票据是什么?从实际上说,可包括三种东西:①支票,②期票(promissory note),③汇票(bill of exchange)。支票已经说过了。期票甚简单,即普通所谓借据,系由债务人对于债权人出具的借款收据。严格说来,银行券也是一种期票,虽然它是即期而且无息。汇票则极繁杂,且种类特多,详情且等到下节说明。英文bill of exchange有广狭两义:广义包括上列三种,我国译为票据;狭义只含第三种,我国译为汇票。票据的含义,1882年英国《票据法》说得最为正确。[3]兹将原文照录如下:
“A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing,addressed by one person to another,signed by the person giving it,requiring the person to whomit is addressed to pay on demand or ata fixed determinable future time a sumcertain in money or to the order of a specified person,or to bearer.”
Itmust be an order
①in writing,
③signed by the drawer,
④to pay a sumcertain
(a)in money,
(b)at a fixed or determinable time,
(c)to a specified person or his order,or to bearer.
上述各点,仅有(4)第二项at determinable time,尚待说明。这是见票后若干日兑现的汇票,下节当加解释。