[1]Across the window pane it pours and pours.
(H.W.Longfellow:Rain in Summer)
[2]It snowed.For hours it had been snowing…
(Morley Callaghan:Winter)
[3]The world doesn’t fear a new idea.It can pigeon-hole any new idea.But it can’t pigeon-hole a real new experience.It can only dodge.The world is a great dodger,and the Americans the greatest.Because they dodge their own very selves.
(D.H.Lawrence:The Spirit of the Place)
[4]Swiftly,swiftly flew the ship,
Yet she sai’d softly too.
Sweetly,sweetly blew the breeze,
On me alone it blew.
(S.T.Coleridge:The Ancient Mariner)
[5]Lear:And my poor fool is hang’d.No,no,no life! Why should a dog,a horse,a rat have life,and thou no breath at all?Thou’ll come no more.Never,never,never,never,never!
(William Shakespeare:King Lear)
[6]Would you please please please please please please please stop talking?
(E.Hemingway:Hills Like White Elephants)
[7]There was a large mushroom growing near her,about the same height as herself;and,when she had looked under it,it occurred to her that she might as well look and see what was on the top of it.
She stretched herself up on tiptoe,and peeped over the edge of the mushroom,…
(Halliday &Hasan:278)
[8]University of California’s former President David Gardner has approved a $100 million extension of a program that offers 1000 interest mortgages for faculty members and executives,a decision that comes in the face of possible student fee increases and staffs pay cuts.
The action was disclosed in the Oakland Tribune on Wednesday.
(Los Angeles Times 92.7.4)
上例中第一段的前半句话在语篇的另一位置以“The action”的形式出现,避免了重复,符合了交际的经济原则,使得语言简练。
[9]I turned to the ascent of the peak.The thing is perfectly easy.
(Halliday &Hasan:279)
例[9]的第二句用the thing代替the ascent of the peak,同样达到了通顺、简洁的目的。如果把后者又重复一遍,则完全不符合交际的经济原则,冗长累赘。
[10]He saw the specks of Gulf clouds flame high in the air.And a goat came near and sniffed at him and stared with its cold yellow eyes.Behind him Juana’s fire leaped into flame and threw spears of light through the chinks of the brushhouse wall and threw a wavering square of light out the door.A late moth blustered in to find the fire.
(J.Steinbeck:The Pearl)
[11]We observe today not a victory of a party but a celebration of freedom,symbolizing an end as well as a beginning,signifying renewal as well as change.
(John F.Kennedy:Inaugural Address,1961)
[12]Someone who is infantile behaves in a foolish and childish way.
(Collins Cobuild Essential English Dictionary:p403)
[13]Everyday as one word is an adjective meaning “commonplace”,“normal”.
[14]“Then you are going to be married,sir?”
“Exact-ly——Pre-cise-ly:with your usual acuteness,you have hit the nail straight on the head.”
(Charlotte Bronte:Jane Eyre)
两个或两个以上的同义词在同一个小句(clause)内出现,其功能有可能是以一个词解释另一个词的含义,如上例[12]中的infantile和foolish及childish,[13]中的everyday和commonplace 及normal;也有可能是加强说话的语气,如上例[14]中的exactly 和precisely。无论哪种情况,同义词都能起到两个不同成分从意义上联系起来的作用。
译作:…we are very proud of it.
[15]We must have this ambition.
[16]And if Americans lack style it is partly because they have been taught for a generation that good writing is clear writing,which is true,and that clear writing must be excellent writing,which is false.
(H.S.Canby:The Writing of English)
[17]In fact,for the United States at least,and for the world when it gets around to it,scarcity has disappeared,as our vast unsalable and stored or destroyed supplies show.And,of course,plenty is at hand if we care,or are permitted,to distribute it.
(T.Dreiser:Scarcity and Plenty)
[18]These sweltering summers of the Negro’s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality…There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights.The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.
(Martin Luther King,Jr.:I Have a Dream)
[19]I dozed,dreamed,and forgot my dreams the moment I wakened.
[20]What Dr.King promised was not a ranch-style house and an acre of manicured lawn for every black man,but jail and finally freedom.
(A.Walker:The Civil Rights Movement:What Good Was It?)
[21]But genuine achievers are often those who fail for a long time.
[22]He wished for the thousandth time in his life that he had a dog,a golden retriever,maybe,for travels like this and to keep him company at home.
