首页 理论教育 英汉修辞的对比


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【摘要】:3.3 英汉修辞的对比英汉修辞法在方法、传统、形式与内容、发展及学科性质等方面既有共性也有个性。但是英汉语无论是在词法系统,还是句法结构等方面,都存在本质性的差异。本节主要根据修辞在语言使用中,语义、结构、音韵等方面的关系,分为语义修辞、结构修辞、音韵修辞三大类别比较英语与汉语的差异。在翻译英语语义修辞格时,要注意符合汉语的表达习惯。

3.3 英汉修辞的对比

英汉修辞法在方法、传统、形式与内容、发展及学科性质等方面既有共性也有个性。英汉修辞学都十分重视文章开头的精心锤炼,强调要生动、得体、精要,汉英语中有些修辞格是基本对应的,如simile明喻、personification拟人、synaesthesia通感、metonymy借代、repetition重复、parody仿拟、hyperbole夸张、onomatopoeia拟声等;有些只是局部对应,如metaphor隐喻、euphemism委婉语、pun双关、transferred epithet移就、oxymoron对顶、antithesis对偶、parallelism排比等。但是英汉语无论是在词法系统,还是句法结构等方面,都存在本质性的差异。本节主要根据修辞在语言使用中,语义、结构、音韵等方面的关系,分为语义修辞、结构修辞、音韵修辞三大类别比较英语与汉语的差异。

3.3.1 语义修辞



比喻(figure of speech)是语言中应用最为广泛的修辞手段。据《现代汉语词典》记载:比喻指“用某些有类似点的事物来比拟想要说的某一事物,以便表达得更生动鲜明”。比喻有四要素:本体、喻体、比喻词、相似点。多数学者认为汉语的比喻主要分为明喻、暗喻、借喻和提喻四种,英语中与之对应的分别是simile、metaphor、metonymy、synecdoche。这里主要讨论明喻和暗喻的差异。

① 英语的明喻(simile)指“a direct comparison between two or more unlike things; normally introduced by like or as”(两个或两个以上不同事物之间明显的比喻,通常由like或as引导)(Zeiger,1978:363)。汉语的明喻与英语的simile非常相似,比喻的四要素必须俱全,英语比喻词主要是like, as, as if/as though,汉语的比喻词比英语多得多,不同的文体和语法结构常有不同的比喻词。如“像、仿、似、如同、好像、犹如、宛如”等。明喻一般采用直译,但有的英语明喻和汉语明喻的比喻形象不尽相同,有时也用意译法、变通法和注释法。

例54.Tom was as sober as a judge.

译文 汤姆十分清醒。(明喻——意译法)

例55.He is as cunning as a dead pig.

译文 他像狐狸一样狡猾。(明喻——不是像“死猪一样狡猾”变通法)

例56.Falstaff: I am as poor as Job, my lord, but not so patient.

译文 福斯塔夫:我是像约伯一样穷的人,大人,可是却没有他那样的好耐性。(注:约伯《圣经》中的人物,以忍耐贫穷而著称的圣徒)(明喻——但译文意义不清楚,故加注释,注释法)

并且要注意,有一种特殊的英语simile,即不用比喻词like和 as 而用what,than 和and 的simile的翻译要特别注意。

例57.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Sir Richard Steel)

译文 阅读之于思想,如同锻炼之于身体。

例58.A home without love is no more than a body without a soul.

译文 没有爱的家庭无异于没有灵魂的身体。

② 英语的暗喻(metaphor)是 “a implied comparison between two (or more) unlike things achieved by identifying one with the other”(两个或两个以上不同类事物之间隐含的比喻,用把一个事物等同于另一事物的方式构成)(Zeiger,1978:358)。汉语的暗喻和英语的metaphor,使用频率很高,但比明喻更难理解和翻译。暗喻的特点是不用比喻词,且有时只出现本体,这就使得比喻与被比喻的事物不能一目了然。就暗喻的类型而言,英汉语有相同之点,也有不同之处。

英语的metaphor大致可分为三类:一是“X是Y”结构,二是“X1 of X2”,本体、喻体同时出现的并列结构,三是只出现本体结构。汉语的暗喻大致也有三种,一是判断结构“甲是乙”,二是本体与喻体同时出现,但没有判断词,三是偏正式的状语+中心语结构即“状中结构”。


例59.Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. (William b. Yeats)

译文 教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。(直译)


译文 “Can this be another absurd maid coming to bury flowers like Daiyu?” He wondered in some amusement. “If so, she’s Tun Shih imitating His Shih, which is not original but rather tiresome.”

