(依照活动人数决定) ,整洁安静,没有任何干扰物和障碍物;场地光线充足,空气流通;视听设备准备充分,音效真实可靠;演讲台大小适中、摆放位置合适,保证有足够高度便于演讲者和听众之间的眼神交流;环境布置简洁大方,与演讲内容和风格协调一致,相得益彰。

三、演讲呈现方式(Types of delivering)


(一)念稿演讲(Manuscript delivery) :是完全依据事先准备好的稿子逐字念的演讲。政治家的专题发言、学术交流中的论文宣读和公司的业绩汇报等都得采用念稿演讲。这种演讲的最大优势是能确保演讲者不会忘词或发生口误,并能在规定的时间内完成演讲。但也正是由于这种演讲完全是按照稿子念,演讲者也就无法与听众进行目光交流并得到听众的反馈,也无法根据演讲场合做相应的变化,这样,整个演讲会会显得比较生硬,缺乏活力和生机。对于缺乏演讲经验的新手来说还可能出现因为紧张而越念越快的情况,无法保证演讲的效果。对这种演讲方式,要想取得较好的演讲效果,最重要的方法是演讲者在预先熟悉演讲稿的前提下,在演讲稿的重点词、句和段前做好标记,演讲时适当提前脱离稿子以便与听众进行必要而简短的眼神交流,并辅之以必要和得体的手势强化演讲的内容,然后及时将自己的目光收回到讲稿上来。

(二)背诵演讲(Memorized delivery) :背诵演讲是将准备好的演讲稿背熟、现场脱稿演讲的呈现形式。演讲比赛,还有各种庆典和仪式上的演讲以及一些专题讲座通常都采用这种演讲方式。其特点是简短,其优势是演讲者可以通过悦耳的声音、眼神交流和手势更多地与听众进行直接的交流。但是,背诵式演讲要求演讲者花费大量时间进行充分的准备。因为如果现场忘词,就意味着演讲失败。其次是目光交流容易流于形式,面部表情容易变得呆板,因为演讲者总是或多或少地想着自己已经背会稿子。

(三)即兴演讲(Impromptu delivery):即兴演讲是指事先没有准备、临时被邀所做的演讲。演讲者只能根据自己的知识、经历或经验的积累就一个话题发表自己的看法,演讲的内容取决于演讲者所能想到的和能表达出来的。即兴演讲是演讲比赛中的一个重要部分,也是最具挑战性的演讲形式。在人们的日常生活中也经常需要进行即兴演讲和发言,例如回答教师课堂上的提问、专题研讨会、演讲后的回答问题、获奖感言和宴会上的祝酒词都归类于即兴演讲。即兴演讲要求演讲者的知识积累丰富、逻辑思维清晰、措辞准确、表达流畅。尤其要避免词不达意、杂乱无章、冗长反复等。由于即兴演讲往往是应邀现场发挥,或是演讲者有感而发,因此,首先要求演讲者自始至终集中注意力,积极地融入当时的交流氛围并参与到整个的交流活动中,这样才能做到有话可说并且言之有物。同时,即兴演讲的题目一般都是演讲者比较熟悉的话题,内容往往比较散乱,因此就更加需要演讲者巧妙地组织好这些想法并使之构成一篇比较好的即兴演讲稿。在演讲过程中应注意:①根本不必由于事先没有准备而一再请示听众谅解,那样会显得你自己缺乏信心和经验。②镇定自若地完成构思,切不可慌神。③按自己的思路有条不紊地阐述自己的观点、陈述自己的想法,争取给听众留下久经历练、经验老到的感觉,从而赢得听众的信任和认可。切不可在某一个或少数的几个观点或细节上兜圈子。④恰当、适时、简要地回顾或者提及其他演讲者的一、两个十分鲜明的观点或者重要的事实,礼貌地表示赞同和欣赏,既可以使得演讲现场的气氛非常友好和谐,又可以为自己赢得一些时间平心静气地整理思路。

