国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlement,简称BIS)承担着维护国际金融体系稳定、促进世界经济发展的使命。国际清算银行致力于扩大世界各国央行和金融监管部门的合作,建立国际金融监管标准。国际清算银行在协调各国金融监管当局合作的进程中一直处于领导地位。长期以来,它对巴塞尔委员会、支付结算体系委员会等国际金融标准制定机构提供了大力支持,出台了诸如国际清算交割标准等一系列适用性广泛的国际标准,对于世界各国金融部门产生了深远的影响[201]。在20世纪80年代至90年代期间,国际清算银行就有关金融创新、金融衍生品之发展、风险对策等问题,提出了一系列的报告[202]:
1975年2月,由国际清算银行发起,十国集团(比、英、加、法、荷、意、日、瑞典、德、美)及卢森堡和瑞士等12个国家的中央银行代表汇聚巴塞尔,共同商讨跨国银行监管问题,并成立了“巴塞尔银行监管委员会”(The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)。巴塞尔委员会围绕国际银行监管这一问题,提出了一系列原则、制度和措施,这些被统称为“巴塞尔协议”。
对于金融衍生品交易有可能引致银行经营出现危机的风险,国际银行业统一监管组织巴塞尔银行监督与管理委员会(Basel Committee on Banking Supervision),简称“巴塞尔委员会”,早已加以注意,并在1988年发布的《统一国际银行资本衡量和资本标准协议》 (International Convergence of CapitalMeasurement and Capital Standards),简称《巴塞尔协议》 ( Basle Agreement),将部分金融衍生品的风险加以加权衡量,为从事国际金融业务的银行提供了国际协调标准。而在美国国内法中,则将之称作《巴塞尔协定》(Basle Accord),赋之以确定的国际法性质。作为一项带约束性建议,其已成为一项公认的国际惯例而存在[203]。《巴塞尔协议》将各种表外项目划分为五类,其中第五类“与利率和汇率有关的项目”就对金融衍生品及其交易的风险管理进行了规定,确定了监管的原则和对象;其次,委员会对衍生性金融交易风险的监管与其整体框架保持一致,同样是按最低资本要求来对衍生性金融商品及交易进行监管的。
2. 1994年《金融衍生品风险管理指南》
1995年5月16至17日,负责世界主要期货与期权市场监管的十六个国家监管机构的代表在英国温德索集合,专题研究对金融衍生品交易实施监管的国际合作问题,提出了对跨不同市场交易行为监管的国际合作及发展的重要倡议。国际证券业监督委员组织技术委员会主席和秘书长参加了会议,并同意在国际证券业监督委员组织的领导下,参考市场和市场管理机构的意见,立即推进对金融衍生品交易监管的国际性双向连接。1995年6月2日发表了“温德索宣言”(Windsor Declaration),公布了上述监管当局的建议,就市场管理机构之间的合作,保护客户的投资持有、资金和资产,清算违约的处理方式及突发事件的览管合作问题提出了基本架构。
(四) “30人小组”监管建议
[1]英文derivatives原意为衍生之意,在金融学上惯以derivatives统称所有的金融衍生工具(financial derivatives instrument),但是中译有衍生性金融商品,或金融衍生品或金融衍生工具,本文称金融衍生品。
[2]See Michael S.Bennett & Michael J.Marin, The Casablanca Paradigm: Regulatory Risk in the Asian Financial Derivatives Markets, 5 Stan.J.L.Bus.& Fin.1,5(1999).
[3]See Global Derivatives Study Group, Derivatives:Practices and Principles, Washington DC, July,1993, p.28.
[4]Derivatives do not eliminate underlying risk; they only reposition it.By transferring risk via one or more trades, parties to derivatives contracts magnify or shrink, i.e., control, their individual and selected risk exposures as their needs and wants dictate.
[5]See, e.g., Kimberly D.Krawiec, Derivatives, Corporate Hedging, and Shareholder Wealth:Modigliani-Miller Forty Years Later, 1998 U.Ill.L.Rev.1039 (hedging); Lynn A.Stout,Betting the Bank: How Derivatives T rading Under Conditions of Uncertainty Can Increase Risks and Erode Returns in Financial Markets, 21 J.Corp.L.53 (1995) (speculating).
