中国政府还加快建立和完善失业保险制度,保障职工失业后的基本生活,帮助失业人员实现再就业,推进国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障制度向失业保险并轨。2003年年底,全国参加失业保险的人数达1.0 373亿,全年共为742万失业人员提供了不同期限的失业保险待遇。
中国政府还在全国推进城镇职工基本医疗保险制度改革。2003年年底,全国参加基本医疗保险的人数达1.0 902亿,其中参保职工7 975万人,退休人员2 927万人。国家于1988年开始在部分地区推行生育保险制度改革。截至2003年年底,全国参加生育保险的职工有3 655万人;全年共有36万名职工享受生育保险待遇。
掌握与社会保障专题相关的知识与术语表达,如社会保险(social insurance),社会福利(social welfare),社会救助(social relief),住房保障(housing services),养老保险(old-age insurance),失业保险(unemployment insurance),医疗保险(medical insurance),工伤保险(work-related injury insurance),生育保险(maternity insurance),住房公积金制度(the system of publicly accumulated housing funds),经济适用住房制度(the system of generally affordable and functional housing),廉租住房制度(the low-rent housing system)等。
Social Security System in China
China is the biggest developing country with a large population in the world,and its economic base is weak,therefore,establishing a sound social security system in China is an extremely arduous task.China's social security system includes social insurance,social welfare,social relief and housing services,etc.As the core of the social security system,social insurance includes old-age insurance,unemployment insurance,medical insurance,work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance.
The Chinese Government has continuously improved the old-age insurance system.China is now an aging society.As the aging of the population quickens,the number of elderly people is becoming very large.This trend will reach its peak in the 2030s.To guarantee the basic living standards of the elderly and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests,the Chinese Government reformed the fund-raising mode in an attempt to establish a multi-level old-age insurance system marked by sustainable development.
The Chinese Government is speeding up the development and improvement of an unemployment insurance system to guarantee the basic livelihood of employees after they lose their jobs,to help them find new jobs,and accelerate the combination of the basic livelihood guarantee system for people laid off from state-owned enterprises with the unemployment insurance.By the end of 2003 there were 103.73 million people who participated in the unemployment insurance scheme,which provided unemployment insurance benefits of varying time limits to 7.42 million laid-off employees throughout the year.
The Chinese Government has been promoting a national reform of the basic medical insurance system for urban employees.By the end of 2003,some 109.02 million people around China had participated in the basic medical insurance program,including 79.75 million employees and 29.27 million retirees.In 1988,the state introduced a reform of the maternity insurance system in some areas.At the end of 2003,there were 36.55million employees covered by maternity insurance.In the year of 2003,360,000 employees received maternity insurance benefits.
The Chinese Government actively promotes the development of social welfare,raising funds through various channels to provide social welfare benefits for the elderly,orphans and the disabled.
The Chinese Government actively promotes the development of an urban housing security system which includes mainly the system of publicly accumulated housing funds,the system of generally affordable and functional housing,and the low-rent housing system for the purpose of unremittingly improving urban residents'housing conditions.By the end of 2003,the average floor space had reached 23.7 sq m per capita for urban residents.
The Chinese Government has been promoting social security in rural areas.The majority of the Chinese people live in rural areas,where the economic development level is comparatively low.In the rural areas,under the influence of China's traditional culture,there is a time-honored tradition of provision by the family,security coming from selfreliance and help from the clan.In accordance with the characteristics of rural socioeconomic development,the state's social security measures in rural areas are different from those practiced in cities.
All in all,to press ahead with the improvement of the social security system is an important task for the Chinese Government in its efforts to build a moderately prosperous society in a comprehensive way.In the years to come,the Chinese people will benefit more from the nation's development and progress,and enjoy more plentiful fruits of its material civilization.