首页 理论教育 马希曼的《中国言法》


时间:2023-04-06 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:1814年,在塞兰坡,Mission Press出版社出版了马希曼的Elements of Chinese Grammar,中文书名为《中国言法》。在大量论述汉语与世界上其他主要语言的关系之后,作者描述了官话的四个声调并与广东话及其他方言进行比较。《中国言法》第二部分的题目为Clavis Sinica,马希曼的整篇著作以这个题目更为著名,这部分主要是更具体地讲汉语语法。因此马希曼所要描写的是优雅语言的语法。

1814年,在塞兰坡,Mission Press出版社出版了马希曼(Joshua Marshman,1768—1837)的Elements of Chinese Grammar,中文书名为《中国言法》。


It may perhaps be urged,that a language so simple as the Chinese,surely needed not a grammar of above three hundred pages to lay it open;to which it may be replied,that had the object been merely that of affirming thing,instead of substantiating them,a far less number of pages would have sufficed.[7]


该书开篇为“汉语论”Dissertation on the Chinese Language,主要讲古汉语的真正本质:

Differing in its principles from every other language of which we have any idea;it has been carefully cultivated,and tenaciously preserved from every foreign mixture,by one of the most ancient and populous nations in the world.[8]


然后是Preliminary Dissertation on the sounds or the colloquial medium(声音与会话媒介的初步论述),通过列出各种系列的声母、韵母与声调,以及利用天主教传教士的抄本来描述汉语的音位。比如,详细说明了第四系列(双唇辅音)的分节位置与方法并且指出参照了天主教传教士的抄本,这是作者唯一采用的别人的标音方法。

The fourth series is directed to be pronounced with the lips strongly closed.It is written by the Catholic Missionaries p,p',p,m.[9]



The ninth open primary final which is nasal is written by the Catholic Missionaries ken as in ken(gen)艮,a bound or limit.The sound is nearly that of the short u in run,sun&c which is the sound they probably attached to e.It is united with only 18 of the initials.[10]



《中国言法》第二部分的题目为Clavis Sinica,马希曼的整篇著作以这个题目更为著名,这部分主要是更具体地讲汉语语法。


Nothing of this kind seems to have flowed from the pen of Confucius,the restorer of Chinese literature,although he did not thing a treatise on music beneath his attention(...)Nor does it appear that the philosophic Ming(...)left any work on the grammar of the language in which they wrote.[11]


Principles of grammar must necessarily be inherent in every language.[12]


In those works which the Chinese have for so many ages regarded as models of style.[13]




The Nominative and the Accusative cases requires no preposition.They are merely the characters in their natural state,as examples will sufficiently shew.Examples of the Nominative indeed are innumerable;and whether it consist of the name of a person,of a pronoun,or a common substantive,it is equally destitute of any addiction.The following sentence furnishes an example of both a proper name,and a pronoun used in the nominative case.It is selected from the third book of Lun-yu,and contains a question put to the sage's disciples by Ngai-koong(哀公),the sovereign of Loo(鲁).

Ngai-koong enquired of the sage's disciples;Who(among you)cordially loves learning?Lun-yu,book iii.Here Ngai-koong in the first line from the right,forms the nominative case without any additional character:the pronoun shyoǒh who?in the third line,is also the nominative.[14]


On examining the various parts of speech,the reader will perceive,that the whole of Chinese grammar turns on Position.A Chinese character,therefore,simply express an idea:but whether that idea shall represent a Thing,a Quality inherent in some other thing or an Action,must be ascertained wholly by its position,as in the English word sound,which,if preceded by an article,is a substantive(a sound);by a personal pronoun,a verb(I sound,they sound);if it receive an object,it becomes an active or even a causal verb(they sound the bell);and lastly,if we add a substantive to the word with the article prefixed,by the caprice of the English language it becomes an adjective(a sound vessel).(...)There are many(characters)which either of constant use,or the nature of the idea they represent,restrict almost wholly to one part:thus some characters as人yin,a man,are seldom used but as substantives(...).With this exception,which by no means affects the general principle,the whole of Chinese Grammar depends on position.


