首页 理论教育 曲线思维与直线思维


时间:2023-04-04 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:5.2 曲线思维与直线思维英美人的思维方式主要是直线形的,汉民族的思维方式主要是曲线形的。也就是说在表达思想时,英民族更直接。按自然法则,汉语按客观事理发生的先后顺序进行话语组织,先发生的事先论述,后发生的事后说。在从事英汉翻译时,如果一个句子包含多个动作,在汉译时要把句子结构打散,按照时间顺序重新组织。保持地方平静并保护外国人生命财产安全,因此拳民之乱仅限于北方。

5.2 曲线思维与直线思维

英美人的思维方式主要是直线形的(linear thought pattern),汉民族的思维方式主要是曲线形的(circular thought pattern)。也就是说在表达思想时,英民族更直接。他们往往要先把要点说出来,再说其余部分。汉民族则较委婉,一般先从外部说明,最后说出要点。因此,英语句子重心在前,头短尾长;而汉语句子重心在后,头大尾小。这种差异可以从汉语时间上的先后律、空间上的大小律、事理上的因果律和心理上的重轻律来观察。

5.2.1 时间上的先后律


例22.He became deaf at five after an attack of typhoid fever.

译文 他五岁时候,生了伤寒病,变成了聋子。


例23.The day is long gone when oil-company profits transformed the proud new skylines of New Orleans and Houston into testaments to a time of plenty.

原译 石油公司的利润使新奥尔良和休斯敦足以自豪的城市轮廓成为繁荣时期的实证的那种日子早已过去了。

改译 石油公司的利润曾使新奥尔良和休斯敦的城市面貌彻底改观,林立的高楼大厦曾骄傲地炫耀着繁荣富足,但那种日子早已成为过眼云烟。

原文应分为三部分:(1)The day is long gone.(2)Oil-company profits transformed the proud new skylines of New Orleans and Houston.(3)The proud new skylines of New Orleans and Houston were testaments to a time of plenty.原译是典型的死译,在正确分解句子的基础上,应按照汉语的句法和表达习惯,先写(2),再写(3),以(1)收尾。

例24.The journey from Tehchow down the Grand Canal to Shanghai and Hangchow would be safe also, because the governors in the southeast Chinas had signed an agreement with the foreign consuls to preserve peace and protect foreign lives and property, so that the Boxer conflict had been strictly localized in the north.(Yutan Lin. Moment in Peking

译文一 从德州到运粮河,再到上海杭州,倒是平安无事,因为东南各省的清廷大员都与西方外交使节团的公使签有协定,要保持地方秩序并保护外侨的生命财产,所以拳徒之乱只局限于北方。(张振玉 译)

译文二 从德州沿运河到上海杭州的一路也是安然无事的。因为东南几省的督抚都同外国领事签订了协定。保持地方平静并保护外国人生命财产安全,因此拳民之乱仅限于北方。(郁飞 译)

从逻辑上看,张译思路清楚,但个别表达如“从德州到运粮河,再到上海杭州”、“西方外交使节团的公使”稍显啰嗦;郁译语言简洁,但不够连贯。从“to preserve peace and protect foreign lives and property”可看出是表目的,可译文中使用了句号,生硬地割断了句子联系。

5.2.2 空间上的大小律

空间上的大小律反映了人类观察外部世界一般遵循的顺序。对汉民族而言,在涉及空间概念时,大致形成了由大到小、由远及近、由高到低、由整体到局部的逻辑顺序;而英民族恰恰相反,遵循小大律。例如,primary and secondary schools(中小学)、 private and public(公与私)、at 3’o clock on Friday afternoon, 10th May, 2012(2012年5月10日星期五下午3点)、No.28 Xiangjiang Rd. Qingdao 266000, the P.R.C.(中国青岛市香江路28号)。这些差异要求译者在碰到有大小不同范围在一起的句子时,要尽量按一定的顺序排放。

例25.At the simplest level,new eating habits provide vivid evidence:Thai food,a rarity in Britain even ten years ago,is available in many traditional pubs and bars as well as in 470 restaurants throughout the country and on the shelves of a11 the big supermarket chains.