[9]See Roberta Romano, A Thumbnail Sketch of Derivatives Securities and Their Regulation, 55 Md.L.Rev.1(1996).
[10]See Proctor & Gamble Co.v.Bankers Trust Co., 925 F.Supp.1270,1275 (S.D.Ohio 1996).The full picture is more complex.The market value of a derivatives product can depend not only on the value of the underlying, but also on the strike price, interest rates, and underlying volatility.Additionally, not all underlyings have independent market value.
[11]Alastair Hudson, The Law on Financial Derivatives, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2002, p.12.
[14]参见本杰明·N·卡多佐:《法律的成长法律科学的悖论》, 董炯、彭冰译,中国法制出报社2002年版,第16页。
[15]Am.Stock Exch.v.Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 528E Supp.1145 (U.S.D.C.S.D.N.Y 1982).
[17]Board of Trade of the City of Chicago v.SEC, 677 F.2d 1137,1139(7th Cir., 1982)
[18]In that case, the court concluded that the Dow Jones Utilities and Transportation Averages met the criteria of the Accord, even though the stocks in the indexes may not themselves have constituted a substantial segment of the market, because they reflected the market performance of the industries they were designed to measure, which industries were a substantial segment of the market.
[19]Bankers Trust International PLC v.P.T.Dharmala Sakti Sejahtera et al., Queen's Bench Division(Commercial Court) , 19 October 1995.
[22]Singher, Regulating, Derivatives: Does Transnational Regulatory Cooperation Offer a Viable Alternative to Congressional Action? 18 Fordham Int'l.Law J.1405-06(1995).
[23]SIB Rulebook, vol.I, chap.3, The Financial Services Core Glossary (Third Edition), (London,HMSO, 1995).
[25]CFTC, Working Paper 7A: Glossary, Derivative Markets Report, 7A-3,1993.
[26]5 SEC, Division of Investment Management, Mutual Funds and Derivative Instruments (Washington D.C..SEC, 26 September 1994), at 2.
[27]Report of the Board of Banking Supervision Inquiry into the Circumstances of the Collapse of Barings(London, HMSO, 1995).
[29]Charles W.Smithson & Clifford W.Smith, Jr.With D, Sykes Wilford, Managing Financial Risks,1995, Chapter 10, at 235-246转载于王文宇:《新金融法》,中国政法大学出版社2003年版,第390页。
[31]See Henry T.C.Hu, Misunderstood Derivatives: The Causes of Informational Failure and the Promise of Regulatory Incrementalism, 102 Yale L.J.1457,1464 (1993).
[33]See Saul S.Cohen, The Challenge of Derivatives, 63 Fordham L.Rev.1993, 1997 (1995)(derivatives difficult to define because they constantly evolve) ; Henry T.C.Hu, Hedging Expectations: “Derivative Reality” and the Law and Finance of the Corporate Objective, 73 Tex.L.Rev.985(1995) (derivatives “metastasizing to refer to any complex financial product that causes a loss”).
[34]Sean M Flanagan, Note, The Rise of a Trade Association: Group Interactions Within the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, 6 Harv.Negot.L.Rev.211,214 (Spring 2001).
[36]利率期权和远期合约(Interest rate option and forwand contracts)是在交易所内进行交易的,其他品种的衍生交易时在此外交易的。
[37]有些学者将其归纳为两种基本工具:期权(options)和远期(forwards),如Robert M.McLaughlin,Over-the-Counter Derivatives Products:A Guide to Business and Legal Risk Management and Documentation xxiii (1999).该作者认为,互换(swaps)是远期交易的组合(combinations of forward transactions)。
[38]See Frank Partnoy, Adding Derivatives to the Corporate Law Mix, 34 Ga.L.Rev.599,604,607(2000)
[39]A forward is the obligation to buy or sell something in the future.与期权(option)相比,远期强调的是当事人的合同义务。
[43]An option is the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an item in the future at a set price,与远期(forward)相比,期权强调的是当事人的合同权利。
[46]If the option is to buy, it is a call option; if the option is to sell, it is a put option.The seller of the option is called the option writer or option seller and the buyer is called the option holder or option buyer.
