一些煤矿频出事故,究其原因,是有些领导忽视安全生产(ignore safety in production),不顾工人的人身安全(ignore the safety of the workers’life),片面追求经济效益(seek economic results)造成的。这不但给国家造成了巨大的、难以挽回的经济损失(economic loss),而且使遇难者家庭陷于失去亲人的巨大悲痛(great grief)之中,给他们留下了精神上、情感上难以愈合的伤口,也给他们带来了生活上、经济上的沉重负担。可见,劳动保险和劳动保护(labor insurance and labor protection)极其重要,我们要加强安全宣传与教育(increase safety publicity and education),特别是注 意井下安全(pay intensive attention to mine safety),确保工人们的人身安全(ensure the workers’safety)。现将劳动保险和劳动保护方面的词汇归纳如下。
1.劳动保险条例 labor insurance regulation
2.劳动保护法 labor production law
3.劳动保险 labor insurance
4.劳动保护 labor protection
5.安全措施 safety measures
6.安全规则 safety regulations
7.医疗保险 medical insurance
8.公费医疗 free medical service/treatment
9.住院费 cost of hospitalization
10.定期检查身体 regular health check-up
11.保险金 insurance premium
12.保健 health care
13.保健费 health subsidies
14.公共保健事业 public health work
15.加强保健宣传 strengthen health care publicity
16.减轻劳动强度 reduce labor intensity
17.补贴 subsidies/allowance
18.工厂福利费 factory welfare fund
19.不遵守安全规定 fail to observe safety regulations
20.劳动安全监督差 poor labor safety supervision
21.某些工人纪律松懈 lax discipline among some workers
22.忽视生产安全 ignore safety in production
23.人身安全 the safety of human life
24.工伤事故 labor industrial accidents
25.矿伤事故 mining accidents
26.受伤人数 the number of the injured
27.死者家属 martyr’s families
28.工伤死亡率 the industrial death toll
29.造成……人死亡 leave...people dead
30.劳动安全设施 labor safety devices
increase safety publicity and education
32.制定严格的安全制度 lay down strict safety rules
33.遵守安全规定 observe safety regulations
strengthen labor safety supervisions
35.特别注 意井下安全
pay intensive attention to mine safety
ensure the miners’/workers’safety
37.扩大失业保险 extend insurance for jobless
set up a comprehensive unemployment insurance system
make an earnest investigation into the causes of the accident
reduce high casualties on negligence at some enterprises
reduce the death rate in traffic and work accidents