Notes: Hsi Shih was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yue. Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways.(杨宪益,戴乃迭 译,直译+注释)


译文 Among the members of these parties some keep their heads,many are deceived,and a small number make up the nucleus of the right wing.(原文的喻体“骨干”转换为nucleus)


英语的夸张(hyperbole)指 “an exaggeration for effect,not meant to be taken literally”(不能按照字面进行理解夸大其辞的一种修辞格。)(Webster’s New World Dictionary)。汉语夸张是指以夸大或缩小、甚至违反常规定律的方式,达到强调与突出的语言表达效果。其真正的含义是本质上符合事实,表述上言过其实。其目的是突出事情的本质,加强语言的感染力,激起人们的想象力,达到一种严肃又滑稽的效果。通常可以直接将原文的夸张结构译入目标语中。


译文 His great eloquence could even turn white into black.(直译)


例63.Mary’s two daughters are different in their personalities in a thousand and one ways.

译文 玛丽的两个女儿在性格上有天壤之别。


译文 I will break my neck to get this done by Friday, but I can’t promise for sure.


英语的委婉语(euphemism)指 “A euphemism is a polite word or expression that is used to refer to things which people may find upsetting or embarrassing to talk about, for example sex,the human body, or death.”(用一种含蓄、礼貌的表达方式表达例:性、身体或死亡等令人们尴尬和忌讳的话题)。指在英语中提及令人不快的事情时,以委曲含蓄的方式来暗示所寄意义,用以保持得体的一种修辞方式。英汉语委婉语具有大体相同的语用功能和语义特征。但由于英汉民族之间的思维方式、审美标准、价值观念等不相同,英汉委婉语也有不同的表达。因此,在翻译中,要灵活根据具体语境,选择保留原文表达,或用译文表达替换原文表达。


译文 She saw in her mind’s eye the beautiful embroidered burial shoes presented to her by her niece and felt sure these would make the King of Hell treat her with respect when she went to the nether world.(省略原文表达,替换为译文表达)

例66.Wherefore it is better to be a guest of the law,which though conducted by rules,does not meddle unduly with a gentleman’s private affairs. (O. Henry, The Cop and the Anthem)

译文 因此,还是做做法律的客人来得痛快,法律虽然铁面无私,照章办事,毕竟不去过分干涉一位大爷的私事。(保留原文表达)

3.3.2 结构修辞

结构修辞是指通过改变语言表达中词语组合与排列的常见顺序,以产生明显的强调效果的修辞方式。结构修辞包括单词结构转换(schemes of words)和句子结构转换(schemes of construction)两大类,主要有平行(parallelism)、对照(antithesis)、反复(repetition)、省略(ellipsis)、倒装(inversion)等修辞手法。这里主要介绍“平行结构(parallelism)”、“对照(antithesis)”两种修辞手法。




例67.Green, hilly, with abundant trees, it was a beautiful country, the Virginia-Kentucky border territory—or would have been, except for the mines.

译文 一片翠绿,丘陵起伏,林木茂盛,弗吉尼亚州和肯塔基州接界的地区是一片美丽的乡野——要不是有煤矿的话,理应如此。

此例中,汉语译文在保留英语中词组平行的修辞结构下,把词组Green,hilly,with abundant trees灵活处理,翻译成三个(一片翠绿,丘陵起伏,林木茂盛)符合汉语习惯的四字成语表达方式,使译文工整,紧凑,增加了表达效果。




译文 The past is as clear as a mirror, the future as dark as lacquer.(梁实秋译)



译文 Chorus girls do not sense the lose of sovereign power, still singing, across the river,“the Backyard Flower”.(徐忠杰译)


3.3.3 音韵修辞




例70.He felt as if he must shout and sing, he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and countless wings.

译文 他感到要大喊大唱,耳际传来无数翅膀的拍打声。


例71.The logs were burning briskly in the fire.

译文 木柴在火中噼噼啪啪烧得正旺。



双声与叠韵在汉语中是一种典型的音韵修辞手段。双声在辞海中的解释指:音韵学名词,两个字的声母相同。叠韵指词组中两个字的韵母相同。在英语中,alliteration(头韵)“the appearance of the same sound or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are next to or close to each other”(《朗文当代高级英语词典》)指相邻或相近几个词的起头音相同,如“Round the rocks runs the river”。另外,英语的assonance(译为“准压韵、半韵、半谐音”)“agreement between stressed vowels in two words, but not in the following consonants”(《牛津现代高级双解英汉字典》)指两个字只有重读的元音相同,而其后的辅音不同。

