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Adams, Fred, and Greg Laughlin.The Five Ages of the Universe. New York:The Free Press,1999.

Chown, Marcus.The Magic Furnace:The Search for the Origins of Atoms. New York:Oxford University Press,2001.

de Grasse Tyson, Neil.Death by Black Hole:And Other Cosmic Quandaries.New York:W. W.Norton&Company,2007.

Finkbeiner, Ann.A Grand and Bold Thing:An Extraordinary New Map of the Universe Ushering in a New Era of Discovery.New York:Free Press,2010.

Greene, Brian.The Fabric of the Cosmos. New York:Knopf,2004.

Hawking, Stephen.A Brief History of Time.New York:Touchstone,1993.

Kirshner, Robert P.The Extravagant Universe:Exploding Stars, Dark Energy, and the Accelerating Cosmos.Princeton:Princeton Science Library,2004.

Kragh, Helge.Cosmology and Controversy:The Historical Development of Two Theories of the Universe.Princeton:Princeton University Press,1996.

Krauss, Lawrence.A Universe from Nothing:Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing.New York:Free Press,2012.

Rees, Martin.Just Six Numbers:The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe.New York:BasicBooks,2000.

Rees, Martin.Our Cosmic Habitat.Princeton:Princeton University Press,2002.

Seife, Charles.Alpha and Omega:The Search for the Beginning and End of the Universe.New York:Penguin Books,2004.

Singh, Simon. Big Bang:The Origin of the Universe.New York:HarperCollins,2004.

Smolin, Lee.Time Reborn:From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the Universe.Boston:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,2013.(本书中文简体字版已由湛庐文化策划出版)

Weinberg, Steven. The First Three Minutes:A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe.New York:BasicBooks,1993.


Barrow, John. The Book of Universes:Exploring the Limits of the Cosmos.New York:W.W.Norton&Company,2011.

Davies, Paul.Cosmic Jackpot:Why Our Universe Is Just Right for Life.New York:Houghton Mifflin,2007.

Guth, Alan.The Inflationary Universe.New York:Perseus Books Group,1997.

Linde, Andrei D.Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology.Chur, Switzerland:Harwood Academic Publishers,1990.

Steinhardt, Paul J.,and Neil Turok.Endless Universe:Beyond the Big Bang.New York:Doubleday,2007.

Susskind, Leonard.The Cosmic Landscape:String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design.New York:Little, Brown and Company,2005.

Vilenkin, Alexander.Many Worlds in One:The Search for Other Universes.New York:Hill and Wang,2006.


Byrne, Peter.The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III:Multiple Universes, Mutual Assured Destruction, and the Meltdown of a Nuclear Family.New York:Oxford University Press,2010.

Cox, Brian, and Jeff Forshaw.The Quantum Universe(And Why Anything That Can Happen, Does).Boston:Da Capo Press,2012.

Deutsch, David.The Beginning of Infinity:Explanations That Transform Our World.New York:Allen Lane,2012.

Deutsch, David.The Fabric of Reality.New York:Allen Lane,1997.

ʃʃ Everett, Hugh.“The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.”Ph.D.diss.,Princeton University,1957.Free download at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/manyworlds/pdf/dissertation.pdf.

ʃʃ Everett, Hugh.The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,edited by Bryce S.DeWitt and Neill Graham.Princeton:Princeton University Press,1973.

ʃʃ Giulini, Domenico, and Erich Joos, Claus Kiefer, Joachim Kupsch, Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu and H.Dieter Zeh.Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory.Berlin:Springer,1996.

Kaiser, David.How the Hippies Saved Physics:Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival.New York:W. W.Norton&Company,2011.

ʃ Saunders, Simon, and Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent and David Wallace.Many Worlds?Everett, Quantum Theory&Reality.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2010.


Carr, Bernard J.,ed.Universe or Multiverse?Cambridge, Mass.:MIT Press,2007.

Carroll, Sean.From Eternity to Here:The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time.Oxford:Oneworld Publications,2011.

Greene, Brian.The Hidden Reality.New York:Knopf,2011.

Kaku, Michio.Parallel Worlds:A fourney Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos.New York:Anchor Books,2006.

Lewis, David.On the Plurality of Worlds.Oxford:Blackwell Publishing,1986.


Blackmore, Susan.Conversations on Consciousness:What the Best Minds Think about Free Will, and What It Means to Be Human.New York:Oxford University Press,2006.

Bostrom, Nick.Anthropic Bias:Observation Selection Effects in Science and Philosophy.New York:Routledge,2002.

Damasio, Antonio.The Feeling of What Happens.New York:Harcourt Brace,2000.

Damasio, Antonio.Self Comes to Mind:Constructing the Conscious Brain.New York:Pantheon Books,2010.

Dennett, Daniel.Consciousness Explained.Boston:Little, Brown and Company,1992.

Hawkins, Jeff, and Sandra Blakeslee.On Intelligence.New York:Henry Holt and Company,2004.

Hut, Pier, Mark Alford and Max Tegmark.“On Math, Matter and Mind,”Foundations of Physics,January 15,2006,http://arxiv. org/pdf/physics/0510188.pdf.

Koch, Christof.“A‘Complex'Theory of Consciousness,”Scientific American,August 18,2009,http://www. scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=a-theory-of-consciousness.