[47]For a detailed and colorful description of the various option payouts, including diagrams, see Peter H.Huang, Teaching Corporate Law from an Option Perspective, 34 Ga.L.Rev.571(2000).
[48]A swap is an exchange of cash flows.A cash flow is a series of future cash payments.In a swap, a party agrees to make future payments to the counterparty determined by reference to a certain fixed or floating rate on a notional amount, and the counterparty agrees to make reciprocal payments at a market floating rate on a notional amount.
[49]Certain Transactions Under The ISDA Master Agreement: “Basis Swap, Bullion Swap, Commodity Swap, Cross Currency Rate Swap, Currency Swap, Equity or Equity Index Swap, Interest Rate Swap, Swap Option, Total Return Swap”显示互换商品从单纯的利率与货币交换到发展出链接至其他金融工具的结构型商品,因此互换商品市场日益庞杂自是不在话下。
[50]ISDA, Market Survey, 1992-2005.
[51]参见[美]Coopers & Lybrand:《交换交易与金融工程学》,环宇证券投资顾问公司译,台北寰宇出版社1997年版,第68 - 72页;三宅辉幸:《金融衍生商品》,科学出版社2004年版,第46-66页。
[55]In a currency swap, Party A makes periodic payments, formulated from a notional principal amount in one currency and a fixed or floating rate of interest, to Party B.Party B makes periodic payments,formulated from a notional principal amount in another currency and a fixed or floating rate of interest, to Partv A.
[56]In an interest rate swap, Party A makes periodic payments, formulated from a notional principal amount in a given currency and a fixed or floating rate of interest, to Party B.Party B makes periodic payments, formulated from the notional principal amount in the same currency, and with a floating rate of interest, to Party A
[57]An example of a standard interest rate swap follows: Company A owes $10 million at a floating rate of interest LIBOR plus 1% and would like to rearrange its obligation to a fixed rate to give it greater predictability.The company can swap its payment obligations with Bank B.Company A will periodically pay to Bank B a fixed rate ofinterest 11% on a notional amount of $10 million, and Bank B will pay to Company A on the same schedule the periodic payments of LIBOR plus 1% on the same notional amount.The upshot is that Company A's net obligations are fixed rate and Bank B's are floating rate, assuming each party performs its obligations.This neutralizes Company A's market risk in LIBO rates.If Bank B lends money at floating interest rates, the transaction ensures an interest rate spread between what the bank pays and what it obtains.
[58]Credit derivatives are relatively recent OTC products that are intended to transfer credit exposure visa-vis specific obligors.Essentially, credit derivatives isolate specific risk and transfer that risk to a willing party.Transfer of the isolated credit risk protects the risk transferor from, and exposes the risk transferee to, the risk that an obligor whom often is called a reference credit or reference entity may experience a credit event, such as a default under a specified debt instrument or a certain decline in creditworthiness.See John Kiff & Ron Morrow, Credit Derivatives, Bank of Can.R 3,7(2000).
[59]A credit default swap transfers potential credit loss, usually, but not necessarily, in connection with a specific reference asset.Under a typical credit default swap, the protection buyer makes a single payment or periodic payments to the protection seller as premium, and the protection seller is obligated to pay a credit event payment to the protection buyer if a credit event occurs.
[60]Additionally, there is another form, credit-linked debt, which is not a pure credit derivative, but a hybrid of a debt instrument and credit derivative.
[61]With a total return swap, also known as a total rate-of-return swap, the protection buyer, or total return seller, artificially sells a reference asset to the protection seller, or total return buyer.Technically, the total return seller agrees to pay the total return associated with a reference asset to the total return buyer..Total return equals interest plus fees and appreciation in market value at maturity.
[62]Credit spread options are designed to capture changes in yield between (ⅰ) a reference asset and a relatively risk-free baseline, such as a U.S.Treasury Bill or market rate swap, of similar maturity;(ⅱ) similar securities of two different issuers; or (ⅲ) two obligations ofthe same issuer but with differing maturities.
[63]For example: Party A holding a rated bond issued by Company C with one-year maturity can buy a credit spread put optionfrom Bank B for an upfront premium.The option gives Party A the right to sell the bond to Bank B at a pre-determined strike value.The strike value is expressed in terms of credit spread over a one year U.S.Treasury bond.On the option's strike date, if the actual spread of the bond is less than the strike value, the option is worthless and simply will expire.If the spread is higher than the strike value on the strike date, Party A will deliver the underlying bond to Bank B and Bank B will pay an agreed-upon compensation.In this example, Party A is the spread buyer and Bank B is the spread seller.
