克那普货币的国家学说[92]不独立论与普通货币学书不同,即所用名词也完全另是一套。例如所谓金属货币(Autometalism)是Simplest formof the means of payment which consists of a metal。相对价值(Lytric value)是value of an objectwhich results froma comparison with the universally recognized means of exchange.法定支付工具是chartalmeans of payment.其余类似的名称极多,我们一翻英译本的索引,就可以说是全书名词的索引。他在开宗明义第一段,就说货币是法律的产物;货币学说必须根据法律史。从此以后,他的论调就偏向国家专制上去了。
“Money is a creature of law.A theory of money must deal with legal history.”[93]
“Ameans of payment is a movable thing which has the legal property of being the bearer of units of value.”[94]
“...the value is a factwhich cannot be determined by observation,but rests on an agreement.”[95]
“Even in the case of autometalism,as soon as another metal is chosen,the concept of the unit of value becomes independent of the former metal....For the unit of value is always a historical concept.”[96]
“The state alwaysmaintains only the relative amount of debts which it alters the means of payment fromtime to time.”[97]
“...in actual fact,the state says nothing,but acts.”[98]
“The nominality of the unit of value,and therefore of lytric debts is not a new,but a very old phenomenon which still exists to-day and which will continue for every.”[99]
“As soon as the state introduces a newmeans of payment in the place of the old,the law(1)should so describe the newmeans of payment that it should be immediately recognizable,(2)the law should settle a name for the new unit of value and call the newmeans of payment by it.By this means the validity(Geltung)of the newmeans of payment is established in units of value,(3)the unitof value which is to come into use is defined by its relation to the previous unit.”[100]
“We should not apply the concept of‘value’to this means of payment,and not to thismoney itself,but only to things which are notmeans of payment,for in the case of‘value’we always use the currentmeans of payment as a standard of comparison.”[101]
“Money always signifies a chartal means of payment.Every chartal means of payment we call money.The definition of money is therefore‘a chartalmeans of payment.’.”[102]
[2]Laughlin,Principles of Money,p.226.
[3]Davanzati,Legioni delle Monete,1588,引见Mises,Theory of Money and Credit,p.115,参考Laughlin,Principles of Money,p.226,N.1.
[4]Montesquieu,L'Esprit des Loit,Chap.Ⅷ,p.326.
[5]Principles of Political Economy,1885,p.346.
[6]Purchasing Power of Money,p.25,N.2.
[7]A.W.Marget,LéonWalras and the Cash-Balance Approach to the Problemof the Value of Money in the Journal of Political Economy,Vol.39,No.5,p.574.Marget标题,重在说明洼尔拉斯为现金余额学说的先导者,实则Marget全文中只有一句引证是现金余额学说,其余都是现金交易学说,所以与其说洼尔拉斯是余额学说的先导者,不如说他是交易学说的先导者。
[8]Purchasing Power of Money,p.8。
[9]Purchasing Power of Money,p.162.
[12]B.Anderson,Value of Money.
[13]D.T.Jack,Currency and Banking,p.158.
[14]详情参阅Economist,June 30,1934,p.1429,与其Trade Supplement,June 29,1935.
[15]Abnormal Deviations in the International Exchanges原文载Economic Journal,Dec.1918.
[16]World's Monetary Problems,published by the International Financial Conference,Brussels,1920,Paper No.⒔.
[17]Money and Foreign Exchanges after 1914,p.140.
[18]Karl Schlesinger在其1914年出版的Theorie des Geldes und Kreditwirtschaft,p.147,曾说,“If we ignore the deviations which take place within narrow limits around parity,the exchange rate equals the relation between the purchasing powers of the Monetary Units.”引见K.R.Bopp评Ellis,German Monetary Theory,原文载American Economic Review,Sept.1935,p.512,N.
[19]Economic Journal,Dec.1918,p.413.
[20]Money and Foreign Exchanges after 1914,p.140.
[21]Jack,Currency and Banking,p.154.
[22]Jack,Currency and Banking,pp.156-159.
[24]James Stuart,An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy,being an Essay on the Science of Domestic Policy in Free Nations,appeared first in London in 1767,Dublin edition,1770,引见Karl Marx,Critique of Political Economy,1859,pp.228-229.
[25]A.W.Marget,Léon Walras and the Cash-Balance Approach,详见本书第105页注2。
[26]Money Credit and Commerce,pp.38-39.
