首页 理论教育 第一章跨文化交际课程的必要性


时间:2023-04-01 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:第一章 跨文化交际课程的必要性The Necessity of Cross-cultural Communication Course第一节 跨文化交际定义“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“cross-cultural communication”。跨文化交际作为一种行为是不同语言、不同文化、不同社会心理和不同社会环境之间人与人的交际。假如一个中国人与一个美国人对中美文化怀有各自的认同感,而又缺少跨文化交际知识,那么两人在交际中难免会不时出现矛盾。这习惯增加了跨文化交际的难度。

第一章 跨文化交际课程的必要性The Necessity of Cross-cultural Communication Course

第一节 跨文化交际定义

“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“cross-cultural communication(或inter-cultural communication)”。它是指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际,也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。通俗来说就是如果你和外国人打交道,由于存在语言和文化背景的差异,应该注意什么问题,应该如何得体地去交流。




2012年2月19日在美联航飞机上发生了一件事:一对中国游客夫妇被美国空姐赶下飞机。事由是行李放置违规,且不听从空姐指挥,争吵过程中这对夫妇叫空姐“shut up”,冒犯了空乘人员被机组人员赶下飞机。这件事中国人看来觉得很奇怪,“shut up”不就是“闭嘴”吗?况且中国人认为乘客是上帝,就因为这句话将乘客赶下飞机是不是有点小题大做?很多中国人从小就开始学习英语,但由于中西文化差异,中国人有时使用英语时并非发音不准,而是用错场合、用错语境、用错语调等,让西方人莫名其妙,产生误会。在飞机上,中国人对空姐说“shut up”,可能觉得就是“闭嘴或是别说了”的意思,但对西方人来说如同骂人。中国人学英语,对有些词句经常只知道意思,但对在什么场合使用或者是否礼貌并不清楚。美国空姐赶中国乘客下飞机只是中美文化冲突的一个小例子。所以学习语言的同时,还要认真学习不同国家、不同民族的文化,这样到了国外才会避免许多想象不到的误会和矛盾。

第二节 跨文化交际的特征



在跨文化交际实践中,“文化错误”(cultural mistakes)要比语言错误(linguistic mistakes)严重得多,因为语言错误多是言不达意,无法把心里想说的东西清楚地表达出来,而文化错误往往使本族人与异族人之间产生严重误会甚至敌意(illfeeling)。

第三节 培养跨文化交际能力的必要性




中国人与英语国家的人表达问候的方式有明显差异。中国人见面打招呼时经常说:“吃了吗?上哪儿去?”其实这在英语文化中并不是问候,而是真正的问题。英美人问候多用“Good morning!”、“Hi”、“Hello”等,与此同时,人们常用谈论天气的方式来寒暄。高职学生在和外国留学生或外籍教师的交流中,如不了解这些文化差异将直接影响交际质量,构成跨文化交际失误,引起误会、不快,甚至是冲突。


Case 1

Professor Johnson was invited to give a guest lecture at a Chinese university in the early 1990s. All that he could tell the students was very attentive. They applauded warmly when the lecture came to an end. However, Professor Johnson was disappointed when no one asked any questions, even after they were encouraged to do so. In fact, most students avoided eye contact with him as he tried to communicate with them.

分析:以上这个案例牵涉到几个问题:第一点,关于中西方教育方式不同的问题。在美国,传统的教育方法是 trial and error。也就是说你自己通过反复的实验,反复的犯错误,于是终于明白了真理是什么。这种情况下往往要求学生有很大的学习自主性,而老师的主要任务就是解答而不是灌输,所以美国人喜欢问问题,美国教师也喜欢被问。而在我国,教育方式是watch and learn。也就是老师告诉你是什么,然后你记住就好了。这就是中国学生学习被动的原因之一。第二点,关于power distance的问题。在美国强调的是人人平等,老师和学生之间亦然,所以课堂上学生可以很随意的打断教师的授课,甚至当着同学的面对教师所讲内容表示怀疑。而在我国的传统里,教师是有着一定社会地位的职业。教师代表着权威,代表着经验。“一日为师,终身为父”这样的说法更体现了中国人对教师的敬重,所以学生是把教师放在比自己高一个社会等级的位置。于是,人们很少质疑教师的权威,这也是中国学生不喜欢当堂问问题的原因之一。如果真有问题,往往会私下问,这样给老师也留有一定的余地,最大限度地保证了没有冲突发生。毕竟在集体主义文化里和谐是第一位的。第三点,眼神交流。在美国个人主义文化里,和别人说话的时候要正视对方的眼睛,这是一种自信的表现,因为在他们的文化里,谦虚不是美德。而正视别人眼睛也是对他人的尊重。而在东方,避免眼神交流才是尊重,这一点在日本文化里尤为明显。和自己的长辈、上级说话的时候往往是低着头的。

Case 2

One cold winter day in a Chinese city, on the way to the library, Wang Lin met an American professor who knew very little about China. After greeting him, Wang said: “It’s rather cold. You’d better put on more clothes.” But the professor didn’t appear happy on hearing this.


