首页 理论教育 其他词类转译


时间:2023-04-04 理论教育 版权反馈

7.4 其他词类转译

7.4.1 形容词与副词的互相转译



例45.She gave me a black look.

译文 她狠狠地瞪了我一眼。

例46.Occasionally a drizzle came down, and the intermittent flashes of lightening made us turn apprehensive glances toward Zero.

译文 偶尔下一点毛毛雨,断断续续的闪电使得我们不时忧虑地朝着零区方向望去。

例47.It was a clear and unemotional exposition of the President’s reasons for willing to begin a Chinese-American dialogue.

译文 这篇发言清楚明白、心平气和地说明了总统希望开始中美对话的原因。



例48.The people most immediately affected by the drought are the farmers themselves.

译文 遭受这次干旱最直接影响的是农民们。

例49.He routinelyradioed another agent on the ground.

译文 他跟另一个地勤人员进行了无线电的例行联络。

例50.The President had prepared meticulouslyfor his journey.

译文 总统为此次出访作了十分周密的准备。


例51.The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad.

译文 这本小册子使我们对国外的生活情况有了初步了解。

例52.There was a terrible massacre of villagers here during the war.

译文 在战争中,这里的村民惨遭屠杀。

例53.She never expected him to make love to her there.

译文 她从没想到他会在那里向她求爱。

7.4.2 名词与副词的互相转译


例54.When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor.

译文 只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这人争取过来。

例55.The substance of his speech was to make us obedient.

译文 他的讲话的实质上是要求我们服从他。

例56.The United States was unhappy with the slowness of Japan to advance free trade.

译文 美国对日本慢吞吞地推进自由贸易进程感到不满。


例57.There seems to be no other competitive techniques which can measure range as well or as rapidly as can a laser.

译文 就测量的精度和速度而言,似乎还没有其他技术能与激光相比。

例58.They have not done so well ideologically, however, as organizationally.

译文 但是,他们的思想工作没有他们的组织工作做得好。

例59.Nowadays many people in the society are materially rich but spiritually poor.

译文 当今社会中,有许多人物质富有却精神空虚。




1.He was a regular visitor.

2.A successful scientist must be a good observer.

3.Telecommunication means so much in modern life that without it our life would be impossible.

4.He is full in vigor, but fails in carefulness.

5.When the switch is off. the circuit is open and electricity doesn’t go through .

6.An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the studies of current affairs.

7.He said he didn’t know whether the Russians were ready for a showdown.

8.He is a heavy drinker and a chain smoker.

9.Are you for or against my opinion?

10.The remembrance of these will add zest to his life.

11. In those years the Republicans are in.

12.Please let us know if our terms are acceptable.


1.The camel is characterized by an ability to go for many days without water.

2.What impressed me most was his heroic deed.

3.In China, there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.

4.A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation.

5.I admire your decision to fight for the difficulties in preparing the examination.

6.The cheapest might be the dearest.

7.Dynamics is divided into statics and kinetics, the former treating of forces in equilibrium, the latter of the relation of forces to motion.

8.They signed two agreements that served to warm up the atmosphere of their relations.

9.They are going to build a school for the blind and the deaf.

10.All the wounded were sent to the hospital right away.

11.If the newspapers want to have a large circulation number, they must be informative instructive and entertaining.

12.The new treaty would be good for ten years.


1.We should make a systematic and comprehensive study of the theory on art and literature.

2.Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.

3.“I suppose boys think differently from girls,” he said.

4.The security and warmth of the destroyer’s sick bay were wonderful.

5.He talked for some time with Bundy, and his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts.

6.We are not content with our present achievements.

7.We found difficulty in solving this complicated problem.

8.I suppose boys think differently from girls.

9.Trationally, there had always been good relations between them.

10.It is a pleasure to welcome to the United Nations new states that will share our responsibilities and accomplishments.

11.They admitted the feasibility of our plan.

12. We are deeply convinced of the correctness of this policy and firmly determined to pursue it.


1.They gave the enemy a heavy blow.

2.Her hard work led to her successful promotion.

3.He was a regular visitor.

4.She is an ardent lover of classical music.

5.Have you dialed the right number?

6.Supporters were in a clear minority.

7.This is sheer nonsense.

8.The instinct of a successful actor is to play any character lifelike.

9.I succeeded in persuading him.

10.They came back game and glee.

11.The smallest number of physical quantities should be selected so as to have a complete description of physics in the simplest terms.

12.We must make a special study of the theory worked out by Einstein in 1905 that matter and energy were not completely different things.