(四)提纲演讲(Outline delivery) :提纲演讲是指主要观点已打好腹稿,然后根据记在卡片上的大纲和关键词做现场陈述的演讲。提纲浓度介于即兴演讲和背诵演讲之间,它既有临场发挥的成分,也有预告准备的成分。会话的特征是它最重要的特点,也是它的优点,因为它既具有很大的灵活性,又能避免演讲者偏离主题或过多地增加新的内容,从而保证演讲处在可控范围之内,保证了演讲者有更多机会与听众进行面对面的交流,并可随时调整演讲的时间、增加或删减支持材料,还可以根据听众的反馈来选择语言或添加幽默风趣的逸事。同时,也是由于这种形式的演讲基本上是即兴的发挥加上有限的准备,对演讲者来说具有一定的挑战性,对听众来说也具有一定的可观赏性,所以,这种形式的演讲在美国等西方国家备受推崇。课堂活动、小组讨论和一些专题研讨会都采用提纲演讲形式。提纲演讲能否取得成功关键在于预先准备好的提纲。必须强调的是演讲者应该使用硬纸质的卡片,而不能使用文稿纸;卡片上的内容应该是提纲和关键词,而不是完整的段落,而且书写清楚整齐;卡片上应该编好序列号,以免混乱。其次,虽然这种演讲是即兴的,还是需要演讲者做适当的准备。对于缺乏演讲经验的新手来说,这种准备包括如何手持卡片等细节,重要的自我提醒应该标在卡片的显著位置;用过的卡片应该依次往后叠加,不可随意摆放或简单叠加;主要以左手拿卡片,必要时用右手做一些手势和动作以强化演讲效果。

第二部分 案例阅读(Case Study)

No.1 Making My Voice Heard

What am I doing now? I’ m using speech to communicate with you. I’m making my voice heard. Yesterday I told my parents I was nervous to death to come to this competition today. I couldn’ t sleep. I couldn’ t eat. I constantly have headaches and diarrhea. Honesty speaking, I haven’ t been so out of place and physically sick in my entire life. Instead of saying kind words to calm me down, he said, “Do you know that companies and industries have spent thousands of dollars just to let their advertisement be shown on the TV screen for less than ten seconds and you have got yourself an opportunity to make your voice heard in front of millions. How unique is this chance?”Suddenly I realize I have to seize this precious opportunity to make myself, my voice heard. People throughout the world, people throughout history have used various ways to communicate, and more importantly to make their voices heard. William Shakespeare uses his sonnets to express emotions and communicate with millions in centuries. Director Zhang Yimou uses movies to express his thoughts and ideas with audiences around the world. And the representatives of the Six-Party Talks use their wisdom to negotiate. They have made their voice heard. Today is my turn. I’ m going to seize this opportunity and I have realized from them to myself, making your voice heard is truly a universal pursuit of all mankind. I was kicking and screaming to have to go on this stage. Now I’ m reluctant to leave this stage. Making ourselves, our voice heard is truly a very important thing for every one of us.

Thank you!


这是一篇定题演讲的稿件,演讲者选择的例证不仅生动而且形象地展现了作为平常人的常见心态,其父母亲独特的劝解之词,更表达了自己对于劝解的领悟。通过举例,表达了“让别人听到你的声音” 、了解你的重要性。稿件层次清晰、结构严谨。

No.2 Making My Voice Heard

Hello, Everybody!

In my elementary school years, I was once detained in the teacher’ s office for some “serious moral misconduct” , being a very close friend to my seatmate and accompanying her home everyday.

Well, you may wonder, so what?

The only prob1em is that she is a girl. And to make things worse, she happened to be very charming by children’ s standard that my teacher reprimanded me severely for being over-enthusiastic, and maintained that I should stay away from her and concentrate on truly serious matters.

With overdue respect to my teacher's authority, I kept silent as if there were really something of an item going on between us. From then on, we were separated to sit in the diagonal corners of the classroom and were too embarrassed to speak to each other anymore.

Not only did I lose one of my best friends to my silence, but also my teacher’ s trust to my cowardly obedient manner.

When I look back on my childhood experience, I was astonished by how the “matured”adults misinterpreted the children’ s pure friendship. As if, there’ s no such thing as sincerity between the children through the eyes of grown-ups. While at the same time, I was more shocked by the children’ s frightfulness in voicing the honest answers and stating the true circumstances. And the relationship between the teachers and the students become antagonized and precariously balanced.