综上,从韵律格式上讲,英语的alliteration 与汉语的双声基本一致,英语的assonance与汉语的叠韵也非常相似,但还是存在许多差异。汉语的双声和叠韵以字为构成单位,而英语的alliteration和assonance以词为构成单位,汉语中的字只相当于英语中的音节。汉语指两个词间产生的音响效果,而英语alliteration和assonance中不仅限于两个词间,它们往往还出现在三个甚至更多的词之间。另外,汉语的双声和叠韵必须是两个同声或同韵的词紧靠在一起,一旦隔开使用就会失去连绵的音响效果,而英语的alliteration和assonance几乎所有情况都是由其他音节分隔开的。在英汉翻译中,考虑到汉语双声、叠韵与英语alliteration,assonance在音律格式上的相似性,应尽量保持原文音韵修辞特色,以符合译文的相应的语音组合方式进行传达。

例72.It was moonlight and gaslight besides, and very still and serene.

译文 屋外有月光,街上的煤气灯也亮着,非常宁静、安澜。

此例中,原文用still serene形成alliteration的修辞效果,在译文中则用“宁静”、“安澜”两个叠韵词来应对。


例73. 天黑时,我躺在床上,它便伶伶俐俐地从我身边跨过,从我脚边飞过。

译文 In the evening, when I lie on my bed, it nimbly strides over my body and flits pass my feet.

此例中,原文中 “伶伶俐俐” 是包括重复的双声词组在译文中没有使用对应的音律修辞,但 “strides over my body” 与 “flits pass my feet” 所构成的平行结构,同样使译文具有一种节奏上的美感。









1.severe pollution

2.severe training

3.severe reasoning

4.severe competition

5.severe criticism

6.severe radiation

7.severe load

8.severe style

9.severe brake

10.severe test

11.a broken spirit

12.a broken soldier

13.broken money

14.a broken promise

15.broken English

16.a broken man

17.soft cushion

18.soft wood

19.soft music

20.soft pillow

21.soft light

22.soft drink

23.soft voice

24.soft fire

25.soft hat

26.soft words

27.soft answer

28.soft goods

29.soft water

30.soft heart

31.soft breeze



1.Those small factories are also lavish consumers, and wasters, of raw materials.

2.There was nothing inherently wrong with the sentence you said, but it was wrong of you to speak without taking notice of the setting at the time.

3.In Beijing, people find great trouble in getting to their destination on foot or by car and it has become a top social problem.

4.Most of those who don’t come back after they finish their studies change to another line of work.

5.The same heart beats in every human breast. (George Arnold)

6.It seemed inconceivable that the pilot could have survived the crash.

7.To err is human, to forgive divine.

8.Abstract liberty, like other mere abstractions, is not to be found. (John Bunyan)

9.I am heartened by the assurance which your Government has repeatedly given that the arrangements for Hong Kong contained in the Agreement are not measures of expediency.

10.Never, no, never, did Nature say one thing and Wisdom say another. (Edmund Burke)

11.Mr. Brown felt great flattered when he received the invitation to delivery a lecture.

12.The most happy marriage I can picture or imagine to myself would be the union of a deaf man to a blind man. (Hartley Coleridge)

13.He day will surely come and be here to stay when our country will be built into great socialist one with modern agriculture, modern industry, modern national defense and modern science and technology.

14.General Thomas gave up the sword for the plough in 1987.

15.Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.


1.Then lieutenant Grub launched into the old recruiting routine, “See, save and serve! Hanigan, free tour to all the ports in the world. A fine ship for a home. Three meals a day without charge…

2.She found the keys she had lost last month, which was like a bolt from the blue.

3.Marriage is a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and remaining chapters in prose. (Beverley Nichols)

4.A drop of ink may make a million think. (George G. Byron)

5.5.A humming bee hummed, a cow-bell tinkled,while some suspicious cracklings told of a secretly reconnoitering squirrel. (Jennie Gerhardt by Theodore Dreiser)

6.She has more goodness in her little finger than he has in his whole body.

7.Women have a wonderful sense of right and wrong, but little sense of right and left.(Don Herold)

8.How the devil can I sew on a button with this gibbering and buzz in my ears? (Life with Father by Clarence Day)

9.Judge: “What made you think that you could park your car there?”

10.Tourist: “well, there was a big sign that read: ‘Fine for parking’.”

11.Life is like a spring dream,vanishing without a trace.

12.Then they crept to the door and took a trembling peep. (Twain, M. The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

13.It catered to large appetites and modest purses. (O. Henry, The Cop and the Anthem

14.The squeaking of the radio was disturbing everybody.

15.What? —even battered, brazen, beautiful, conscienceless, heartless Mrs. Firebrace, whose father died of her shame:… (Thackeray, W. Vanity Fair

16.He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval, as a colonel might look at a private whose bootlaces were undone. (Best, R. My First Job

