8.2.1 语场与翻译
【例6】The Manager shall throughout the Territory during the Term have the sole and exclusive right to authorize and arrange publication of any articles by or concerning the Artist and any biography or autobiography of the Artist in any newspapers,magazines,books and other printed materials including expressly audio and audiovisual tapers and to authorize others to use and exploit the name,likeness,and biography of the Artist by any means in all media in connection with the endorsement promotion advertising and publicity of any and all products and services and to authorize and negotiate the material terms of any offer of sponsorship to the Artist and any tie-up and association for commercial or other purposes between the Artist and any persons desiring the use of the Professional Name the Services or the reputation of the Artist in connection with the sale or promotion of goods or services.
【分析】以上是一份合同里面的一则具体条款。可以看出,原文的这种法律英语有其鲜明的特点。纵观这一内容充实的条款,英文原文话语从头到尾由一句话构成。法律英语最大的特点是句法严谨、条例清晰、行文简洁、逻辑性强。翻译时应该考虑这一特点,否则难免出现差错。例6的译文在体现法律英语的特点方面很好地做到了这一点。译者把经理方的权利以及相应的条件很清楚地列举出来,行文通顺、流畅。在词汇层面上也做到了对等,如把have翻译成“拥有”这一具有法律特色的词汇而不选用“有”或“有着”等其他词语;sole and exclusive right翻译为“专有的权利”,以及“授权他人以任何手段在任何媒体上利用艺术家的名字、肖像及传记”、“授权谈判向艺术家提出的任何主办广告的倡议的实质性的条件”等都体现了汉语法律话语的措辞特点,让人读完译文后感觉专业性很强。
【例7】第四十一条 国家对外贸易工作人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊或者滥用职权,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;不构成犯罪的,给予行政处分。
【译文】Article 41 Personnel serving in the State's foreign trade authorities who commit any neglect of duty,malpractice,irregularities or abuse of power,which constitute criminal offenses,shall be subject to criminal prosecutions pursuant to law;as to those offenses which do not constitute crimes,administrative sanctions shall apply.
Personnel serving in the State's foreign trade authorities who extort property from others with job convenience or illegally accept others'property and seek advantages for them in return and thus commit criminal offenses shall be subject to criminal prosecutions in accordance with the Supplementary Decision on the Punishment of Embezzlement and Bribery Crimes;where such conducts do not constitute criminal offenses,administrative sanctions shall apply.(FOREIGN TRADE LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA)