首页 理论教育 《钱伯斯世纪词典》


时间:2023-04-03 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:11.2.2 《钱伯斯20世纪词典》《钱伯斯20世纪词典》最初是由戴维森主编的,出版于1898年,原名为《钱伯斯英语词典》。在20世纪末,经过全新改版,更名为《钱伯斯21世纪词典》。在《钱伯斯21世纪词典》中,编者对原词典的内容做了较大的革新,无论在宏观结构还是微观结构上,都和原版没有明显的继承关系。

11.2.2 《钱伯斯20世纪词典》

《钱伯斯20世纪词典》(Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary)最初是由戴维森(Thomas Davidson)主编的,出版于1898年,原名为《钱伯斯英语词典》(Chambers English Dictionary)。1902年再版时,书名上加了“20世纪”。在20世纪末,经过全新改版,更名为《钱伯斯21世纪词典》(1997)(Chambers21st Century Dictionary)。


该词典的另一大特色是文学词语丰富,收录了诸如Spenser,Milton,Shakespeare,Dickens,Scott等16至19世纪文学巨人在其作品中所使用的主要文学词汇。在附录中,编者辑录了“The More Common English Christian Names with Their Origin and Meaning”和“Words and Phrases in More or Less Current Use from Latin,Greek,and Modern Foreign Languages”等内容,实用价值非常明显。

在《钱伯斯21世纪词典》中,编者对原词典的内容做了较大的革新,无论在宏观结构还是微观结构上,都和原版没有明显的继承关系。新版的特征是,着眼于当代社会中人们正在使用的英语,采用简单明了的英语进行释义以避免歧义;利用钱伯斯新词监控(wordwatch)系统和英国国家语料库(British National Corpus),及时收录最新词语。此外还一改不提供用法说明的传统,在语法、拼写和词源等方面提供额外的信息。例如:

different from,to,or than

In current British English,different is followed more or less equally by‘from’or‘to’.□Hewas,in fact,totally different from Keith.□James looked very different from the last time she had seen him.□This is very different to the ideal situation.□The next day was Christmas Eve,but it was no different to any other day except that the shop was very,very busy.

●Note that the verb differ is never followed by‘to’.

●In American English,but much less in British English,different is commonly followed by‘than’,especially when a clause follows.□AmE It was all very different than they had imagined.□BrE It was all very different from/to what they had imagined.

☆Recommendation: use different from or different to; avoid different than,which is common in American English.