[64]Some derivatives will even combine two or more relatively simple derivatives to achieve the desired allocation of targeted risks.Examples include: a collar, which is a combination of a cap and a floor;a fraption, which is an option on a forward interest rate agreement; a quanto, which is an option on a foreign equity (or equity index) that incorporates a pre-determined foreign exchange rate; a straddle, which is a combination of a put option and a call option with equivalent strike prices and maturity dates; a strangle, which is a straddle except that the strike prices differ; and a swaption,which is an option on a swap.
[67]SeeRosa M Lastra, Financial Law Reform in Emerging Economies, 23 (8), J.I.B.L.R.413 , 417(2008).
[69]See Nir Naor, Reporting on Financial Derivatives:A Law and Economic Perspective, 21(3), E.J.L.& E.285(2006).
[70]Currency Swaps: Investors Win $1.7 Million Award on Md.Claim Against Management Firm, 29 Sec.Reg.& L.Rep.(BNA) 1455 (Oct.17,1997).
[71]Procter &Gamble Co.v.Bankers Trust Co., NO.925 F.S-pp.1270,1270 (S.D.Ohio 1996).以下称“宝洁诉信孚案”或“信孚案”,Procter &Gamble Company为宝洁公司,Bankers Trust Company为信孚银行。
[72]See Procter & Gamble v.Bankers Trust, 925 F.Supp.1270,1274 (S.D.Ohio 1996).
[74]在Gibson案中,信孚证券雇员对交易的实质部分故意说谎。由于存在这样的违法行为,案件很容易定性为欺诈案件。信孚证券被美国证券交易委员会和美国商品期货交易委员会处以1 000万美元的罚金。See In re BT Securities Corp., Exchange Act Release No.35,136,[ 1994-1995 Transfer Binder] Fed.Sec.L.Rep.(CCH) P 85,477, (Dec2.2,1994) ; In re BT Securities Corp., CFTC Docket No.95-3, app.A, at 2 (Dec.22,1994).
[75]See Group of Thirty, Global Derivatives Study Group, Derivatives: Practices and Principles, 29(1993).
[76]“家族类似测试标准”是由联邦第二巡回法院法官Friendly审理Exchange National Bank of Chicago v.Touch Ross & Co.所创设。这测试标准以文义解释出发,列举出七种不属于美国《1933年证券法》与《1934年证券交易法》上所指的票据:①因消费融资所给付的票据;②存有以住家抵押作为担保的票据;③存有以小型营业或某些资产作为质押的短期票据;④银行因融资所给予顾客的票据;⑤以应收账款让与权作为担保的短期票据;⑥仅是表征平常经营业务范围内产生之账上债务的票据;⑦因公司当前业务需要,而向商业银行融资所得的票据。后来在Reves v.Ernst& Yang, 494 U.S.56,110(1990),美国联邦最高法院推出修正的家族类似测试,该项测试有四个标准:①由交易双方进行交易的动机判断为商业消费或投资目的;②由交易商品的买卖销售计划分配来检验交易目的属于投资或是投机;③由投资大众对其合理期待来判对是否被普遍认知为证券;④此类交易是否可以适用其他法规而不须适用联邦证券法。”参见刘连煜:《公司法理论与判决研究(一)》,元照出版社1995年版,第238-240页。
[77]所谓Howey测试标准是美国联邦最高法院在Howey案所提炼出来的法律规则。See SEC v.W.J.Howey Co, 328 U.S.293(1946).
[79]See Paul B.Uhlenhop, Swaps are Nothing But Contracts...Right Now, The LawHost Online Law Journal, at 4, available at http: //www.lawhost.com/lawjournal/98winter/swaps.html.
[80]Norman Menachem Feder, Deconstructing Over-The-Counter Derivatives, Colum.Bus.L.Rev.677(2002).
[81]Regardless of whether the contract is physically-settled or cash-settled, parties will conclude its details on the trade date, but will make deliveries or payments under the contract terms on settlement dates.
