首页 理论教育 现金余额学说的由来


时间:2023-11-18 理论教育 版权反馈


现金余额学说(Cash Balance Theory)是英国剑桥学派所提倡,大家都以为是马夏律所首创,而披古继之创立公式,实则在1767年英国经济学者史秋华(Stuart)即已首开其端。他说,货币的用途有二,一是还债,一是购物。两者共通形成现金的需求。工商业的情况,生活的方式,人民用钱的习惯,合并起来,决定现金的要求。为使支付的数量发生效力,需要一定百分比例的货币。

“Money is used,he says,for two principal purposes:for the paymentof debts and for the purchase of what one needs;the two together form‘ready money demands’.The state of trade and industry,the mode of living,the customary expenditures of the people taken all together regulate and determine the volume of‘ready money demands’,i.e.,the number of‘alienations.’In order to effect this magnitude of payments,a certain proportion of money is required.This proportion may increase or decrease according to circumstances,even while the number of alienations remains the same.”[24]

洼尔拉斯(L.Walras)在其第1版的《纯理经济学初步》(Eléments d'Economic Politique pure,1st.edition,1874)已用代数式表示现金交易学说,而在其《货币学说》(Théorie de la Monnaie,1886)与第2版《纯理经济学初步》,则由交易学说变为剩余学说。[25]