译文 从最简单基本的层面上说,新的饮食习惯也向人们提供了鲜明佐证。以泰国食品为例,十年前,泰国食品在英国还很罕见,而现在,不仅所有大型连锁超市的货架上,在遍布全国的四百七十家饭店里,而且在许多传统风味浓厚的小酒店和酒吧里,人们都可以找到泰国食品。

英语的描述方向是pubs and bars → restaurants → big supermarket chains,而翻译成汉语时顺序就变成了大型连锁超市 → 饭店 → 小酒店和酒吧。

例26.Strolling unescorted at midday past a major concentration of the huts just a block from the city’s Central Avenue I none the less saw many signs of occupation.

译文 中午,我漫步街头,在中央大道附近发现了一个很大的棚户区,很多茅棚里还住了人。

例27.Built on white marble that shimmers in both sunlight and moonlight, the Taj Mahal stands on an eighteen-foot-high marble platform which has a delicate minaret on each corner.

译文 泰姬陵坐落在一处大理石平台上,平台高18英尺,四角各有一座精巧的尖塔。陵墓由白色大理石建造,无论是在阳光下还是在月光下都会熠熠生辉。


5.2.3 事理上的因果律



例28.Her programs gained great popularity with a wealth of information presented in concise and readily intelligible language.

译文 她做的节目知识丰富,语言精练,通俗易懂,受到了广大观众的喜爱。

例29.Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is seen as an invaluable piece of writing in literature for its depth of feeling, its concentration of ideas, its conciseness, the elegance of its sentences, its sincerity and the durability of its impact.

译文 因其情感深邃、思想丰富、文体简洁、语句典雅、表里如一、影响深远,亚伯拉罕·林肯的《葛底斯堡演讲》被认为是文学史上的典藏无价之佳作。

例30.The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media.

译文 距离远,运输工具缺乏,使农村社会与外界隔绝,这种隔绝,由于通讯工具的不足而显得更加严重。



例31.And he knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born.

译文 他有这样的母亲,他出生在这样的地方,他出生在这样的人中间,要是这些都让她知道的话,他知道该有多丢人。

例32.Tell us as soon as possible in case they are unfriendly to you.

译文 万一他们对你不好,要尽快告诉我们。



例33.Although we have raised our market share by 5%, the competition remains fierce.

译文 我们的市场份额虽然提高了5%,但竞争依然激烈。

例34.While the Cafeteria A site poses the engineering and budget difficulties, it nonetheless remains the most feasible site when compared to existing alternatives.

译文 餐厅的一号选址方案虽然在工程和资金预算方面都有些困难,但与现有的其他选址方案相比,仍是最可行的。


例35..…and I was again crushed by the thought that I now stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment, where thousands upon thousands of people had been slain in one second, where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in a slow agony.(Hiroshima—the Liveliest City in Japan

译文 ……此时此刻我就站在第一颗原子弹爆炸的地方。就是在这里,曾经有成千上万的人在原子弹爆炸的一刹那惨遭杀害。另外,还有成千上万的人在痛苦的折磨中慢慢死去。我一想到这里,就感到身心俱裂。

5.2.4 心理上的重轻律


例36.It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortunate must be in want of a wife.(J. Austen. Pride and Prejudice

译文一 有一条举世公认的真理,那就是,凡有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太。

译文二 凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这是一条举世公认的真理。


例37.Government officials are still moving cautiously, haunted by the memory of what many now think was an overly aggressive crackdown on a real estate boom in 2008 that ended up shutting down the market for months.

译文 许多人现在认为政府对2008年房地产市场增长过快势头的打击力度过大,结果致使房市好几个月止步不前。政府官员对此仍心有余悸。所以现在政府官员仍在小心翼翼地采取措施。

译文 把侧重讲述表达出来造成这一结果的原因,因此先讲原因,再说结果。

例38.It was our view that the United States could be effective in both the tasks outlined by the President—that is, of ending hostilities as well as of making a contribution to a permanent peace in the Middle East—if we conducted ourselves so that we could remain in permanent contact with all of these elements in the equation.

译文 如果我们采取行动以便能够继续与中东问题各方始终保持接触,那么我们美国就能有效地担当起总统所提出的两项任务,那就是在中东结束敌对行动以及对该地区的永久和平作出贡献。这就是我们的观点。