[85]黄风:《射幸契约与衍生金融工具交易》,载《中国法与民法法典化 —— 物权和债权研究》,中国政法大学出版社2001年版,第192页。
[86]参见杨良宜:《国际商务游戏规则 —— 英国合约法》,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第6页。
[93][美]A L.科宾:《科宾论合同》(一卷下册),王卫国等译,中国大百科全书出版社1998年版,第131页。
[95]Robert E.Fink and Robert B.Febuniak:Futures Trading, New York Institute of Finance Practice-Hall, 134(1988).
[100]参见简坚训:《 ISDA合约法务控管初探》,载《期货与衍生商品学刊》2005年第3期,第141页。
[101]ISDA, 2005 market survey, 2005, p.1.
[102]Norman Menachem Feder, Deconstructing Over-The-Counter Derivatives, 2002 Colum.Bus.L.Rev.677, p.20.
[103]See Allen & Overy, An Introduction to the Documentation of OTC Derivatives, 2002, p.2.
[104]The EMU Protocol, The EMU Protocol (Greece), The 2001 Credit Support Protocol, The 2001 Euro Protocol.
[105]这方面的讨论集中于不确定性(uncertainty)和适当性(suitability)上,见Rasiah Gengatharen,Derivatives Law and Regulation, Kluwer Law International, 2001, p.105-117.
[106]Tony Ciro, Derivatives Regulation and Legal Risk:Managing Uncertainty in Derivatives Transactions, Chapter 1, Euromoney Instiutional Investor PLC, p.1.
[107]ISDA, ISDA 1992&2002 Master Agreement中英对照本,Section5( a)( Ⅳ):“ A representation(other than a representation under Section3(e) or (f) made or repeated or deemed to have been made or repeated by or any Credit Support Provider of such party in this Agreement or any Credit Support Document proves to have been incorrect or misleading in any material respect when made or repeated or deemed t have been made or repeated;”两份文件的原文与中译本没有任何差别,所以本文只引1992年的条款作分析。
[108]ISDA, ISDA 1992&2002 Master Agreement中英对照本,Section3 (d) : “All applicable inf ormation that is furnished inw riting by or on behalf of it to the other party and is identified for the purpose of this Section 3(d) in the Schedule is, as of the date of the information, true,accurate and complete in everym aterial respect.”,两份文件的原文与中译没有任何差别,所以本文只引1992年的条款作分析。
[109]Under the Code, the dealer: “should ...evaluate (based upon information in its possession) its counterparty's capability (internally or through independent professional advice) to understand and make independent decisions about the terms and conditions of its transactions.” And “in the exceptional situation” where a dealer determines that its counterparty does not have the capability,the dealers should either: 1.not enter into that particular transaction or type of transaction with that counterparty; or 2.enter into a specified written agreement with the counterparty.See Henry Hu,Sellers Remorse and OTC Derivatives, International Financial Law Reviews 44,( 1995).
[110]See Henry Hu, Sellers Remorse and OTC Derivatives, International Financial Law Reviews, 44(1995).
[111]杨桢:《英美契约法论》,北京大学出版社2003年版,第176-177页,第180页。原文为诈欺性之虚伪意思表示、疏忽性意思表示与无意虚伪意思表示,为了配合ISDA主协议的用词,我们在这里改以错误陈述代替虚伪意思表示。杨桢以英国法院判决来定义,将诈欺性虚伪意思表示界定为一方在做出一项陈述或意思表示时,明知该陈述或意思表示不实仍然引诱不知情的对方订立合同;疏忽性意思表示指一方当事人做出不真实的说明或意思表示,而他方没有合理理由(reasonable ground)相信这个说明或意思表示为真实。
[112]ISDA Comments on Market Manipulation, 2005, at 3.
[113]ISDA Comments on Market Manipulation, 2005, at 4.
[114]Frank Partnoy, The Shifting Contours of Global Derivatives Regulation, 22 U.Pa.J.Int'l Econ.L.421,440-450(2001).
[116]例如,1977年美国Board of Trade Clearing Corp.v Commodity Futures Trading Commission案件针对清算所纳入交易所监管范畴确立了原则,因为CEA并没有规定清算所也须CFTC指定,如同合同市场需要指定一样,但按照该判例,清算所也被认为应实行与交易所一样的监管制度。
[117]Procter &Gamble Co.v.Bankers Trust Co., NO.925 F.S-pp.1270,1270(S.D.Ohio 1996).
