第三节 细节配对题
那么在实战中我们该采用什么计谋来对付这一难点呢?它无序,我无序。下面我们以剑5Test 3中的Q27—Q31为例来解释说明这一计的应用。
Which paragraph contains the following information?
27.how AI might have a military impact
28.the fact that AI brings together a range of separate research areas
29.the reason why AI has become a common topic of conversation again
30.how AI could help deal with difficulties related to the amount of information available electronically
31.where the expression AI was first used
考生们在做题时,首先应该把Q27—Q31每道题的定位词都确定好,然后按照“由易到难”的顺序而不是“题目顺序”,在文章中从第一段开始去扫描定位。我们会在第一段中定位到“It re-entered public consciousness with the release of AI,a movie about a robot boy.This has ignited public debate about AI...”句中re-entered public consciousness以及ignited public debate about AI和a common topic of conversation again同义替换,我们可以确定Q29题答案选A。
接下来在扫描第二段时我们又会定位到“The field was launched,and the term‘artificial intelligence’coined...”,句中coined和first used同义替换,我们可以得出Q31答案为B。
继续读第二段我们又会定位到“The expression provided an attractive but informative name for a research programme that encompassed such previously disparate fields as operation research...”,根据“a research programme that encompassed such previously disparate fields”我们又可以确定Q28答案为B。以此类推我们分别找到Q27答案为E,Q30答案为F。
由于这种题目共同特点之一就是题目在原文中出现的顺序不一定遵循顺序原则,如果所有题目都按照“题目中划关键词→原文中定位”的顺序去做,就算是按照“由易到难”的原则也还是比较耗时耗力的。因此我们做题时首先要观察一下题目有没有“特殊之处”可以为我们快速而准确地找到答案提供便利。经过观察,我们会发现有的细节配对题,比如:人名理论配对、人或者物和对它们的描述或者特点配对中都会出现大写的人名、地名或物品名称,而这一特点恰恰可以为我们所用。如果细节配对题中出现大写的人名、地名或物品名称即“特殊词”,考生可以先到文章中找出这些特殊词的位置,做出标记;然后再在题目中划出关键词,遵循“由易到难”的原则到有特殊词的段落定位答案,没有特殊词的段落则可以跳过不看。下面我们以剑1,Test 2中的Q1—Q7为例,来了解以下这一计谋的运用。
A Dr Broca
B Dr Brinkman
C Geschwind and Galaburda
D Charles Moor
E Professor Turner
1.Human beings started to show a preference for right-handedness when they first developed language.
2.Society is prejudiced against left-handed people.
3.Boys are more likely to be left-handed.
4.After a stroke,left-handed people recover their speech more quickly than right-handed people.
5.People who suffer stroke on the left side of the brain usually lose their power of speech.
6.The two sides of the brain develop different functions before birth.
7.Asymmetry is a common feature of the human body.
此题为人名理论配对,而且人名是作为选项的,我们就可以先到文章中把它们定位到,做出标记,利用选项中出现的人名即“特殊词”来蹲点;而定位时我们会发现选项中人名的顺序也是颠倒的,这种情况下,我们应该也不遵循顺序原则,从第一段开始扫描,“由易到难”定位人名。选项中人名分别出现在第三段、第四段、第六段、第七段和第一段,然后我们可以在题目中划出定位词,“由易到难”到这几段中去定位。首先在第一段Professor Turner的理论中我们会定位到“This distinctive asymmetry in the human population is itself systematic”,它恰恰和Q7的定位词同义替换,因此Q7的答案为E。继续往下扫描定位时,第二段未出现人名就可以跳过。而在第三段Dr Broca的理论中“...had lost their power of speech...”又和Q5的定位词同义替换,因此Q5答案为A。以此类推,最后得出Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q6答案分别为:B,D,C,B,C。
我们首先要做的就是确定文章内容,并且明确标题中出现的词不能做定位词,比如例子剑1,Test 2中的Q1—Q7的文章标题是Right and Left-handedness in Humans,题目中划定位词时就首先排除了它们。然后我们可以通读所有问题,确定并划出定位词;划定位词时必须找能体现每个问题特色的词或短语作定位词;并且当问题中信息量大时,需要读懂并利用整个问题回文章中定位。比如剑1,Test 2中,Q1的定位词为first developed language,Q2的定位词为prejudiced against,Q3的定位词为Boys,Q4的定位词为recover their speech more quickly,Q5的定位词为lose their power of speech,Q6的定位词为different functions before birth,Q7的定位词为Asymmetry和common feature。
再看下面是剑6,Test 1中Passage 1AUSTRALIA’S SPORTING SUCCESS中的段落和具体信息配对题:
1.a reference to the exchange of expertise between different sports
2.an explanation of how visual imaging is employed in investigations
3.a reason for narrowing the scope of research activity
4.how some AIS ideas have been reproduced
5.how obstacles to optimum achievement can be investigated
6.an overview of the funded support of athletes
7.how performance requirements are calculated before the event
文章标题是AUSTRALIA’S SPORTING SUCCESS,表明整篇文章内容都是关于这方面的,因此标题中的词首先从定位词中排除。然后我们需要通读题目,在所有题目中划出定位词。Q1的定位词为exchange of expertise,Q2的定位词为visual imaging is employed,Q3的定位词为narrowing the scope of research activity,Q4的定位词为AIS ideas reproduced,Q5的信息量比较大,基本整个题目都要用来定位,因此定位词为obstacles to optimum achievement can be investigated,Q6的定位词为funded support,Q7的信息量也比较大,定位词为performance requirements are calculated before the event。考生要通过练习提高找定位词的准确度。
(1)原词,这种情况一般发生在定位词是特殊字体、术语或实义名词的状况中。如剑3,Test 1的Q25。
题目要求:Classify the following statements as being
A a finding of the UCSF study
B an opinion of the UCSF study
C a finding of the EPA report
D an assumption of consultants to the tobacco industry
Smokers’cardiovascular systems adapt to the intake of environmental smoke.
做此题时,我们首先应该先在文章中把UCSF、EPA和consultants to the tobacco industry的位置定位到,然后在Q25中划出定位词cardiovascular systems。回文章中出现UCSF、EPA和consultants to the tobacco industry的段落中定位,我们会在第6段中定位到“The study suggests that people who smoke cigarettes are continually damaging their cardiovascular system,which adapts in order to compensate for the effects of smoking”,因此答案可以确定为A。
(2)派生词,如剑6,Test 3中的Q33。
题目要求:Classify the following descriptions as relating to
A caloric-restricted monkeys
B control monkeys
C neither caloric-restricted monkeys nor control monkeys
Monkeys were less likely to become diabetic.
此题的解题步骤和第一种情况中的例子剑3,Test 1的Q25的解题步骤基本一样。先到文章中把caloric-restricted monkeys和control monkeys的位置定位到,然后在Q33中划出定位词diabetic,然后在涉及caloric-restricted monkeys和control monkeys的段落中定位,我们会在文章第6段定位到“For example,they have lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels(signifying a decreased likelihood of heart disease),and they have more normal blood glucose levels(pointing to a reduced risk for diabetes,which...)”句子中的diabetes即为diabetic的派生词。当然题目中的less likely to和a reduced risk是同义替换,而句首的they指前一句中的“caloric-restricted animals”,所以此题答案为A。
(3)同义词(组)/近义词(组),如剑5,Test 3中的Q31。
题目要求:Which paragraph contains the following information?
where the expression AI was first used
此题定位词为first used,到文章中定位时,我们会在文章B段定位到“The field was lunched,and the term‘artificial intelligence’coined,at a conference in 1956by agroup of researchers that included...”,而句子中的coined则是first used的同义词,此题答案选B。
(4)下义词,如剑5,Test 3中的Q27。
题目要求:Which paragraph contains the following information?
how AI might have a military impact
此题做法和Q31一样,定位词为military。到文章中定位,我们会在E段定位到“HNC claim that their system,based on a cluster of 30processors,could be used to spot camouflaged vehicles on a battlefield or extract a voice signal...”,此句中battlefield即为military的下义词,答案确定为E。
(5)反义词(组)的否定式,如钻石七分班补充讲义Sticking Power中的Q15。
题目要求:Match each statement with the correct scientist A,B,C or D.
A Kellar Autumn
B Stas Gorb
C Walter Federle
D Tom Eisner
What makes sticky insects feet special is the fact that they can also detach themselves easily from a surface.
此题属于人名理论配对,先到文章中划出人名去蹲点,然后在题目中划出定位词detach。到文章中出现人名的段落中去定位,我们会定位到“‘There are lots of ways to make two surfaces stick together,but there are very few which provide precise and reversible attachment’says Stas Gorb”,句中attachment实际上为detach的反义词attach的名词形式,而reversible表示可逆的,因此reversible attachment即为detach的反义词(组)的否定式。答案选B。