Education, we say, is about communication. It's a two-way street. The students should learn to be brave enough to speak up, at least once in a while.

I do wish I could come back to my childhood and make my voice heard, whispering to that little boy to speak up and tell the teacher that innocence really is something worth holding fast to.



No.3What do You Think of Cosmetic Surgery? Is It a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?

It’ s an interesting topic, isn't it? Here firstly, I would like to define cosmetic surgery. By cosmetic surgery, we exclude those who are severely injured or burned and have to receive medical treatments. We only refer to those who are physically healthy and just want to look better by deliberately seeking surgeries. So given this context, I do not think cosmetic surgery is a good thing. First, to be natural is beautiful. We should cherish what has been given to us and we should value our uniqueness. Just imagine, if every man in the world looks like David Beckham, and if every woman looks like Princess Diana, what a horrible world it would be!And secondly, I would say, to be healthy is to be beautiful. How properly we can sleep, we can eat, and how much exercises we do, and also what kind of life style we live is more important than surgeries.

Thank you.



No.4 Is It Better for Beijing to Protect its Traditional Buildings and Historical Landmarks or Build More Modern highrises?

I think it is better for Beijing to preserve traditional buildings for the following reasons. Firstly, Beijing, as the capital of China, is a city with long history and splendid Chinese traditional culture. And those traditional buildings represent our Chinese culture and witness the long history of China and of this city. So in this increasingly globalized world, it is important for us to preserve our culture identity and to have the sense of history. And secondly, it will help us to bring our traditional culture to the outside world, because, especially in 2008, many foreigners will come to Beijing. And by visiting those cultural relics, they can feel the traditional culture of the city. In addition, I would like to add something, which is really important. That is, when we are trying to preserve those traditional buildings, we need careful evaluation, because sometimes they take up too much space. So I think they may be divided into three categories: some of them can be totally preserved; some of them may be changed a little bit; and the others may be pulled down. So that is my general idea.



第三部分 课后练习(Practice)

思考与讨论(Thinking and discussion)

1. Name some usage of speech in real life.

Key Points:




2. How many ways are there in delivering speech?

Key Points:




应用演练(Application exercises)

Prepare speeches: 1. My Impression on Our University

         2. Chinese Traditional Festival

Example 1:

My Impression to Our University

My university is very big and famous. It not only has a reasonable 1ayout but also has a beautiful landscape. When you enter the front gate and face west, you will see a big fountain in a pond spraying a high water pillar. As you walk along the pond, the water spouts pit toward your face. Of course, It makes you feel very comfortable. Surrounding the pond, there are a lot of flowers in bloom such as chrysanthemums, cockscomb flowers, and Chinese roses. If you look toward the southern and northern sides, you will see two murals on the wall. As you leave the fountain, the clean and broad path leads you to the technology building.

You can climb to the top of the building and look down the beautiful scenery. There are six white teaching buildings among many trees. You can go out of the technology building and walk down the road in the front of the library. The library is surrounded by a number of pines and cypress trees.

The western side of the library is adjacent to a long corridor, which connects technology building and the other teaching buildings. If you leave the corridor, you can see an indoor gymnasium on the eastern side and a recreation area on the western side.

My campus is very beautiful, but I feel the most beautiful thing about it is its honest and diligent spirit of the numerous golden hearts.

Example 2:

Chinese Lunar New Year

Chinese Lunar New Year is a wonderful time of year to spend with one’ s family. People who work and study far away from their parents can return home. Everyone can tell each other about their lives, exchange gifts and eat a lot of delicious meals in the warmth of the family home.

Chinese Lunar New Year is also a great time to chat with one’ s friends. Former middle school classmates, who now study in different universities, love to go to parties and talk about university life. Many students also like to visit their former teachers and wish them a happy new year.

However, there are times during spring festival when it’ s nice just to be by yourself. You can read some nove1s that you never seem to get chance to read at school. You can have a quiet walk through the countryside near your hometown and think about your busy life.

