Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension(40% 1= 2 points)
Passage One(Questions 1 to 4)
1.这是一道事实辨别题。答案是D。文章第一段指出:...those who score as highly intuitive...tend to be the most innovative in strategic planning and decision making...They are the people who will generate ingenious new solutions to old problems that may have festered for years.These are the executives that all organizations would love to find.这三句话分别点明了答案A、B、C。文章第二段用转折词But,接着指出大多数企业未能建立良好的人力资源项目,导致具备直觉才能的人才没有得到充分使用。
2.这是一道判断推理题。答案是B。文章第三段第一句指出: Typically,highly intuitive managers work in an organizational climate that is the opposite of that which would enable them to flourish and to readily use their skills for strategic decision making.说明工作环境阻碍了具备直觉才能的经理们的创新精神。
3.这是一道事实辨别题。答案是C。第三段中间列举了下列事实: New ideas are not readily encouraged.Higher managers choose others who think much as they do for support staff.Unconventional approaches to problem solving encounter enormous resistance.这些都说明经理们的直觉才能没有被使用而导致他们另谋出路。
4.这是一道判断推理题。答案是A。文章最后一段指出: To achieve higher productivity in the strategic-planning and decision-making process,clearly what is needed is an organizational climate in which intuitive brain skills and styles can flourish and be integrated with more-traditional management techniques.企业领导层要提高生产力,必须学会使用创造性思维和解决问题的技巧,将直觉才能与传统管理方法结合,而不是分离。
Passage Two(Questions 5 to 8)
5.这是一道内容概括题。答案是C。第二段第一句指出: Evaporated from the oceans,water vapor forms clouds.海洋蒸发的水,形成水蒸气构成云彩。
6.这是一道判断推理题。答案是C。第二段指出: Precipitated onto the ground,the water trickles down to form brooks,streams,and rivers',constituting what is called the hydrographic network.This immense polarized network channels the water toward a single receptacle: an ocean.巨大的、极化的水文网——山涧、溪流、江河——汇入单一的容器:海洋。
7.这是一道判断推理题。答案是D。第三段第一句指出: The rate at which a molecule of water passes through the cycle is not random but is a measure of the relative size of the various reservoirs.决定水分子通过水循环速率的是水库存面积的相对大小。
8.这是一道事实辨别题。答案是B。根据第四段: Soluble ions such as calcium,sodium,potassium,and some magnesium are dissolved and transported.Insoluble ions such as aluminum,iron,and silicon stay where they are and form the thin,fertile skin of soil on which vegetation can grow.镁、钾、钙属于可溶离子,铁属于不可溶离子。
Passage Three(Questions 9 to 12)
9.这是一道内容概括题。答案是B。文章第一句是全文的主题句: People in the United States in the nineteenth century were haunted by the prospect that unprecedented change in the nation's economy would bring social chaos.本句指出美国19世纪经济的发展导致了社会变化。
10.这是一道事实辨别题。答案是A。第一段的第二句指出: In the years following 1820,after several decades of relative stability,the economy entered a period of sustained and extremely rapid growth that continued to the end of the nineteenth century.美国经济从19世纪20年代到20世纪一直保持快速稳定的增长。
11.这是一道事实辨别题。答案是C。第二段指出: Local studies indicate that nearly three quarters of the population—in the North and South,in thee merging cities of the Northeast,and in the restless rural counties of the West—changed their residence each decade.随着20世纪经济的增长,美国人不断变换着居住地,寻求更大的发展。
12.这是一道判断推理题。答案是B。第二段指出: David Donald has written,“Social atomization affected every segment of society,”and it seemed to many people that“all the recognized values of orderly civilization were gradually being eroded.”社会分离影响了社会的每一个成分,所有被认可的有序文明价值都逐渐受到腐蚀,社会发生了根本性的变化。
Passage Four(Questions 13 to 16)
13.这是一道内容概括题。答案是B。第一段的最后一句指出: In fact the events that produced the canyon,far from being sudden and cataclysmic,simply add up to the slow and orderly process of erosion.各种自然力,特别是侵蚀力成就了雄伟壮观的大峡谷。
14.这是一道事实辨别题。答案是D。第三段的第一句指出: Approximately 65 million years ago the plateau's flat surface in the Grand Canyon area bulged upward from internal pressure; geologists refer to his bulging action as upwarping; it was followed by a general elevation of the whole Colorado Plateau,a process that is still going on.地球内部的压力使大峡谷高地凸起,地质学者称这种膨胀为隆起,从而导致整个科罗拉多高地普遍上升,这个过程今天还在延续。
15.这是一道事实辨别题。答案是A。第四段的第一句指出: Since then,the canyon forming has been cumulative.除了腐蚀力之外,很多其他的因素——冷热交替,雨雪变更,岩石不同的抗力等,促使大峡谷的轮廓一直在不断发生变化。
16.这是一道判断推理题。答案是C。本文讲述大峡谷的地质变化,文中出现了很多与之有关的词汇,如: the Earth's surface,geologists,The canyon walls等。所以,这篇文章应出自一本地理教科书。
Passage Five(Questions 17 to 20)
17.这是一道判断推理题。答案是D。第四段的第一句指出: For Moscow,the stakes are even higher in Ukraine.乌克兰对与俄罗斯的关系考虑得更为慎重。乌克兰与俄罗斯有着密切的种族和语言联系,乌克兰的首都基辅是俄罗斯文化的摇篮,也是俄罗斯的古都。
18.这是一道事实辨别题。答案是A。第七段指出: Putin quickly congratulated Yanukovych following Sunday's vote,which pitted the prime minister against opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko.But Western observers reported voting fraud,and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians rallied in protest.普京对乌克兰的选举刚一做出回应,反对派马上给予反击;西方观察家报道选举有作弊现象,成千上万的乌克兰人聚会抗议。政治危机一触即发。
