4.1.3 约翰逊词典的不足之处
毫无疑问,约翰逊词典是英语词典发展史上的一部杰作,但是该词典也有着一些明显的不足之处。首先,有些释义过于随意,甚至是错误的。例如,他把pastern定义为“the knee of a horse”,而实际上应该是“the ankle of a horse”。其次,有些词的释义也没有做到应有的简练、明晰。例如:
network: Anything reticulated or desiccated,with interstices be tween the intersections.
cough: A convulsion of the lungs,vellicated by some sharp serosity.
excise: A hateful tax levied upon commodities,and adjudged notby the common judges of property,but wretches hired by those to whom excise is paid.
pension: An allowance made to anyone without an equivalent.In England it is generally understood to mean pay given to a state hire ling for treason to his country.
lexicographer: A writer of dictionaries,a harm less drudge.
to cream,to take the flower and quintessence of anything: so used somewhere by Swift.