首页 理论教育 食品安全专题传译练习


时间:2023-10-24 理论教育 版权反馈




自2006年以来,国家工商行政管理总局严格食品经营主体市场准入,切实清理规范食品经营主体资格。据统计,全国共有食品经营主体469.3万户。其中食品生产加工企业9.68万户、个体工商户34.59万户;流通环节食品经营企业34.58万户、个体工商户253.94万户;餐饮业企业13.55万户、个体工商户122.97万户。截至2007年6月底,全国工商行政管理机关共检查食品经营主体1 640.72万户次。






img181 据统计,全国共有食品经营主体469.3万户。其中食品生产加工企业9.68万户、个体工商户34.59万户;流通环节食品经营企业34.58万户、个体工商户253.94万户;餐饮业企业13.55万户、个体工商户122.97万户。截至2007年6月底,全国工商行政管理机关共检查食品经营主体1 640.72万户次。

img182 我们集中开展了以城市社区和城乡结合部为重点区域,以商场、超市、集贸市场和批发市场为重点场所,以“五一”、“十一”、中秋、元旦、春节为重点节日的食品市场专项执法检查。

img183 我们继续强化基层食品市场的日常监管,进一步提升了日常监管能力。与此同时,各地改进工商所的食品安全监管执法手段,建立了相关的食品安全监管信息系统,进一步提高了基层日常监管的科技含量和现代化水平。

img184 各地工商行政管理机关将食品质量监管作为食品安全的重中之重,对食品的市场准入、交易和退市实行全程监管,努力提高食品的质量水平。

img185 整顿和规范食品市场秩序是一项长期的任务。工商机关将在巩固已经取得的成果的基础上,认真贯彻国务院关于食品安全专项整治工作的总体部署,与有关部门密切协作,继续强化食品经营者经济户口管理,严格食品经营者质量管理责任,为促进社会经济又好又快的发展发挥积极作用。


img186 熟悉文本类型和相关句子结构,加强对源语文本的理解。本篇发言属陈述文本类型。主旨突出(介绍我国流通环节食品安全监管工作的新进展),思路清晰(文本开始——直接进入主题,首先介绍国家工商行政管理总局清理食品经营主体的工作,文本发展——具体介绍各地工商行政管理机关完成的相关工作,文本结尾——指出整顿和规范食品市场秩序的重要性),语言简洁准确。文本中长句较多,要注重分清主——谓——宾,找出句子的逻辑顺序,以帮助理解。

img187 掌握与食品安全监管相关的知识和术语表达,如国家工商行政管理总局(SAIC,the State Administration for Industry and Commerce),食品经营主体(food operators)、个体工商户(self-employed),餐饮业(catering industry),工商行政管理机关(Administration of Industry and Commerce),城乡结合部(fringe areas),食品安全监管信息系统(food safety monitoring information systems),安全责任书(commitment letters of food safety),市场巡查(market patrol)等。

img188 传译时,语音应清晰,语调应自然,英文表达应流畅,应学会控制声音质量,不要过尖、过高或过于低沉。


Latest Progress of Monitoring on Food Safety in Circulation

Since 2006,SAIC(the State Administration for Industry and Commerce)has strictly carried out enforcement concerning market access of food operators and standardize the qualifications of food operators.According to the statistics,there are a total of 4.693 million food operators in China.Among them,96,800 enterprises and 345,900 selfemployed are food manufacturers or processors,345,800 catering industry enterprises and 2.5394 million self-employed are distributors,wholesalers or retailers,and 135,500 enterprises and 1.2297 million self-employed are operators in catering industry.By the end of June,2007,16.4072 million food operators were examined by the AICs(Administration of Industry and Commerce).

Secondly,SAIC has performed in-depth special inspection of food safety and effectively safeguard consumer food safety in marketplaces.The AICs nationwide activated special campaigns for inspection of food markets in which urban communities and fringe areas comprised the main scope,while stores,supermarkets,fairs and wholesale markets comprised key spots,and Labor Day,National Day,Mid Autumn Festival,New Year Festival and Spring Festival were treated as key festivals.

Thirdly,SAIC has reinforced daily monitoring of grassroots AIC offices on food market and improve daily monitoring capability.At the same time,the grassroots AIC offices nationwide have improved their monitoring and inspection approaches for food safety and launched relevant food safety monitoring information systems to improve the scientific basis and level of modernization of daily monitoring conducted at the fundamental level.AICs nationwide reinforced the thorough monitoring on food throughout its market access,transaction and withdrawal and food quality is under remarkable improvement.The AICs at various levels deemed the monitoring of food quality as top priority of food safety and conducted thorough monitoring of food quality throughout market access to transaction and withdrawal processes to improve the level of food quality.The grassroots AIC offices signed commitment letters of food safety with local food operators and corrected operators' malpractices related to qualifications of operation,inspection of purchased products,food quality,logos used on packaging,and trademark and advertisement.The AICs at various levels adopted distinct monitoring methods for various types of food products,promptly publicized the information of disqualified food products while performing relevantexamination and punishment pertaining to disqualified food products discovered through market patrol,quality monitoring and rapid testing,and forced the operators to suspend sales and to recall sold items.

Market rectification is a long-term task.Based on accomplishments thus far,the AICs will follow the general deployment of the State Council on the special campaign for food safety and cooperate with other authorities concerned to continue to strengthen the hukou administration of food operators and clarify the responsibilities of food operators as they pertain to quality administration.The AICs will continue to play a positive role in promoting the quality and rapid development of social economy.

