但另一方面,书信艺术(arts dictaminis)研究在中世纪得到了发展,形成了规范的“认可格式(approved format)”。如信函格式规范包括“招呼(salutation)”“获取好感(securingofgood -will)”“叙事(narration)”“诉请(petition)”“结语(conclusion)”五部分,如下例:
Conrad,by the grace of God,august king of the Romans to venerable Wibald,abbot of Corvey,—his most kind greeting.
Because we know that you especially desire to hear from us and to learn the state of our prosperity,we think it fitting to first tell you of this.By God's mercy we are in good health and we have embarked in our ships to return on the festival of the blessed Virginin September,after having accomplished in these lands all that God willed and the people of the country permitted.
let us now speak of our troops.When following the advice of the common council we had gone to Damascus and after a great deal of trouble had pitched our camps before the gate of the city,it was certainly near being taken.But certain ones,whom we least suspected,treasonably asserted that the city was impregnable on that side and hastily led us to another position where no water could be supplied for the troops and where acs was impossible to anyone.And thus all,equally indignant and grieved,returned,leaving the undertaking uncompleted.Nevertheless,they all promised unanimously that they would make an expedition against Ascalon,and they set the place and time.Having arrived there according to agreement,we found scarcely any one.In vain we waited eight days for the troops.Deceived a second time we turned to our own affairs.
In brief therefore,God willing,we shall return to you.We render to you the gratitude which you deserve for your care of our son and for the very great fidelity which you have shown to us.And with the full intention of worthily rewarding your services,we ask you to continue the same.
中世纪的修辞观在文艺理论中被发挥得淋漓尽致。以杰弗里(Geoffreyof Vinsauf)《诗艺新论》(Potria Novel)中的文学创作原则就是建立在修辞的基础上的。一方面创作要遵循理性的作文规则和传统的修辞规范,另一方面也要通过“换位(Conversion)”“添加(amplification)”“抑减(abbreviation)”等修辞偏离操作策略,创造性地构建文本。“杰弗里着眼于语言表达的创新,用‘越位’这个超级概念将所有这些辞格的机制都包含在内,强调词语和语境的搭配关系,并指出改变这一关系,或者说将词语迁移到它原来不熟悉的语境,是文艺修辞创新的主要途径”然而尽管中世纪修辞强调语言表达上的创新,但其内容上的贫乏还是使得中世纪的修辞研究并没有多少超越古典修辞的实质性进展。