Case 3

An American went to a Chinese home. He was offered some tea. Just when the first cup was about to finish, more tea was added. The visitor drank the second cup. Then the cup was filled the third time. Then he drank it, then… until the visitor was quite full. Why?


练 习 题

— Exercises —


1. If you don’t like the talk going on, you may say:_______.

a. “So much for today”

b. “Let’s stop today”

c. “Well, it’s going late. I think we can continue the discussion next time”

2. To show your disagreement, it is informal to say:_______.

a. I can’t go along with your view

b. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you

c. No, I don’t think so

3. In public, when a smoker says to you, “Would you mind if I smoke?” You may answer:_______.

a. “Yes, please”  b. “No, please”  c. “It’s up to you”

4. At a friend’s home in England, a Chinese student gives a birthday present to her English friend.

Mary: “Thank you. It’s beautiful.”

Xiao Zhao:_______.

a. “Really? Do you like it?”

b. “Don’t mention it. It’s only a small thing.”

c. “I’m glad you like it.”

5. In English which of the following is true?

a. The Surname comes first, followed by the given name.

b. The given name comes first, followed by the Surname.

c. The Surname comes first, followed by the family name.

6. Suppose you are asked to make a speech, you should address the listeners as_______ .

a. “Ladies and Gentlemen” b. “Mrs. and Mr.”  c. “Comrades and friends”

7. We may call the person who holds the meeting .

a. Mr. Chairman  b. Mr. President  c. Mr. Host

8. In job-seeking, which of the following is true?

a. You should not look the employer in the eye during an interview.

b. Personal appearance is not important for an interview.

c. Do not blame your former employer is a piece of good advice for an employee.

9. Which of the following is true?

a. Three and seven are regarded as unlucky numbers in the West.

b. Three and four are regarded as lucky numbers in the West.

c. Six and seven are regarded as lucky numbers in the West.

10. You’ve been having digestive problems for a week, and have just started to feel better. You meet a British friend at a party. Your friend says, “How are you?” What should you not do?

a. Start talking in detail about your problem.

b. Say, “Fine, thanks. How are you?”

c. Say, “Not bad, thanks. How are you?”

11. You’re visiting an American friend in her new apartment. You like the apartment and you want your friend to know. Which of the following is not proper for you to do?

a. Say nothing, but show your interest by walking around, looking at everything in the apartment.

b. “Gee, this place is really nice.”

c. “I really like your apartment.”

12. You’ve been invited to dinner at a friend’s home. You’re about to sit down to eat, but you want to use the toilet first. What is not proper for you to say?

a. “Excuse me. Where is the toilet?”

b. “Could I wash my hands before dinner?”

c. “Do you mind if I use the bathroom?”

13. You are a guest in a British or American friend’s home. Your friend asks if you would like something to drink. You really would like a drink. What would you say?

a. “Yes, that would be lovely.

b. “No, thank you.” And wait for your friend to ask you again.

c. “That’s OK. I can get it myself.”

14. You’ve just been introduced to a British or American friend’s parents. What would you say?

a. “Hello” and bow.

b. Say nothing and shake hands.

c. “Nice to meet you” and shake hands.

15. Most young people in the US start dating around the age of_______ .

a. 12      b. 16      c. 18


Two men meet on a plane from Tokyo to Hong Kong. Chu Hon-fei is a Hong Kong exporter who is returning from a business trip to Japan. Andrew Richardson is an American buyer on his first business trip to Hong Kong. It is a convenient meeting for them because Mr. Chu’s company sells some of the products that Mr. Richardson has come to Hong Kong to buy. After a bit of conversation they introduce themselves to each other.

Mr. Richardson: By the way, I’m Andrew Richardson. My friends call me Andy. This is my business card.

Mr. Chu: I’m David Chu. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Richardson. This is my card.

Mr. Richardson: No, no. Call me Andy. I think we’ll be doing a lot of business together.

Mr. Chu: Yes, I hope so.

Mr. Richardson (reading Mr. Chu’s card ): Chu, Hon-fei. Hon-fei, I’ll give you a call tomorrow as soon as I get settled at my hotel.

Mr Chu (smiling): Yes, I’ll expect your call.

When these two men separate, they leave each other with very different impressions of the situation. Mr. Richardson is very pleased to have made the acquaintance of Mr. Chu and feels they have gotten off to a very good start. They have established their relationship on a first-name basis and Mr. Chu’s smile seems to indicate that he will be friendly and easy to do business with Mr. Richardson. Mr. Richardson is very particularly pleased that he has treated Mr. Chu with respect for his Chinese background by calling him Hon-fei rather than his western name, David, which seems to him an unnecessary imposition of western culture.

In contrast, Mr. Chu feels quite uncomfortable with Mr. Richardson. He feels it will be difficult to work with him, and that Mr. Richardson might be rather insensitive to cultural differences. He is particularly bothered that Mr. Richardson used his given name, Hon-fei, instead of either David or Mr. Chu.

How do you account for their different impressions? Does culture play a role in the communication between these two men?


1. 为什么要学习跨文化交际课程?

2. 如何提高跨文化交际能力?

