14.4.3 《汉英词典》
保佑:我们相信人定胜天,不靠老天保佑。We believe in man's conquest on nature and don't rely on blessings from heaven.
拆墙脚:投机倒把是拆社会主义墙脚。Speculation undermines socialism.
堵:堵不住资本主义的路,就迈不开社会主义的步。If you don't block the way to capitalism,you can'tmove a step along the socialist road.
对于:革命文化,对于人民大众,是革命的有力武器。Revolutionary culture is a powerful revolutionary weapon for the broad masses of the people.
属于:在现在世界上,一切文化和文学艺术都是属于一定的阶级,属于一定的政治路线的。In the world today,all culture,all literature and art belong to definite classes and are geared to definite political lines.
反映:社会上的阶级斗争,必然会反映到党内来。Class struggle in society will inevitably find expression in the party.
主导:新中国建立以来,毛主席的革命路线在各条战线上始终占主导地位。Chairman Mao's revolutionary line has held sway on all fronts since the founding of New China.
修订版去除了大多数类似的例证,但是仍有一部分保留了下来。在收词上,修订版增加了大量的科技新词,如“计算机病毒computer virus”、“正负电子对撞机electron-positron collider”、“遗传工程genetic engineering”等,收录了反映国内政治、经济和文化发展的新词,如“一国两制one country,two systems”,“经济特区special economic zone”等,还收录了来自于外国文化的借词,如“艾滋病AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)”,“安乐死mercy killing; euthanasia”等。
天干the ten Heavenly Stems,used as serial numbers and also in combination with the twelve Earthly Branches(地支) to designate years,months,days and hours
八股①eight-part essay(a literary composition prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations,known for its rigidity of form and poverty of ideas)②stereotyped writing
八仙the Eight Immortals(in Taoist mythology,usu.identified as Han Zhongli汉钟离,Zhang Guolao张果老,LüDongbin吕洞宾,Li Tieguai李铁拐,Han Xiangzi韩湘子,Cao Guojiu曹国舅,Lan Caihe蓝采和,and He Xiangu何仙姑,much represented in art)