[118]The Procter &Gamble Company, Plaintiff,vs.Bankers Trust Company and BT Securities Corporation, Defendants, No.925 FS-pp 1279 (S.D.Ohio 1996).因为一般在和解的前提下,法院不会出具正式的法院见解,其次该见解也没有依照特定事实作结论,就是未提出基于何种案例或事实已支持其见解。
[120]See Procter & Gamble v.Bankers Trust, 925 F.Supp.1270,1274 (S.D.Ohio 1996).
[121]SEC认为Gibson案里签订的互换合同是Gibson发行的以“一篮子”股票或股票指数为计价基准,并以现金结算的选择权;而选择权是美国联邦证券法认定的证券类型之一。See in re BT Corp.,Exchange Act Release No.35,136, Admin.Proc.File No.308579.
[122]The Procter &Gamble Company, Plaintiff, v.Bankers Trust Company and BT Securities Corporation, Defendants, No.925 FS-pp 1279(S.D.Ohio 1996).
[123]Procter & Gamble, 925 F.Supp.at 1289.
[124]Fiduciary duty一词常见的中译有“注意义务”与“诚信义务”两种,我们为了避免和duty of care混淆,在此采取“诚信义务”的译法。
[125]Jonathan Kelly, United Kingdom Legal and Regulatory Issues in Derivatives-Past, Present and Future, A special IFLR supplement 27 (April 1999).
[126]Denis M Forster, Procter & Gamble Settlement Leaves Questions Unanswered, International Financial Law Review, 12 (August 1996).
[127]See Gamez, Michael S.and Karen McCann, A Simplified Approach to Valuing An Option on A Leveraged Spread: The Bankers Trust, Proctor and Gamble Example, Derivatives Quarterly 1, 4(1995).
[130]Queen's Bench Division (Commercial Court), 29 January 1998, Longmore J, unreported.以下简称Puglisi案。
[131]Rasiah Gengatharen, Derivatives Law and Regulation, Kluwer Law International, 2001, p.114.
[132]A PERLS“is a US dollar denominated bond issued by a corporation or government agency.The redemption value of the bond is calculated with a formula based on a short position in one or more hard currencies and a long position in one or more soft currencies.The positions are equal at the time of the issue of the bond ” See John Kelly, New Products Open Banks to New Risks, International Financial Law Review 24 (June, 1998).
[133]这三个由摩根斯坦利经纪代销的金融合同的商品结构相似。第一个合同标的是以1000万美元购买由the Finnish Export Credit Limited发行的PERLS,是以奇异公司债券连结以意大利里拉汇率作为长期货币部位,以瑞士法郎作为短期货币部位;第二个合同是以1000万美元购买由the Finnish Export Credit Limited发行的PERLS,是以奇异公司债券连结以里拉与西班牙币(peseta)作为长期部位,以瑞士法郎与日元作为短期部位;第三个合同是以1000万美金购买的Svensk Export Kredit发行的PERLS,是以奇异公司债券连结以加拿大货币、澳洲货币与新西兰货币作为长期部位,以日元作为短期部位。
[135]The Securities Association Rule 730: An employee of a firm shall not give investment advice to a private customer ...unless he has reasonable grounds for believing the advice or transaction is suitablefor the customer concerned.
[136]Rasiah Gengatharen, Derivatives Law and Regulation, Kluwer Law International, 2001, p.115.
[137]Philip J.Henderson and Subrata Bhattacharjee, Ukrainian: Canada's First Case on Duty of Care in Derivatives Transactions, 15(2) I.F.L.Rev.30 (1996).
[138]Bankers Trust International PLC v.P.T.Dharmala Sakti Sejahtera (1995) 4 Bank LR 381.Bankers Trust International PLC以下称为信孚银行,Dharmala Sakti Sejahtera以下称DSS。
[139]Bankers Trust International PLC v.P.T.Dharmala Sakti Sejahtera, CLC518,1996.
[140]Christopher Style & Stuart Dutson, Minimizing the Risks of Financial Selling, International Financial Law Review 10-11 (April 1999).
