4.3.2 《牛津英语词典》的特色及地位
《牛津英语词典》是19世纪历史比较语言学的产物,最初的正式名称是:《根据历史原则编写的新英语词典》(A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles)。1895年出版的Deceit-Deject分册的封面上,第一次出现了《牛津英语词典》(OED)的名称,并从此成为正式名称沿用至今。该词典率先在英国确立了编纂学术性词典的历史主义原则。所谓历史主义的编写原则,是指对收录的词作详尽的历史描述,即从形体、含义、用法等角度,全面解释各词的起源、历史演变和现状。作为一部在历史描写主义原则指导下编纂而成的词典,该词典具有下面几方面的特点:
第二,忠实记录了每个单词意义的发展历史,强调按词义发展过程编排义项,词条的每个义项都有简洁、清晰、准确的释义。这些义项的划分不仅全面,而且细致。例如,仅动词set,就有126个义项,其中许多项下还分出若干子项,此外还有28个短语,其中仅set up的词义就有44项。整个词条长达18页半(该书采用23×30.5cm的大开本,每页三栏,字体比六号铅字还小)。
Back sb1.Forms: 1-3 bēc,3-5bac,4-6 bak,bakke,(4-5 bake,6 balke),5-7 backe,4-back.
(1代表11世纪以前; 2代表12世纪; 3代表13世纪; 4代表14世纪,依此类托)
Hospital sb.1.A house or hostel for the reception and entertainment of pilgrims,travellers,and strangers; a hospice.Hence,one of the establishments of the Knights Hospitallers.2.a.A charitable institution for the housing and maintenance of the needy; an asylum for the destitute,infirm,or aged.Obs.exc.in Eng.legal use and in proper names like Greenwich Hospital,orig.a home for superannuated seamen.b.A house for the corporate lodging of students in a university; a hostel or hall.Obs.c.A charitable institution for the education and maintenance of the young.Now only in Sc.legal use and in names of ancient institutions such as Christ's Hospital,London,and Heriot's Hospital,Edinburgh.3.spec.a.An institution or establishment for the care of the sick or wounded,or of those who require medical treatment.(The current sense.)Such institutions are either public or private,free or paying,—or both combined,—general or special with respect to the diseases treated.b.A similar establishment for the treatment of sick or injured animals…
Bright adj.7.lively,cheerful,brilliant or animated in conversation,vivacious; the opposite of dull.
1605 SHAKES.Macb.III.ii.28 Be bright and Iouiall among your Guests.1710 STEELE Tatler No.208 p.4,Iwould rather be in his Company than that of the brightest Man I know.1885 Manch.Exam.15 May 6/1 He turned up today as jaunty and bright as a young buck of twenty-five.