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[1]参见单海玲.论完善我国涉外劳动合同的法律适用问题[OL].[2004-10-07].http:// bbs.hrsalon.org/archiver/tid-13287.html.

[2]See R.Blanpain.Swiss,Austria[J].ELL-Suppl.,181(June 1996).


[4]See Sebastian Krebber.Conflict of Laws in Employment in Europe[J].21 Comparative Labor Law&Policy Journal 501,1999-2000.

[5]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:15.


[7]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1309.英国的这种观点常常被认为不利于对雇员利益保护。



[10]See Sebastian Krebbert.Conflict of Laws in Employment in Europe[J].21 Comparative Labor Law&Policy Journal 501,1999-2000.

[11]See Peter E.Herzog.Private International Law Aspects of Labor[J].30 Am.J.Comp. L.Supp.,1982:143.

[12]The Extraterritorial Force of TittleⅦ:Regulating the Conduct of American Employers Overseas[J].9 Hofstra Lab.L.J.257-286,1991-1992.

[13]See Sebastian Krebbert.Conflict of Laws in Employment in Europe[J].21 Comparative Labor Law&Policy Journal 501,1999-2000.

[14]See Manfred Stolz and Timothy J.Darby.Choice of Law in EC States under the Convention of Rome Described in Terms of German Law:A Practitioner's Review[J].21 Comp.Lab.L.&Pol'y J.543,1999-2000.

[15]See Manfred Stolz and Timothy J.Darby.Choice of Law in EC States under the Convention of Rome Described in Terms of German Law:A Practitioner's Review[J].21 Comp.Lab.L.&Pol'y J.543,1999-2000.

[16]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labour Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labour Office Geneva,1984: 15.


[18]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:15.


[20]Richard Plender.Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations(Rome Convention)[OL].http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l33109.htm.

[21]See Sebastian Krebbert.Conflict of Laws in Employment in Europe[J].21 Comparative Labor Law&Policy Journal 501,1999-2000.

[22]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1322.

[23]正如欧洲一位法官指出:“现在如果(欧盟国家)商事法院法官不提及罗马公约,那一定是因为他们认为它已经众所周知而毋庸提起了。”转引自Text of the Giuliano Lagarde Report[OL].[1980-10-31].http://www.rome-convention.org/instruments/i_rep_lagarde_en.htm.



[26]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office,1984:20.

[27]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1322.

[28]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1322.

[29]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1318.

[30]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:25.

[31]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:25.

[32]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:25.

[33]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1320.

[34]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:23.

[35]See R.Blanpain.Nepal[J].ELL-Suppl.,181(June 1996):56.

[36]See R.Blanpain.Peru[J].ELL-Suppl.,113(June 1990):120.

[37]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:23.


[39]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:23.


[41]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1320.

[42]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1320.

[43]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:24.

[44]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:24.

[45]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1310-1313.

[46]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1322.


[48]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:27.

[49]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1312.

[50]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:28.

[51]Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:27.

[52]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1312.

[53]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:27.



[56]See Manfred Stolz and Timothy J.Darby.Choice of Law in EC States under the Convention of Rome Described in Terms of German Law[J].A Practitioner's Review 21 Comp.Lab.L.&Pol'y J.543,1999-2000.

[57]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:28.

[58]See Dicey and Morris.The Conflict of Laws[M].13th ed.Sweet and Maxwell,2000: 1313.

[59]See R.Blanpain.Belgium[J].ELL-Suppl.,205(March 1998):77.

[60]See R.Blanpain.Belgium[J].ELL-Suppl.,205(March 1998):77-78.

[61]这些强制规则在比利时被称为“警察法”(police law),比利时多数劳动法为“警察法”。

[62]See R.Blanpain.Belgium[J].ELL-Suppl.,205(March 1998):77-78.

[63]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:28.

[64]See Roger Blanpain.European Labor Law[M].6th ed.Kluwer Law International,1999.


[66]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:28.

[67]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:28.

[68]萨尔托格兰德(Salto Grande)水电站建设工程跨越阿根廷和乌拉圭两国边境,工程建设工人与建设部门之间的劳动合同的准据法根据协议特别规定。

[69]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:30.

[70]See Manfred Stolz,Timothy J.Darby.Choice of Law in EC States under the Convention of Rome Described in Terms of German Law:A Practitioner's Review[J].21 Comp.Lab.L.&Pol'y J.543,1999-2000.


[72]See Manfred Stolz,Timothy J.Darby.Choice of Law in EC States under the Convention of Rome Described in Terms of German Law:A Practitioner's Review[J].21 Comp.Lab.L.&Pol'y J.543,1999-2000.

[73]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:30.



[76]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:30.



[79]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:30.


[81]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:32.

[82]Sayers v.International Drilling Corp.

[83]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:38.



[86]See Bart Vanpoucke ABVV&Ger Essers FNV.Guide for Mobile European Workers,European Trade Union Confederation(2004)[OL].www.tradeunionpress.eu/Web/EN/Publication/2007/MobilityEN3.pdf.




[90]See Richard Plender.Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations(Rome Convention)[OL].http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l33109.htm.

[91]See Richard Plender.Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations(Rome Convention)[OL].http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l33109.htm.

[92]See Sebastian Krebbert.Conflict of Laws in Employment in Europe[J].21 Comparative Labor Law&Policy Journal 501,1999-2000.

[93]The Giuliano Lagarde Report[R/OL].http://www.rome-convention.org/instruments/ i_rep_lagarde_en.htm.

[94]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:74.

[95]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:74.

[96]See International Labour Law Report,Vol.6.


[98]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:74.


[100]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:75.

[101]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:76.


[103]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:78.


[105]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:80.


[107]See Felice Morgenstern.International Conflicts of Labor Law—A Survey of Law Applicable to the International Employment Relation[M].International Labor Office Geneva,1984:82.


[109]参见屈广清.论经济全球化背景下冲突法条约的适用[OL].[2005-11-30].http:// article.chinalawinfo.com/article/user/article_display.asp?ArticleID=21575.

[110]See Arturo Bronstein and Constance Thomas.European Labour Courts International and European Labour Standards in Labour Court Decisions,and Jurisprudence on Sex Discrimination[R].International Labour Office(1995).