[28]The Exchange Value of Legal Tender Money,登在Quarterly Journal of Economics,Nov.1917。重载Essays in Applied Economies,Chap.XVI,1930.
[29]A Tract on Monetary Reform,Chap.Ⅳ1923.
[30]F.H.Knight,Risk Uncertainty and Profit,p.17.
[31]F.H.Knight,Risk Uncertainty and Profit,pp.32-33.
[32]J.A.Schampeter,Theory of Economic Development,p.64.N.
[34]Unspent Margin是指Aggregate of money and bank credits held by traders and consumers,参阅Currency and Credit,p.34.
[35]Consumers'income是指what a man has available to spent on his own needs.Consumers'outlay是指what a man so spends.参阅原书p.46.何屈理并有极复杂的公式,亦请参阅原书。
[36]Currency and Credit,p.50.
[37]Currency and Credit,p.52.
[40]A Treatise on Money,Vol.Ⅰ,p.54.
[41]A Treatise on Money,Vol.Ⅰ,p.138.
[43]A Treatise on Money,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.179-180.
[44]A Treatise on Money,Vol.Ⅰ,p.180.
[45]W.Smart,Introduction to the Theory of Value叙述澳大利学派的价值论极为简单,可资参考。
[46]原文Theorie des Geldes und der Umlanfsmittel第1版在1912年发行,第2版在1924年发行。英译本在1934年出版,是根据德文第2版。
[48]Ludwig von Mises,Theory of Money and Credit,pp.120-121.
[50]J.A.Schampeter,Theory of Economic Development,1934,p.16.
[51]T.A.Hayek,Prices and Production,1931,p.10.
[52]T.A.Hayek,Prices and Production,1931,p.4.
[55]T.A.Hayek,Prices and Production,1931,pp.70-71.
[56]T.A.Hayek,Prices and Production,1931,p.87.
[57]J.A.Schampeter,Theory of Economic Development.An Inquiry into profits,Capital,Interest and the Business Cycle,translated by R.Opie in 1934 fromthe second German edition,1926,Theorie derWirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.
[58]English edition,p.41.
[60]English edition,p.48.
[62]English edition,pp.51-52.
[63]E.Cannan,Modern Currency,pp.75-81说得很明白。
[64]K.Wicksell,Interest and Prices,p.102.
[65]K.Wicksell,Interest and Prices,p.104.
[68]K.Wicksell,Interest and Prices,p.119.
[70]J.M.Keynes,General Theory of Employment Interest and Money,p.107.
[72]J.M.Keynes,General Theory of Employment Interest and Money,pp.175-177.
[73]J.M.Keynes,General Theory of Employment Interest and Money,pp.177-178.
[75]J.M.Keynes,General Theory of Emplogment Interest and Money,p.143.
[76]D.Ricardo,Principles of Political Economy and Taxation,Chap.Ⅰ,Sept.1,Gonner's edition,p.8.
[78]D.Ricardo,Principles of Political Economy and Taxation,Chap.Ⅰ,Sept.1,Gonner's edition,pp.18-19.
[82]D.Ricardo,Principles of Political Economy and Taxation,Chap.Ⅰ,Sept.1,Gonner's edition,Chap.ⅩⅩⅤⅡ,p.341.
[83]Karl Marx,A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy,Preface,1859,pp.22-23.
[84]Karl Marx,A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy,Preface,1859,p.25.
[87]Karl Marx,A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy,Preface,1859,pp.34-35.在《资本论》,则说,“It is thus strikingly clear thatmeans of production never transfermore value to the product than they themselves lose during the labour-process by the destruction of their own use-value.If such an instrument has no value to lose,if,in other words,it is not the product of human labour,it transfers no value to the product.It helps to create use-value withoutContributing to the formation of exchange value.In this olass are included allmeans of production supplied by Nature withont human assistance,such as land,water,metal in situs,and timber in virgin forests”.(Capital,Vol.Ⅰ,p.227.)
[88]Critique of Political Economy,pp.77-79.
[89]Critique of Political Economy,pp.83-84.
[92]G.F.Knapp,Staatliche Theorie desGeldes,在1905年出第1版,1923年第4版。1924年英译本State Theory of Money是根据德文第4版,而将其关于历史的一部分在原书列在附录的删去未译。
[93]State Theory of Money,p.1.
[96]G.F.Knapp,Staatliche Theorie des Geldes,p.11.