由于英语靠句型、词形变化来达意,很多句子在汉语读者看来显得较长。而汉语没有形态变化,词的先后次序一般是按照时间顺序和逻辑关系来排列的。换言之,汉语造句主要采用“流水记事法”(chronicle style),常用分句或流水来逐层叙述思维的各个过程(streamline the thoughts)。造句常常“短小精悍”,英译汉时常常要破句重组,化繁为简。请看下列译例:
例1:The true American hamburger came into existence in St.Louis,at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904.A harried cook at the fair quickly slapped broiled beef patties between buns and served them to a demanding crowd,which gulped them down joyously.
【分析】原文段落只有两句话,但却讲述了美国汉堡包的由来。由于运用了词形变化和从句,句子结构显得紧凑、简洁,所传达的内容很多。例如:A harried cook at the fair quickly slapped broiled beef patties between buns and served them to a demanding crowd,which gulped them down joyously.一句话就道出了汉堡包的产生过程。用汉语讲表达,起码要用三个分句来完成:“在交易会的餐厅里一群等着吃饭的人催促着快上菜,急得一个厨师只好飞快地把烤熟的牛肉饼夹在面包里端上来应急,那群饿急了的人立刻痛痛快快地大口吃了起来。”
例2:Low productivity rates and a reputation for poor quality and strikes mean that,with the exception of British Leyland,the major car manufacturers are producing fewer and fewer cars in Britain and importing not only more fully-built cars,but also assembly kits with most of high technology parts coming from overseas.
例3:When I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect,it seems to me that there are two causes,of which one goes much deeper than the other.
例1:She is over 60,but still with it.虽然她已经60多岁了,可穿戴仍然很入时。
【分析】to be with it是介词短语,意思是to know about present ideas and fashions。不了解这个意思,便无从翻译这个句子。
例2:Scientists believe they are onto something big.
【分析】要想翻译好此句,首先要弄清be onto sth.的意思。这是个固定的介词短语,意思是to know about something or be in a situation that could lead to a good result。
例3:The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside.
例4:He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.
例5:This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting in a packed Town Hall,with Mr.Strong in the chair.
例6:When the factory was first established,the designers and engineers worked long hours on meager food,in cold mobile homes,by dim lamps.
例7:“Coming!”Away she skimmed over the lawn,up the path,up the steps,across the pond,and outside the gate.