1.反腐倡廉 against corruption and for a clean government
2.法制建设 legal construction
3.建设廉政 build a clean and honest government
4.执法机关 law-enforcement agencies
5.执法人员 law-enforcing officers
6.根除腐败 stem corruption
7.反对腐败 fight corruption
8.铲除腐败 eliminate corruption
9.遏制腐败 control corruption
10.反对贪污受贿 the fight against corruption and bribery
11.纠正不正之风 correct unhealthy tendencies
12.政治腐败 the corrosion of politics
13.贪污腐化 corruption and degeneration
14.贪污受贿 take graft
15.受贿 bribe-taking/ take bribe/accept bribe
16.贪污者 grafter/person guilty of corruption
17.结党营私 form a clique to pursue selfish interests;set up clique for one’s self interests
18.小恩小惠 petty/small favors
19.封官许愿 to hand out official posts and make promises
20.互相包庇 shield each other
21.排斥异己 exclude outsiders,discriminate against those who hold different views
22.横行霸道 run wild,ride roughshod,play the tyrant place oneself above
23.违法乱纪 violate the law and disciplines
24.目无法纪 disregard/ tout law and disciplines
25.欺上瞒下 deceive one’s superiors and delude one’s subordnates
26.欺压百姓 bully and oppress the masses
27.任人唯亲 appoint people by favoritism
28.打击报复 attack sb.and retaliate
29.委过于人 shift the blame onto others
30.以势压人 overwhelm people with/by one’s power,oppress others by force
31.公报私仇 abuse public power to retaliate on a personal enemy
32.以私废公 be the target of attack/ to allow private feelings to outweigh public duty
33.拉拢排挤 draw sb. In and push sb.out
34.妒贤嫉能 envy the good and be jealous of men of ability;be envy sb.better or abler than oneself;be jealous and envious of capable men
35.腐化堕落 morally degenerate
36.生活腐败 lead a dissolute life
37.贪图安逸 seek ease and comfort
38.贪图享乐 seek pleasure
39.贪吃贪喝 greedy for food and drink
40.吃喝玩乐 eat,drink,and be merry,idle away one’s time in pleasure seeking
41.包庇坏人 shield bad elements,harbor evildoers
42.包庇坏事 cover up evil deeds
43.追求特权 pursue privileges
44.滥用职权 abuse one’s power
45.牟取暴利 reap/gain/seek huge/colossal profit
46.侵吞公款 embezzlement of public funds
47.铺张浪费 extravagance and waste
48.唯利是图 profit seeking
49.请客送礼 invite sb. to dinner and present gifts;invite guests and give them presents
50.弄虚作假 do shoddy work
51.贪赃枉法 take bribes and bend the law,prevent justice for a bribe
52.以身试法 defy the law,test the law in one’sown person
53.自投罗网 throw one self into a net
54.引起公愤 arouse public indignation;cause popular anger
55.开除公职 discharge sb. from public employment;take sb.’s name of the books;be dismissed from the post
56.开除党籍 expelled from the party/expulsion from the party’s;be stripped from the party/of one’s party membership
57.留党察看 be placed on probation within the party
58.严重警告 serious warning
59.以权谋私 abuse one’s authority for private gain;the abuse of power for personal gain
60.违法失职 transgression of the law and neglect of duty
61.权钱交易 the exchange of power for money
62.花钱买官位 use money to get an official position
63.违反党的政策 run counter to the policy of the Party
64.滥用或侵吞公款 misuse or embezzle public money/funds
sightseeing trips abroad on public expense
pull one section to one’s side and attack another
not respect knowledge and talent
abuse one’s power by accepting bribes
use gifts bought with public funds for personal gains