第一节 信用证的概念与分类
信用证(Letter of Credit,L/C)是指银行(即开证行)根据进口人(即开证人)的请求和指示向出口人(即受益人)开立的一定金额的并在一定期限内凭规定的单据承诺付款的书面文件。在国际贸易活动中,买卖双方可能互不信任,买方担心预付款后,卖方不按合同要求发货;卖方也担心在发货或提交货运单据后买方不按合同付款。因此买卖双方就需要银行作为它们的保证人,代为收款交单。由于银行保证付款,对买卖双方都有保障,进口商可通过信用证的条款促使出口商履行合同的义务,而出口商则取得了开证行的付款保证,银行信用代替了商业信用。所以信用证付款方式为当前国际贸易中进出口商均易接受的一种主要支付方式。
信用证可以分为如下几类:即期信用证(Sight L/C);远期信用证(Usance L/C);可撤销信用证(Revocable L/C);不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable L/C);可转让信用证(Transferable L/C);可分割信用证(Divisible L/C);保兑信用证(Confirmed L/C);不保兑信用证(Unconfirmed L/C);循环信用证(Revolving L/C);无追索权和有追索权信用证(L/C without Recourse and with Recourse)等。
在国际贸易中,不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable L/C)的使用最为广泛。
【例1】Please open an irrevocable documentary credit for US$1,010,000 in favor of The New World Computers, Inc., Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
译文:请开立一份金额为1 010 000美元的不可撤销的跟单信用证,受益人为美国加州洛杉矶的新世界电脑有限公司。
信用证方式通常的当事人有六个:开证申请人(Applicant)、开证银行(Opening Bank,Issuing Bank)、通知银行(Advising Bank,Notifying Bank)、受益人(Beneficiary)、议付银行(Negotiating Bank)和付款银行(Paying Bank,Drawee Bank)。
Remarks of the flow chart of L/C
● Step 1: A buyer and a seller enter into a sales contract providing payment by a documentary credit.
● Step 2: The buyer instructs the issuing bank to issue a documentary credit in favor of the seller.
● Step 3: The issuing bank opens a documentary credit according to the instructions of the applicant.
● Step 4: The issuing bank asks another bank, usually in the country of the seller, to advise and perhaps also to add its confirmation to the documentary credit.
● Step 5:The seller examines the documentary credit, and requires an amendment of the credit if necessary.
● Step 6: The seller examines the documentary credit and prepares for the required documents.
● Step 7: The seller presents his documents to the advising bank for settlement.
● Step 8: The negotiating bank forwards documents to the issuing bank, claiming reimbursement as agreed between the two banks.
● Step 9: The issuing bank examines the documents and reimburses the negotiating bank.
● Step10: The buyer redeems the documents and picks up the goods against the documents.
信用证的开立形式可以分为信开本和电开本两种形式。信开本信用证是指信函格式开立,并用航空挂号等方式寄给通知行的信用证。电开本信用证是指采用电文格式开立,并以电讯方式传递的信用证。电开本有电报、电传、SWIFT(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications,环球银行金融电信协会)三种格式。其中SWIFT信用证由于具有方便、迅速、安全、标准化、固定化和统一化的特性,并且成本较低的特点,已经被许多国家和地区的银行广泛使用,我国银行的信用证业务中,SWIFT信用证已占有很大比重。