19.这是一道判断推理题。答案是B。第十段指出: Since the vote,the Kremlin's propaganda machine has been in full swing.这里主要考查对词组in full swing的理解。in full swing的本意是“正在积极进行;全面展开;达到高潮”,结合上下文,这里表达的意思是俄罗斯媒体全力以赴支持Yanukovych当选总统。
20.这是一道判断推理题。答案是C。最后一段指出: It's a question of whether Russia's neighbor will be a Ukraine ruled not through democratic institutes but though administrative means,or a Ukraine that will embrace democracy.现在的问题是:俄罗斯的邻国要么不通过民主机制,而是通过行政手段统治乌克兰,要么建立一个拥有民主政治的乌克兰。俄罗斯发现,一系列的剧变表明,俄罗斯正在逐步失去对乌克兰的政治掌控权。
Part II English-Chinese Translation(20%)
把长句细化为分句,再从分句的结构入手,确定分句的主语、谓语及宾语。然后在转换中进行点对点的翻译,最后根据汉语的特征加以调整、修饰及完善,如名词短语和被动语态的翻译: global and regional economic cooperation is being vigorously promoted;再如: The world is at a critical stage,moving to ward multi-polarity.注意介词短语at a critical stage不能用on a critical stage。
Part Ⅲ Chinese-English Translation(20%)
从总体上理解段落的语境,把握段落的脉络。以句子为单位,界定句子结构及英语句式,确定句子的主语、谓语及宾语。然后在转换中进行点对点的翻译,最后根据英语的特征加以调整、修饰及完善。其中要注意虚拟语气的用法,如in some cases they may have worsened them;另外还要牢记基本短语,如be faced with,move into等。
(1分)Today,the goals of Alma-Ata seem even more distant than they were a quarter of a century ago.(3分) Deep economic inequalities and social injustices continue to deny good health to many and persist as obstacles to continued health gains worldwide.(2分) There is also great variation in the pace and level of health achievements both between and within countries around the world.(3分) One possible explanation is that health sector reforms that began in the late 1980s as part of the structural adjustment program mes of the World Bank have not been conclusively shown to improve inequities;(1分) in some cases they may have worsened them.
(4分)Now we are faced with four key challenges for health research: values of ethics,equity and excellence,sustainable health research systems,favorable research environment,and knowledge production and application.(4分)To rise to the challenge,health systems and health research together should move into a learning and problem-solving mode,integrate innovation into their operations and better manage opportunities for future growth and development.(2分)There are no quick fixes,no simple solutions and much remains to be learnt.
Part Ⅳ Writing
It is well known that...
...not only...but also...
take...by surprise/in one's eyes/virtual existence/appealing/etc.
For(some) others...
In the case of(some) others...
cope with/interact with/complexity/overload/etc.
...not only...but also...
go with/against the tide/in the course of/significantly/dramatically/etc.
The age of Information Technology has taken a lot of people by surprise and become a way of life for some people,especially the young.They would make extensive use of telecom services and log onto the Internet whenever possible.In their eyes,the Internet not only presents an opportunity for the advancement of the acquisition and application of knowledge,but also provides them with a virtual existence which is far more appealing than traditional life.
For some others,however,the information technology is something abstruse and scary.They know very little about it and may be unlikely to learn.They have difficulty coping with the increased social and technological complexity and overload brought forth by the information technology,therefore preferring to interact with human beings and avoid any contact with computers or machines.
Would information technology polarize the society and lead to serious social problems? I don't think so,since we have to go with the tide.The information technology will transform our society as significantly as the two industrial revolutions.It not only increases human productivity in both our personal lives and the workplace,but also improves education and health care,provides new ways to shop,enables professional and social encounters across the globe,and generally permeates the thousands of things we do in the course of our daily lives.Once the laggards realize that the information technology will dramatically affect people and organizations on a wide scale,most of them would,and they have to catch up with the time.As for those few people who are so obstinate as to go against the tide,they would be left behind by history.Therefore the society would embrace information technology as a whole rather than be polarized.