Koch, Christof.The Quest for Consciousness:A Neurobiological Approach.Englewood, Col.:Roberts&Company Publishers,2004.

Kurzweil, Ray.How to Create a Mind:The Secret of Human Thought Revealed.New York:Viking Penguin,2012.(本书中文简体字版《人工智能的未来》已由湛庐文化策划出版)

Roger.The Emperor's New Mind.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1989.

Pinker, Steven.How the Mind Works.New York:W. W.Norton and Company,1997.(本书中文简体字版《心智探奇》已由湛庐文化策划出版)

Tononi, Giulio.“Consciousness as Integrated Information:A Provisional Manifesto,”The Biological Bulletin,2008,http://www. biolbull.org/content/215/3/216.full.

Tononi, Giulio.Phi:A Voyage from the Brain to the Soul.New York:Pantheon Books,2012.

Velmans, Max, and Susan Schneider, eds.The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness.Malden, Mass.:Blackwell Publishing,2007.


Barrow, John D.Pi in the Sky.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1992.

Barrow, John D.,Theories of Everything.New York:Ballantine Books,1991.

Chaitin, Gregory J.Algorithmic Information Theory.(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1987.

ʃ Davies, Paul.The Mind of God.New York:Touchstone,1993.

ʃ Goodstein, Reuben L.Constructive Formalism:Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics.Leicester:Leister University College Press,1951.

Hersh, Reuben.What Is Mathematics, Really?Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999.

Levin, Janna.A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines.New York:Anchor Books,2007.

Livio, Mario.Is God a Mathematician?. New York:Simon&Schuster,2009.

Lloyd, Seth.Programming the Universe:A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos.New York:Vintage Books,2007.

Rucker, Rudy.Infinity and the Mind.Boston:Birkh user,1982.

Standish, Russell K.Theory of Nothing.Charleston, S. C.:BookSurge,2006.

Wolfram, Stephen.A New Kind of Science.New York:Wolfram Media,2002.


Bostrom, Nick, and Milan Cirkovi, eds.Global Catastrophic Risks.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2008.

Davies, Paul.The Eerie Silence:Renewing Our Search for Alien Intelligence.New York:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,2011.

Drexler, K. Eric.Engines of Creation:The Coming Era of Nanotechnology.London:Fourth Estate,1985.

Dyson, Freeman.#A Many-Colored Glass:Reflections on the Place of Life in the Universe.#Charlottesville:University of Virginia Press,2007.

Fuller, R. Buckminster.Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth.Buckminster Fuller Institute, http://bfi.org/about-bucky/resources/books/operating-manual-spaceship-earth.

Gribbin, John R.Alone in the Universe:Why Our Planet Is Unique.Hoboken, N. J.:John Wiley&Sons,2011.

Kurzweil, Ray.The Age of Spiritual Machines:When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence.New York:Viking,1999.

Kurzweil, Ray.The Singularity Is Near:When Humans Transcend Biology.New York:Viking,2005.

Kurzweil, Ray, and Terry Grossman.Transcend:Nine Steps to Living Well Forever.New York:Viking,2010.

Moravec, Hans.Robot:Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind.Oxford:Oxford Uni-versity Press,1999.

Rees, Martin.Our Final Hour:A Scientist's Warning.New York:Perseus Books,1997.

Sagan, Carl.Pale Blue Dot:A Vision of the Human Future in Space.New York:Ran-dom House,1997.


Barbour, Julian.The End of Time:The Next Revolution in Physics.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999.

ʃ Barrow, John D.,and Frank J.Tipler.The Anthropic Cosmological Principle.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1986.

Carroll, Sean.The Particle at the End of the Universe:How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads Us to the Edge of a New World.New York:Dutton,2012.

ʃ Einstein, Albert.Relativity:The Special and General Theory.London:Really Simple Media,2011.

Feynman, Richard, and Robert Leighton and Matthew Sands.The Feynman Lectures on Physics.3 vols. New York:Addison-Wesley,1964.

Gamow, George.Mr. Tompkins in Paperback.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1940.

Greene, Brian.The Elegant Universe.New York:W. W.Norton and Company,2003.

Musser, George.The Complete Idiot's Guide to String Theory.New York:Penguin Group,1998.

Penrose, Roger.The Road to Reality:A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe.New York:Knopf,2005.

Randall, L isa.Warped Passages:Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions.New York:Ecco,2005.(该书中文简体字版《弯曲的旅行》已由湛庐文化策划出版)

Smolin, Lee.Three Roads to Quantum Gravity.New York:BasicBooks,2001.

Smolin, Lee.The Trouble with Physics:The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next.Boston:Houghton Mifflin,2006.

Susskind, Leonard.The Black Hole War:My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics.New York:Little, Brown and Company,2008.

Weinberg, Steven L.Dreams of a Final Theory:The Scientist's Search for the Ultimate Laws of Nature.New York:Pantheon,1992.

Wiener, Eugene P.Symmetries and Reflections.Cambridge, Mass.:MIT Press,1967.

Wilczek, Frank.The Lightness of Being:Mass, Ether and the Unification of Forces.New York:BasicBooks,2008.

ʃʃ Zeh, H.Dieter.The Physical Basis of the Direction of Time.4th ed.Berlin:Springer,2002.