[141]See D.C.Sienko, The Aftermath of Derivative Losses: Can Sophisticated Investors Invoke the Suitability Doctrine, Depaul Business Law Journal, 107 (August 1995).
[142][英]John Smith:《合同法》,张晰译,法律出版社2004年版,第113-114页。
[143]Christopher Style & Stuart Dutson, Minimizing the Risks of Financial Selling, International Financial Law Review 11 (April 1999).
[144]Philip J.Henderson and Subrata Bhattacharjee, Ukrainian: Canada's First Case on Duty of Care in Derivatives Transactions, 15(2) I.F.L.Rev.30(1996).
[145]Andrew Clark, UK Court Limits Duty of Care in Derivatives Transactions, 14 International Ban king & Financial Law, 13 (Feb.1996).
[146]George Cranford and Bidyut Sen: Derivatives for Decision Makers Strategic Management Issues,Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.167(1996).
[153]See Willa E.Gibson, Investors, Look before You Leap: The Suitability Doctrine Is not Suitable for OTC Derivatives Dealers, 29 Loy, U.Chi.L.J.527,528-532(1998).
[154]See Norman S.Poser, Liability of Broker-Dealer for Unsuitable Recommendations to Institutional Investors, B.Y.U.L.Rev.1493,1495,1520-1524(2001).
[155]Rasiah Gengatharen, Derivatives Law and Regulation, Kluwer Law International 116(2001).
[156]Robert H.Mundhiem, Professional Responsibilities of Broker-Dealer: The Suitability Doctrine,Duke L.J.445,449(1965).
[157]NASD Manual, Conduct Rule 2310.Recommendations to Customers (Suitability) : “(a) In recommending to a customer the purchase, sale or exchange of any security, a member shall have reasonable grounds for believing that the recommendation is suitable for such customer upon the basis of the facts, if any, disclosed by such customer as to his other security holdings and as to his financial situation and needs.”.
[159]Louis Loss & Joel Seligman, Fundamentals of Securities Regulation 900 (3d ed.) , 1995.
[160]See David C.Sienko, The Aftermath of Derivatives Losses: Can Sophisticated Investors Invoke the Suitability Doctrine against Dealers under Current Law? 8 Depaul Bus.L.J., 105( 1995).
[161]O'Connorr v.R.F.Lafferty, 965 F.2d 893 (10th Cir.1992), Brown v.E.F.Hutton, 991 F.2d 1020 (2nd Cir.1993).
[170]Memorandum of Understanding Between The FRB, CFTC, SEC Regarding Central Counterparties for Credit Default Swaps, http://treas.gov/press/releases/hp1272.htm.
[171]参见熊玉莲:《场内金融衍生产品的法律监管—— 来自发达国家的经验与启示》,载《江西社会科学》2010年第1期。
[176]Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act 2010 Pub.Law 111-203, H.R.4173, enacted on July 21, 2010.
[177]See P.M Vasudev, Credit Derivatives and the Dodd-Frank Act: Is the Regulatory Response Appropriate? 15(1) Journal of Banking Regulation,56,56 (2014).
[178]参见周卫江:《美国金融监管的历史性变革—— 评析〈多德-弗兰克法案〉》,载《金融论坛》2011年第3期。
[180]See Rodrigo Zepeda, Hedge Funds, High Risks, and Headaches Negotiating and Documenting Hedge Fund Derivatives, 29(6), J.L B.L.R.349, 349 (2014).
[183]Regulation 648/2012 on OTC Derivatives, Central Counterparties (CCPs) and Trade Repositories(TRs) (EMIR) [2012] OJ L201/1, which entered into force on August 16, 2012.
[185]See Directive 2011/61 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2003/41 and 2009/65 and Regulations 1060/2009 and 1095/2010 [2011] OJ L74/1.
[189]Francis Mok, Karen Tiah: Singapore Derivatives Clearing Organization, 29(5), J.I.B.L.R.N45(2014).
[190]Rodrigo Zepeda, Pioneering a New Legal and Regulatory Framework for Derivatives Markets in China: the Third Way, 28(7), J.I.B.L.R.251, 252 (2013).
[194]参见上海期货交易所官网,http://www.shfe.com cn/。