(R.J.Waller:The Bridges of Madison County)
[23]Marian had dreams of becoming a musician,a folksinger.
[24]Convertible:n.[count]an automobile or boat with a folding top.
(Random House Webster’s Dictionary of American English:p.300)
[25]Henry’s bought himself a new Jaguar.He practically lives in the car.
许多词项倾向于在同一语境中出现,具有语篇衔接力,这样的衔接叫做搭配性衔接(Halliday,1976,2001:284)。属于组合搭配的分别有结果关系、修饰关系或者在语境中出现的参与者可以预期某种过程,或者从某种过程可以期待有关的参与者。搭配性衔接强调的是一系列词语在篇章中共现的潜在联想性(potential associativeness),例如laugh有可能会与joke经常发生联想,从而在语境中共现,再如boat往往会使人联想到row、sink等。搭配性衔接对语言信息的生成和解释均有一定的指导作用,有助于对篇章的潜在的语义演进作出预测和推测。试运用搭配性衔接理论分析如下文字:
[26]In recent years,youthful mind-benders have tripped on everything from airplane glue to morning-glory seeds.
——(youthful)mind-benders...have tripped on
——airplane glue...morning-glory seeds
mind-bender作“(服用致幻药的)吸毒者”解,常与trip在语境中共现,trip作名词用意指“(服用毒品后产生的)幻觉”;airplane glue和morning-glory seeds均指“致幻药”。整段文字可译作:“近年来,年轻的吸毒者服用种种迷幻药,从大麻烟卷烟蒂乃至牵牛花籽等应有尽有。”
[27]Such elements in an indirect lead may be referred to as “reads-on”.These dramatize the news,foreshadow events to come and create a sense of foreboding or of an unanticipated surprise.
——lead…read-ons…the news…events
——foreshadow…foreboding…an unanticipated surprise
这一段落旨在说明导语中的要素,即诱使读者读下去的要素。由lead可推测到reads-on的意义;foreshadow(预示)…foreboding(对不幸、灾祸等的预示)…an unanticipated surprise(未曾预料到的惊奇)等词语形成串联性的语义衔接。整段文字可译作:
“这种出现在间接新闻导语中的要素不妨可称之为‘引人入胜的要素’ 。这些因子为报道增添戏剧色彩,预示未来的事态,并诱发出一种山雨欲来风满楼或是出乎意料的惊奇之感。”
[28]Ever since the dawn of the television age,when John F.Kennedy wiped the floor with Richard Nixon before he had opened his mouth(a lesson in“looksmanship”that Nixon never forgot),American politicians have been hitting the hair dye bottle and hiring “image consultants”.
这段文字粗一看感觉意义难以捉摸。但如果找到词项衔接的语义接口(指语篇的蕴含意义),问题就能迎刃而解。John F.Kennedy 和Nixon 在电视上展开了论战,前者取胜的法宝是形象塑造术(looksmanship),这就是语篇的蕴含意义。a lesson in “looksmanship”…hitting the hair dye bottle and hiring“image consultants”等词语,通过语义接口,构成系列性衔接,为篇章的连贯性提供了线索。整段文字可译作:
“电视时代开始以来,特别是约翰·F·肯尼迪在电视上未开口即击败理查德·尼克松(这种‘形象塑造术’较量的教训尼克松永世难忘)以来,美国政界人物对染发剂趋之若鹜,并纷纷聘请‘形象顾问’ ”。
[29]More than 2000 patients are dying annually while waiting for transplants,…The shortage of organs is so acute...
[30]The recovery of organs does not begin until after the heart stops beating and death is certified by a physician not affiliated with the transplant program.
上述两例都表明词语搭配的结果关系。例[29]中的“The shortage of organs”必然造成病人“waiting for transplants”,而例[30]中的“death”是“heart stops beating”的结果。从广义上说,“death”又会引出“certified”这个词语。
[31]For now,the new organ retrieval methods are being tested for kidneys——which can remain viable for 30 minutes to an hour after circulation ceases——and livers.
(Los Angeles Times 92.7.4)
[32]honorable ambition(高尚的志向)
[33]insatiable ambition(贪得无厌的野心)
[34]a settled design(既定的计划)
[35]a criminal design(犯罪的企图)
[36]a strong musical bias(对音乐的强烈爱好)
[37]a racial bias(种族偏见)